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2022-08-20 a

Fixing The CDC: Bulldoze It

It's not fixable, despite what Walensky would like to claim.

"For 75 years, CDC and public health have been preparing for COVID-19, and in our big moment, our performance did not reliably meet expectations," she said in a statement obtained by the Washington Post. "My goal is a new, public health action-oriented culture at CDC that emphasizes accountability, collaboration, communication, and timeliness."

The CDC in short did all of the below,
any one of which is enough to merit its permanent destruction:

  • Deliberately lied.  They have known for 40+ years (going back to 1981) that masks do nothing to interdict airborne pathogens.  Neil Orr proved it, and multiple attempts to falsify his work over the next few decades all failed.  Note that this seminal work was with 100% trained professional medical staff in operating rooms which, of course, are also sterilized on a routine basis as is everything that goes in there.  That leaves only the people and thus it is the "cleanest" test in terms of confounding variables that you can have.  They don't work.

  • Ignored physics.  See the above.  The reason masks don't work is that you have to reliably be able to filter smaller particles than the ones you wish to catch, and transport through must be prohibited.  You can't do that with a surgical mask nor anything else that does not have a reliable and 100% seal.  Any "mask" that claims to operate while allowing passage of gas in both directions fails this test and must because the leakage either occurs every time you breathe due to the corners lifting or they're not sealed in the first place.  The CDC went so far as to claim that "valved" N95s were unacceptable while a valved N95 is the only one that can work, yet since a filter only works one way it can only provide personal protection and never can act to protect others.  The CDC both knows this and doesn't care because as soon as you deal with physical reality you lose the capacity to mandate since personal choice and personal protection is none of their damned business beyond recommendations.  This wasn't ignorance it was malice.

  • Failed to balance harms with benefits. Even if you do believe that some small benefit exists for masks its immaterial because the harms, especially in children, are profound.  The majority of human communication is non-verbal and a very large percentage of that occurs in the face.  Language development in young children requires that.  We've known this for a very long time and as such masking children in daycares forward all the way into and through High Schools has done permanent harm to their development.  A year or two years lost can never be recovered, even if the progression resumes when the mandates end (and there's plenty of evidence it doesn't and the harm is permanent.)  The same is true for the trillions of economic damage done from lockdowns and other "mitigation" measures; zero balance and evaluation was given to those harms.

  • Ignored elephants in the room, repeatedly.  Diamond Princess anyone?  We knew at the outset of Covid that a huge percentage of people could not get seriously ill with this virus -- or even ill at all.  We didn't know precisely why (and still don't) but we knew it was fact because cabin-mates quarantined on a ship for weeks had one person get nailed and the other never even sneezed.  This wasn't conjecture, once again, it was known fact and yet the CDC not only ignored it they modeled everything based on 100% susceptibility which was and remains a knowing, intentional lie.

  • Ignored evidence of both tampering with the genetic evolution of the virus originally and, via trivial math, when it had to be circulating both in Europe and here.  This ties into the above; we knew, as I documented at the time, the story peddled was bullshit.  Specifically due to epigenetic drift (that is, the mutational rate) which we had very early on via public sequencing we knew the virus coming into the US from the East Coast was different than that on the West Coast and that due to epigenetic drift and ties to Europe, specifically Italy, it was present in the US no later than October of 2019.  Mathematics is not the 10 suggestions; it is truth, always, and if you have tools like genetic sequencing with viruses that rapidly mutate, as do coronaviruses, it is not difficult at all to put the latest possible time of entry on a specific virus.  The CDC deliberately lied about the time of entry into the United States; they knew within a couple of months that in fact it did not appear here in February of 2020 but had been in the US and was circulating for at least five months at that point.

