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2021-04-05 b

Wieviel ist zuviel?
(How many is too many?)

This title is a question spray painted throughout Germany since Comrade Merkel deliberately destroyed her country with untold waves of Asiatics, mainly from Syria to Afghanistan. She destroyed social cohesion, brought disorder leading to social decay, all to further the agenda of her masters, to the detriment of Germans.

The illegitimate Biden regime, actually the third Obama term, is doing the same to the United States.

Throughout this latest self-inflicted "Migration Crisis," politicians and their servile media stenographers keep giving irrelevant answers to the wrong questions. Of course, that is what they do with any crisis or controversy, both real and imagined.

The question is not, how many illegal economic migrants or sham refugees should we admit?
The better question is, why accommodate gate crashers who break our laws?

The question is not, are impoverished peasants fleeing violence deserving of admittance?
The better question is, can we afford to import more mouths to feed when our (unconstitutional) welfare state is already burdened with a huge native-born underclass?

The question is not, is America a charitable nation?
The better question is, should we impoverish ourselves, destroying our culture and way of life, to make room for people who will not join in the melting pot, who will refuse to be assimilated like so many previous immigrants, who willingly became Americans in every sense of the word?

One used to have to travel to our southern border states to find enclaves where "rancheria" music filled the streets, and third generation residents spoke no or broken English, and the poverty rate was astronomical. I have seen such squalor in Virginia and Iowa. Yes, in Iowa!

Nuevo Laredo, with its pot holed streets, roadside trash, used diapers left on park benches, and low-life thugs shouting, "¡Chinga tu madre!" at the drop of a hat, is now transplanted throughout our land. Is this the diversity we want?

Thomas Hobbes, wrote long ago of a time and place where life is, “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” Is that what you want for America?

Did you vote for the imminent and irrevocable destruction of America?


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 News and facts for those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio version of reality.

- Unlike all the legacy media, our editorial offices are not in Langley, Virginia.

- You won't catch us fiddling while Western Civilization burns.

Close the windows so you don't hear the mockingbird outside, grab a beer, and see what the hell is going on as we witness the controlled demolition of our society.

- The truth usually comes from one source. It comes quietly, with no heralds. Untruths come from multiple sources, in unison, and incessantly.

- The loudest partisans belong to the smallest parties. The media exaggerate their size and influence.

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