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2021-09-14 b
(Today's California Recall Election)


Recall Newsom group gathering at where Biden is scheduled to speak this evening in Long Beach

— Notorious TDB (@TinaDesireeBerg) September 13, 2021


LONG BEACH CA: Counter protesters have arrived to protest the arrival of Biden and Newsom at the Long Beach City College @RealAmVoice

— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) September 13, 2021


LONG BEACH CA: Asian man to Joe Biden:



— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) September 14, 2021


LONG BEACH CA: Patriots rolling deep to counter protest Gavin Newsom and Joe Biden @ Long Beach City College @RealAmVoice

— Drew Hernandez (@DrewHLive) September 14, 2021

It doesn’t matter how we vote because the Dems can cheat enough to get any result they want. Back when it was Gray Davis the school unions were pissed off and the D’s said let him go. Now they want to keep their big man, so they will.

The farmers have their recall signs out on I-5 and the rural roads all have recall Newsom on them. But the big commie-controlled counties (LA, I’m looking at you) will bring in plenty of careless, clueless votes to maintain Nuisance.

I swear I’m so cynical about this state I could swoon. When I read other commenters here complaining about blacks ruining everything I just cackle with laughter. Those poor people can’t hold a candle to wealthy, white liberals!  (source)
Sadly, there is practically no chance he is recalled. Not even 1%. Politics had gone completely tribal, and there is no escape from it. (source)
Democrats are counting the votes; Newsom will be fine.

He’ll get 114% of the vote. (source)
It’s cute you think elections still matter. (source)
Newsom is ahead 22 points in the latest [fake] poll, so, even allowing for the social-desirability response factor, it’s all over. Newsom won because it was understood that he could deliver more free stuff from Washington. In fact, he explicitly referred to “my partnership” with the Washington administration. California’s problems were assumed by voters to be intractable, so, you might as well go for the free stuff.

The Elder campaign should have focused more on the affronts, humiliations, and compromises of everyday life. Not wildfires and other big events, but rather, everyday life. (source)
“Elections” are for idiots and suckers.

Last November very thoroughly proved that to be correct.

The Leftist Elite have no clothes. (source)
Newsom will win.

California hasn’t hit rock bottom yet, and besides, if there was any chance of him not winning, the dems would find a way to make him win, just like they did in November with Biden.

Except in the most rural of precincts, there are no more free or fair elections in the United States. They got away with it in 2020 and they’ll continue to get away with it from now on. We are Venezuela now. (source)
Whatever ballots they need will be produced by a ‘red mirage’. This election in California is entirely by mail and there are millions of ballots sloshing around that will magically ‘appear’.

The real story of this election is that everyone’s radar is on for election fraud. People are waking up. It would have been far better if the audit in Arizona had been released already but this is not going away until the truth is fully out. (source)
Newsom has the same chance of losing as Brezhnev did and for the same reason. (source)
What is governor Newsom’s credential? Is he good at something? Does he have a skill? Is he an expert in some area? Is he talented? Does he possess some special knowledge? Why is he governor? (source)
Voting machine manipulation and other forms of electoral fraud should ensure pretty boy’s continued governorship, though I hope I’m wrong, since it would be such fun to go outside and hear the wailing of Hollywooders from 1200 miles away. (source)
Of course it was over before it started. Live here; here’s CA political power:

-govt. unions and SEIU
-dizzylib upper middle class and tech overlords who control the wealth
-Hollywood Jews who have tremendous influence (again money and power)
-apathetic Mexicans who vote as told.

There it is and it ain’t changin’.

Blacks?? Don’t matter anymore; the Mexicans ran them off the patch.

Nice weather. (source)
I just assume (and have assumed all along) that he will stay in office, no matter how many votes he gets. (source)
Hope Ashli Babbitt fills out all three of the ballots mailed to her for Larry. (source)
The California state Democrats made the election about Trump and Elder. If the polling in the state is even close to accurate (and it might not be), the tactic was highly effective.

As long as the election was only about Newsom’s performance, his support lagged in the polls and recall was a real possibility. As soon as the Dems made the election about Republicans being in charge, Newsom’s prospects got an immediate and sizable boost.

