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2023-10-15 a


(an incomplete list)


15 minute cities as concentration camps, congestion fees, electric vehicles, restricting mobility, reducing (ultimately eliminating) assemblies & interactions & socializing

9/11, let's roll, psyop to pave way for misnamed "Patriot" Act, Orwellian Department of Homeland Security, enhanced police state, surveillance on steroids, weaponization of government

affirmative action, defenestration & demonization of Caucasians, "reverse" discrimination, maligning merit, race quotas, trivializing Caucasian achievements

Africanization of America and Europe,

American evangelical Christian ministers & pastors, especially those who have gone on free or low-cost trips to the "Holy Land." Creators of prophesy porn whose creative writing involves the New Testament Book of Revelation, the Battle of Armageddon, the Tribulation, etc. are undoubtedly tools of the Khazars. A critical look at history shows the world has already suffered through a millennial tribulation at the hands of the Khazars. The Khazars have been the authors of both wars and rumors of wars. There have already been numerous Anti-Christs; most were called the Kagan (the traditional Khazar name for their ruler). The Khazars and their writers of prophesy porn want all to believe a Tribulation is yet to come so the surviving Christians will accept it, thinking it is G-D's will. 

Atlantic slave trade

the “alphabet people,” cross dressing, drag, drag queen story hour, gay culture, genital mutilation, grooming, LGBTQ, pride flag, pride month, queer, same-sex "marriage," normalization of sodomy, trans-mania

al Qaeda, Hamas, ISIS, moderate rebels, radicalizing Mohammedans to terrorize and kill Christians, Wahhabism

Anti-Racism, institutional racism, systemic racism

(only) Black Lives Matter

carbon credits, carbon footprint, carbon sequestration, carbon trading

Climate Cult (anthropogenic climate change, climate change, CO2 phobia, global warming, suspicious wildfires)

conflict diamonds & conflict metals to protect Khazar monopolies

COVID pandemic, censoring truth-tellers, demonization of HCQ & Ivermectin, guaranteed-to-kill treatment protocols, hiding excess death rates, lockdowns, mandates, masking, PCR testing, toxic clot shots

debt traps, enslaving humanity, payday lenders, usury

defund police, looting by minorities, shoplifting by minorities, "social justice" chaos to decriminalize crime

depopulation, Malthusian madness, vaccines, spaying and neutering the trans-bots, creating self-hating humans, re-wilding, wilderness designation to tie up natural resources

destruction of primary education, secondary education, tertiary education & post-graduate education, denigration of scholarship, dumbing down the populace, wholesale indoctrination, filling teaching profession with sexual deviants & freaks & groomers

disadvantaged, marginalized, excuses for bad behavior, justifying dependency & handouts & welfare

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity (DIE)

electoral fraud, ERIC, using judges instead of legislatures to change election laws, voter roll fraud, mail-in ballots, ranked-choice voting, compromised scanners & tabulators, voting machines with modems

environmentalists, greens, Green Party, Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, scam of "sustainable"

ESG (social credit for corporations)

feminism, undermining the nuclear family, abortion, child care outside the home, turning fathers into absentee sperm donors, destroying patriarchy to destroy society

fossil fuels scam (only coal & lignite are true fossil fuels), peak oil lie, denial of abiotic origin of petroleum

gender, gender expression, gender identity, exotic "gender" pronouns, using "gender" instead of "sex," gender as performance, Judith Butler

the global drug trade (beginning with crown monopolies & Baghdad Jews taking opium from India to China)

the Great Replacement, Cloward-Piven, mass illegal migration, open borders, bankrupt Western nations, import criminals & terrorists, filling the Christian West with Mohammedans intent on killing infidels

grooming & importing & installing South Asians in American & UK institutions (academia, business, C-suites, politics, professions, etc. because per their Protocols, Khazar Bolsheviks select their house niggers, "with strict regard to their capacities for servile obedience."

gun control, "assault " weapons farce, commonsense gun control, disarming Caucasians, ignoring Second Amendment 

Holocaust exaggeration, Jews as victims, playing antisemitism card incessantly

long march through the institutions, infiltrations & subversions, Ministry of Institutional Taxidermy

artless modern art, abstract expressionism, cubism, dadaism, visual nihilism, defiling beauty

moral relativism, no objective truth, lies are the mother tongue of the Khazar leadership, they long ago modified the Kol Nidre (all oaths) recited at Yom Kippur service to absolve themselves from breaking oaths they had no intention to keep

multiculturalism, divide et impera (divide and conquer)

Neocons, neoconservatives, AIPAC, Straussians, warmongers, their sole purpose is to make the Middle East safe for Greater Israel

New World Order, color revolution, Khazar dictatorship, one world government, technocracy, Big Brother über alles

pedophilia, compromat, Epstein, Lolita express, sex slaves, sexual blackmail to control captains of industry, the judiciary & politicians

perversion of language, overthrow of norms, rewriting of history, excising other history, vandalizing literature, inversion of morals, etc.

political correctness, cultural Marxism, Antonio Gramsci, Willi Münzenberg, thought police

pornography about "anal," "bondage," "domination," "incest,"  "sissy," Magnus Hirschfeld, Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (open from 6 July 1919 to 6 May 1933) in Berlin, normalizing the abnormal, encouraging depravity

progressivism, anti-capitalism, collectivism, communism

public-private partnerships, corporatism, cronyism

Q, Q-anon, 5-D chess, trust the plan, all to cultivate complacency & inaction

racism, institutional racism & systemic racism (America is one of the least racist nations on earth. Black under-achievement,  under-performance and disproportionate black criminality do not result from racism.)

regime change to install compliant & compromised leaders

social credit schemes, digital currency, debanking, digital ID, cradle to grave surveillance

"social media," adult pacifier, Big Brother, brainwashing, conditioning, doxxing, deep state influence operation, social control, strategy of tension, surveillance, deep state trolls

tolerance, Herbert Marcuse, Repressive Tolerance,

victim culture, grievance studies (black studies, queer studies, women's studies, etc.),

virtue signaling, compelled compliance, hive mind

wars on Russia, from Napoleon to Hitler to US/NATO/Ukraine (The Khazar leadership hates Orthodox Christian Russia because the enlarging Russian Empire engulfed the Khazar homeland in what is now the Ukraine.)

early Bolsheviks

white guilt, white supremacy

woke, wokery, wokester

Zionism  ("Zionism requires anti-Semitism, is addicted to it, and seeks to insure that it, or at least the appearance of it, never ends." source), Christian Zionists, the Balfour Declaration, first Zionist Conference (1897), Greater Israel, Haavara Transfer, the Jewish Agency, Haganah, Irgun, Lehi, 8 July 1938 bombing of Palestinian children by a 12-year-od girl, bombing of the Patria in 1940, bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946, Resolution 181, Stern Gang


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- Unlike all the legacy media, our editorial offices are not in Langley, Virginia.

- You won't catch us fiddling while Western Civilization burns.

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- The truth usually comes from one source. It comes quietly, with no heralds. Untruths come from multiple sources, in unison, and incessantly.

- The loudest partisans belong to the smallest parties. The media exaggerate their size and influence.

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