  • Engaged in willful and intentional fraud to gin up fear and spread the pathogen to high-risk individuals who it then killed. .Since we knew the virus was here in October of 2019 what was the monstrous fear factor about?  Simply put we concentrated it on purpose into care homes and other high-risk places, including hospitals and doctor's offices.  That was fucking stupid and I pointed it out at the time. In fact, early on in 2020 I pointed to a small cluster of infections among hospital workers in Minnesota and predicted in two weeks a massive outbreak in the general population would occur among high-risk people in that specific place.  It did.  Why?  Because the hospitals were giving it to the patients!

  • Lionized the actual vectors of the disease.  Rather than lock in health care workers until and unless they had seroconverted, thus providing evidence they could not bring the virus into other people who were at high risk, the CDC advocated separating and isolating the general public instead which was fucking stupid.  A huge percentage of the public was already resistant and we knew it and worse, healthy people were at very little (but not zero) risk.  The fastest way through with the lowest death count was for the lowest-risk people to increase rather than decrease their social interaction and thus rapidly build up "dead ends" for the virus through natural immunity.  Remember, there were no vaccines at this time (working or not) and this is exactly why your mother took you across the street (as did mine) to deliberately infect you with Chicken Pox.  You having had it at age six meant you couldn't later give it to your 80 year old Grandmother who was the one in a 100 who hadn't had it as a child and thus it could kill her.  As with Covid-19 the Chicken Pox has a skewed risk profile; among young children it is almost-never fatal but it is 25 times more dangerous in late adolescence and adulthood.  I modeled this as well showing that by natural forces older people interact with others less and the correct approach to this since Covid-19 was not dangerous to healthy young people was for mayors and colleges to throw KEGGERS to deliberately encourage young people to interact closely AND GET IT in environments where THERE WEREN'T MANY OLD, HIGH RISK PEOPLE.   I backed this up with math and demonstrated that this could and would cut the fatality count by a huge amount, far more than half, simply by eliminating a huge percentage of those who could be infected and thus act as vectors.

  • Deliberately set the PCR Ct for a "positive" result outrageously high and also refused to insist on reporting the Ct for each test where it came positive.  They knew that what they were doing was bogus and didn't care; it was more important to stoke fear than actually provide a useful diagnostic.  Simply put a Ct >25 to 30 is not diagnostic for actual infection.  This was wildly harmful for multiple reasons with some of the worst being people believing they had the virus "asymptomatically" and thus then had a measure of protection when they were never infected at all.  The number of people who were killed this way by someone vectoring the disease into them when they believed they had already had it and recovered and thus were at least nominally safe likely numbers in the tens of thousands if not more and every one of those people are dead as a direct result of intentional fear-mongering malfeasance by the CDC.  People should literally hang for that.

  • Deliberately ignored medical centers and physicians that were having outsized positive results with patients.  There are almost too many of these to count.  There was an early medical center success in Florida with Ivermectin, another with Budesonide in Texas, several including one of the most-respected medical groups in the US, Henry Ford, which reported out very significant success with early use of HCQ and ZPak, never mind Zelinko (who they couldn't "cancel" as he knew he had a terminal illness and thus was free to help people without fear of having his job threatened) and then there's the tiny little hospital in North Carolina that used a drug for Sickle Cell anemia on Covid patients that were on ventilators, having been written off by the transferring hospitals and saved more than eight in ten of them.  The latter is as close to a medical miracle as you will ever encounter and it was not only ignored not one clinical trial was run on that drug for Covid despite it being used for a very long time in the management of Sickle Cell disease -- in other words we knew its risk profile very well, exactly as we did with HCQ.  Arguably one of the worst of these was ignoring budesonide which I credit with personally arresting the progression of Covid in my own lungs when I got Delta in August of 2021, and which brought a nearly-immediate and complete response in my case.  Never mind the demonstrated superior results in my personal case compared with jabs; I have a robust antibody titer a full year later, I did not wind up in the hospital or dead, I have zero residual harm to my cardio (or other) capacity that I can detect and I haven't gotten reinfected either nor do have any fear of a potential reinfection down the road; if I do get some "N"th mutation at some point I am confident it will be an annoyance rather than a material illness.  In short everything the CDC told me was a lie by my own personal experience.