So, yes, the election really is about who was running for the Republicans, despite the mechanics of how a recall election is actually handled. (source)
The wild-eyed panic Newsom has effused during this isn’t necessarily because “the right might win!”

His panic is about about his career, not anything else.

Up until now, Newsom’s political career has been gliding along at an excellent pace. A rich, do-nothing, party all the time kid gets on the California political ladder and gets dutifully boosted up the ladder for his incompetence and laziness. DA, Mayor of San Fran, Lieutenant Governor, and now Governor. All while treating his job and duties as nothing more than window dressing, to let the lobbyists and underlings handle.

A white, better-looking Obama.

And in the current political climate, Newsom had eyes on either Feinstein’s Senate seat or the Presidency— likely both in his mind. I mean, for a guy as young as him who’s gotten so high, both were available, although Feinstein, despite having dementia herself, seems determined to weld herself into office till the day she dies, Strom Thurmond-style.

Tantalizingly, the national media gave Newsom praise during COVID, and given Biden’s dementia, Kamala’s unfavorability, and the lack of any deep bench nationally for the D’s, Newsom might have thought 2024 would be his year. Especially after his chief “national hero Democrat governor” Andrew Cuomo got #MeTooed. It was all lining up for a 2024 Newsom run .

And now this. If Newsom gets kicked out, he will be thrown back into the political wilderness, likely for life. He might get Feinstein’s seat, but nationally he wouldn’t have a chance for the D nom in 2024 or 2028. And Newsom, unlike true believer and political worker Jerry Brown, is not the kind of man to start over and rebuild himself. As I said, he’s been a figurehead leader for his entire career as Obama was, with he ego to match, but he has no clue about actual “groundswell” support.

Hence Newsom’s public panic. He’s not a leader, and if he loses he really doesn’t know what he’ll do. And those who are riding his coattails know it too. I’ll bet half of them are making calls every day, seeing if another big-name D pol might have any staff openings.

But this is about Newsom himself losing, not the left. They will remain firmly in control. The last time this happened, you got Gov. Arnold, who did squat and just morphed into a traitorous commie. How the heck will Larry Elder, a radio talk show host and minor attorney, do any better at either managing the California Deep State with thousands of recalcitrant lefties or be able to survive the beatdown of the media?

I wish him well and hope it all proves me wrong. But still… (source)
The question is, Elder non withstanding, who comes after Newsom? Gavin might be the last white Governor for the next 100 years. That leaves a massive vacuum both financially and personality wise. A dull Hispanic? An Asian technocrat who nobody listens too? An Indian high tech guru? Unknown but I have a feeling we will look back on these days as being serene and idyllic (well, at least for those who can’t remember California when it rocked). (source)
Headline in the San Diego Union Tribune, page 1, above the fold, huge type on the day before the recall election,
Newsom leads in polls, while Elder promotes false narratives.” (source)
No, actually CA is only 6-7 percent Black, compared to ~13 nationally.

Our problem is not Blacks (nor Hispanics). It is the ruling Woke White elite and their wannabes, the parasitic verbalist overclass.

It is the White elite who are letting the state burn down, who won’t provide power or water, and who are allowing our cities to be destroyed by the homeless.

It does look tonight as if we are stuck with Governor Nuisance, but people out here are really unhappy, even a lot of White Leftists.

An openly Leftist acquaintance who lives in San Francisco complained to me a couple years ago about the collapse of her city, citing specifically the homneless. The son of a neighbor, who is an anti-Trumper, apologized to me a few weeks ago for being in despair for his home state (I told him it was cool to be angry about the reality of what we are living through). And the checkout guy at the local Walmart was completely open about the fact that he has had enough and is voting for the recall (takes some guts — people out here are afraid to publicly state their opinions).

All anecdotal, I know, but an upset is possible. (source)
The state is really, truly collapsing and Newsom is an incompetent pretty-boy wuss.

Yeah, if Elder gets in, he won’t fix it, but it will be a warning shot to the Dems that they need to look at reality.

