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Dear Members of the University Community,

I know that the last month or so has been filled with needless worry, distress and questions about how the rest of the academic year will be impacted by the pandemic of lies infecting our societies and institutions. I know many of you are heartbroken at the prospect of leaving your friends and professors. I am so sorry that this unfortunate circumstance of governmental over-reaction and media-mediated hysteria has come to pass, especially for our graduating students. I appreciate your patience and am proud of your determination as we move forward together, past the equinox, and into the typical virus-free time of the year.

The experts at our School of Public Health informed me that coronavirus infections during our, November through March, cold and flu season, always account for 5% to 14% of cases and are generally (and sloppily) included with actual influenza cases. This year, however, the Peoples Republic of China, suspecting a biowarfare agent had been released in central Hubei province, mounted a vigorous public health response to the imported menace. Other nations, eager not to let a crisis go unexploited, jumped on the over-reaction bandwagon. To date, COVID-19 has not reached the mortality statistics associated with a severe influenza outbreak. Please ignore the screaming headlines and the breathless pronouncements of doom coming from the actors we mistakenly call newsmen and reporters. 

This well-planned global hysteria campaign has required that we make tough calls on a daily basis, which must then be refined hourly, as new misinformation is released by our mendacious public health officials. Our two priorities have always been—and will continue to be—sustaining the health and well-being of our community, and protecting the successful academic and indoctrination trajectory of all of you, our students.

I write to you today with some important changes regarding the remainder of our academic semester as we strive to enforce the state’s agenda of unwarranted social control and machinations to provide plausible cover for yet another unpopular bailout of
the too-big-to-fail financial institutions after this latest financial turmoil caused by the bursting of yet another asset bubble fueled by the monetary madness of the central planners at the Federal Reserve. I know that these changes will cause unnecessary, yet serious disruptions, but they are based on the most inflammatory public health information we have under advisement today from the political-appointee degenerates and total wusses on the Board of Trustees, as well as our incompetent and corrupt city, county and state governments.

With deep appreciation,
President Hubert T. Brownose

As well as all of the following:
Senior Vice Provost & Dean of Students
Interim Vice Provost for Academic Innovation
Vice Provost for Student Success
Senior Vice Provost and Dean of University College
Vice President for Information Technology Services
Senior Director for Diversity and Inclusion emeritus
Senior Director for Diversity and Inclusion
Director for Diversity and Inclusion
Associate Director for Diversity and Inclusion
Assistant Director for Diversity and Inclusion
Senior Director for Diversity in STEM Education emeritus
Senior Director for Diversity in STEM Education
Director for Diversity in STEM Education
Associate Director for Diversity in STEM Education
Assistant Director for Diversity in STEM Education


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 News and facts for those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio version of reality.

- Unlike all the legacy media, our editorial offices are not in Langley, Virginia.

- You won't catch us fiddling while Western Civilization burns.

Close the windows so you don't hear the mockingbird outside, grab a beer, and see what the hell is going on as we witness the controlled demolition of our society.

- The truth usually comes from one source. It comes quietly, with no heralds. Untruths come from multiple sources, in unison, and incessantly.

- The loudest partisans belong to the smallest parties. The media exaggerate their size and influence.

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