  • Deliberate continued recommendation and use of Remdesivir, a failed drug for multiple indications including Ebola where it resulted in more death than doing nothingeven after it failed again in a huge multi-national trial reported out by the WHO.  That drug, expensive, IV-only and on-patent has a known side effect profile of causing severe kidney damage in a material percentage of those it is given to.  There is no possible way to separate out those who died with Covid yet their proximate cause of death was kidney failure, they were given the drug and the destruction of one's kidney function is a known problem with the drug!  How many of those people were actually killed by the effects of the virus and how many were slaughtered by that crap will never be known and yet to this day the CDC has not blackballed it either.

  • Deliberately, and with malice aforethought, extended beyond disease and advice on same into social policy, a rank violation of law sufficient to justify instant indictment and imprisonment of every single CDC employee.  I speak specifically of the "Rent Moratorium" which was ruled illegal and, rather than stand down they extended it anyway and gave the finger to the courts!  It took a second court action for them to stop it.  The economic damage done by this event to landlords, especially individual owners of single family rentals and small apartment houses is incalculable.  This agency effectively robbed all of those people at gunpoint even beyond the point that their original act was ruled illegal.  If there is an argument for Making Guillotines Great Again, this act by the CDC stands above all others in that regard in that it was clearly illegal and so-confirmed by the courts yet the CDC did not care.  Walensky herself should be held personally liable for this.

By the way the above is not an exhaustive list.  We could discuss, for example, the apparent hiding of a very statistically-significant increase in all-cause less-the-virus death that started exactly when the mass roll-out of jabs began, and which is visible in the CDC's own data.  You'd think a so-called "public health" agency would instantly go bananas immediately about that, but not one peep has been heard.  Indeed the evidence is that they're deliberately trying to hide it.  Gee, I wonder why?

I could literally spend hours writing on the institutional corruption and jackbooted bullshit out of the CDC.  Some of it is nothing new; nowhere, for example, can you find the CDC recommendation to stop being a fat slob, which is 100% under your control, in the first months after Covid-19 appeared even though we knew that being one was wildly more-dangerous when you got infected.  There was an eight month period during which we both knew this and before the winter 2020 wave arrived which, by simply not eating carbs and machine-processed oils essentially everyone could have massively-improved their metabolic profile and altered the odds.  That had a literal zero cost to implement and while you can't force someone to do it failing to honestly inform the public (screw the scolds who scream about "fat shaming") when the risk skew was wildly against those who are obese is outrageous criminal negligence sufficient to lock all of them up.

The CDC didn't care then and still doesn't care now.  "Healthy at any size" was never true and still isn't yet that line of crap is insanely profitable for physicians, hospitals and, in the context of a nasty virus it made everyone in the medical system billions of dollars.

Never mind that they're doing the same damned thing now with Monkeypox where it is quite-obvious that screwing in the ass (along with sucking ass-screwing dicks) is the primary vector because one of the "characteristics" of the disease in the US is infections up the anus, on the penis and, occasionally, in the mouth and the huge majority, nearly all, of the "victims" are men who screw other men.  How did it get there via non-sexual contact and why is it almost-exclusively occurring in that segment of the population?  Anyone with more than 2 IQ points knows damn well how that virus is being spread.  The very same CDC that right now refuses to demand a stop to planned mass-anal-sex events all over the US that will almost-certainly spread monkeypox forbid your local church from holding services because someone might get Covid.

I recommend as a proper remedy for this crap giving each person who had a family member die with/of Covid over the last two years, or are a parent of a child muzzled in school or locked out of school entirely, be given a sledge hammer and pointed at at the CDC building of their choice.  All of them would be rubble within an hour.

Fuck you Walensky and may you and your vunt agency be destroyed. (read more)

See also: No Forgiveness for the CDC's Cruelty


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