There are (relatively) sane Dems, but they are afraid, very, very afraid. If we can dump the Nuisance, we may give some spine to Pat-Brown-style Dems who can make the state livable. California was kinda livable under Pat Brown (even under the young Jerry Brown). Not perfect, but not a nightmare. (source)
from the earliest days of this recall, to my mind there was but one single, nearly universally unifying issue to ride with. One that just about any of the 40+ listed candidates could have had a shot at winning with.

Tell us they will be the man-trans-woman who would enforce: California Penal Code section 647 (e):

…criminalizes anyone, “Who lodges in any building, structure, vehicle, or place, whether public or private, without the permission of the owner or person entitled to the possession or in control of it.”

For several years going California has been literally been paying “bums”, for lack of my knowing this hours woke identifier, to migrate here. So they come, both from the near & far reaches of the US, and from the beyond.

Now at every red lighted median, every grocery store door passed; their is that sign, that voice, that smell.

Newsom’s California Dream. (source)
It’s hopeless, it truly is. The best that can be said is that it will tarnish Newsom’s name and cause the Democrats to spend some money. But hey, the weather’s nice. (source)
So even if we can’t see it now, and even if it doesn’t happen for a couple of decades, political alliances will eventually shift and new coalitions will be born. White political leaders will likely pop up on both sides of the new political divide. There are still numerous young white leaders in the state Democratic Party today who are women, gays, Jews, etc.

The problem as I see it isn’t that Newsom will likely be the last white governor, but that he is merely the latest evidence showing we won’t have a conservative Republican governor of *any* color anytime soon. Diversity creates inequality which in turn creates more supplicants for government largesse. The large and secure white middle class of California is gone for good, and it was that class which was willing to support the conservative policies of reduced spending, low taxes, a stout defense, and being tough on crime.

I don’t see that returning to California in my lifetime.

This is the real problem with the diversity caused by mass immigration. The state used to be a better place to live. Liberal and conservative politicians both had to govern well at the state level or they would be replaced by their political opposite when their tenure was up. It was a fair political fight giving both parties a chance to win.

I doubt there will be a revolution in this state, but continued steady decline seems likely.  (source)
Elder will win easily on the actual votes, but then the mail in votes will break overwhelmingly for Gov Gav, as will the ballot harvesting tallies. During the night, after the election workers are sent home with instructions to finish up the next day, in will come the Dem operatives with pallet loads of Newsom ballots. It will not even be close.

And if you observe the obvious, you are guilty of treason, per the MSM. (source)
A year or two without any new laws passed would be very beneficial to California. We don’t need state legislators any more . There’s enough laws and amendments to last for centuries. (source)
If the Dems steal this one openly, even normies may notice.

Elder would talk about the fraud on his show, his show would be canceled by some stations, and he would encounter a social media ban. Normies may notice that too.

Then more normies might vote against the Establishment in 2022. Oh wait, nevermind  (source)
I was not optimistic about the prospects for getting rid of Gov. Newsance. Besides the large Democratic edge in voter registration, he has the solid support of the moneybags and corporations (esp. Silicon Valley) in the state. The election system is also tailored for fraud, so anything reasonably close will go the Democrats, who control the election machinery, The state will continue to crumble. (source)
We Californians won’t get elected officials dedicated to small government again in our lifetimes. Immigrants and their children, who now make up more of this state than do Republicans, don’t have an affinity for small government conservatism. Some of the wealthier immigrants like low taxes, of course, but they don’t seem to make the long-term connection between the size of their tax bill and the size of government. They support most of the Democrats’ big government plans.

Besides, it’s not as if the modern Republican Party was ever dedicated to small government conservatism beyond throwing a few rhetorical flourishes in its direction. Even under Reagan, government grew. Under the first Bush, it grew. Under the second Bush, it grew a lot. Trump’s populism doesn’t even bother to pay homage to small government conservatism, considering it a relic of the Reagan Era.

Ironically, the most fiscally conservative presidency of my lifetime was Bill Clinton’s eight years in office. Yes, his budgetary decisions were driven by a GOP-controlled congress and the political triangulation he felt he had to do to stay in office, but the results are undeniable: low taxes, less government, and budget surpluses. (source)
California is lost, between self-hating white liberals and Republican hating minorities, California is going to move further and further away from the American mainstream. It will eventually go it’s own and break away from the US and will either join Mexico or just become another failed Latin American dictatorship. The Golden State is now the Copper State and Generalissimo Newsom will get in again, unfortunately. The mainly white, northern 1/3 of California has nothing in common with the rest of the state and probably will break off from California as things get worse and worse. (source)
Elder was an idiot to allow himself to get manipulated into stating that he would appoint a Republican to fill Feinstein’s seat, were she to die or retire before her term was up. That was like throwing raw meat in front of a pit bull! You can talk crap like this on your radio show because your listeners are in the same echo chamber. It just gets a “what else would you expect” and mental shrug.

Elder’s stupid reply allowed the press and the Democrats to expand the recall from California issues to affecting the whole Democratic power and control structure nationwide by potentially tipping the Senate to Republican control. This also helped reinforce Newson’s original theme of the recall was a Democrat vs. Republican election, instead of a Newsom competency election.

If the recall fails, it needs to be chalked up to a failure of the CA Republican party to settle on ONE candidate early on, get their name in front of the voters nd build on all the ammunition Newsom gifted them to work with. They did next to nothing, allowing a clown car of candidates to meander across the state with no real focus thus giving Elder the opportunity to jump into the open void, where Elder promptly put his foot into his mouth. Sad! (source)
People should stay home on election day and continue packing their belongings for their move out of the state.

The only vote that matters is done with your feet. Stop playing the gov’ts game because it just makes you look stupid. (source)
In a totalitarian society, voting is a way to make the serfs feel like they have some say in how the manor is run, when in fact they don’t.
It looks like Newsom will prevail. But on the other hand, this all has a very 2016 feel to it. The news is heavily promoting the fact that today is the recall election, while also noting that many people have no fokken clue that it’s Election Day. They say that so far, 52% of returned ballots have come from Democrats and 48% from others. There is a distinct nervousness in the air. Biden spoke against the recall in Long Beach yesterday, and even Barack Obama deigned to resume his career as a spokesmodel by appearing in pro Gavin TV spots.

Then again, this election may be more like 2020, thanks to the modern miracle of mail in voting. I regret to say that I voted and now I feel dirty. (source)
Just about anyone is better than Newsom– he’s a world class creep and will use Covidianism bs to close the State and screw all but the Communist Teacher’s Unions. He looks and acts like a cartoon character villain–bizarre. The USA has fallen so very low. (source)
To get a feel of the incestuous nature of politics…know that Donald Trump Jr. is dating Kimberly Guilfoyle…Gavin Newsom’s ex-wife. She was also an advisor to Donald Trump. (source)
Already multiple reports of Republicans showing up at their polling place only to be told they’d already voted, but could fill out a provisional ballot. Which I suspect just means their vote against Newsom will be canceled by the fake vote already in the system, and all those who don’t bother to vote will push him over the top as you suspect. Also lots of bad reports over the last few weeks of mail in ballot shenanigans, including ones where the envelop has a hole allowing anyone to see how the person voted. (source)
Editor's Note:
Great job Democrats, RINOs, oligarchs, globalists and Deep Staters! The ever-increasing levels of election fraud over the last 20 years and the massive ballot fraud in 2020 have created a cynical electorate in America on par with the "electorate" in the late-stage, sclerotic Soviet Union.

I haven't voted in years. I'm not even registered to vote. Several years ago, in a conversation with a Deep State guy, it came out I don't vote. I told him I had no faith in the process; that electronic voting machines are inherently fraud machines. He did not contradict me.

If you knew what I know, you would know (for example) that Trump won California in November, 2020. You would know there would be at least 5 more Republican Senators in the Capitol. Also, Obama didn't win; there was fraud there as well.

I won't vote until there are paper ballots, in-person voting with photo ID only on election day, no mail-in ballots, no ballots accepted after 8 PM on election day, independent observers at every stage of the counting, strict chain of custody from precincts to the counting center and the results must be made public and are official by 12 noon on the following day (high speed scanners are available - this is not an unreasonable deadline).

There will be fraud without these steps. My vote and your vote will not matter if all these steps are not implemented.


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