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Throughout July, will celebrate white people - including their history, their accomplishments and future.

white boyWestern man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself.

Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared.

The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.

The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it.

And, superiority excites envy.

Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities.

— Joseph Sobran, April, 1997 (originally posted as 2021-04-16 d)

2022-07-17 l


[...] Key Failures Leading Up to the Pandemic

I cannot reveal my source, but I am relatively certain Donald Trump’s youngest son developed a high functioning form of autism from a childhood vaccination, and I suspect that Trump’s statements that he observed the same thing occurring in a few of his employees were also truthful.  For this reason, when Trump first ran for president, he was willing to speak out against vaccinations and at the presidential debates did not back down when he was challenged on the issue.

Once Trump was elected, he then pledged to make a vaccine safety commission with RFK, and at start of the process during the transition period RFK was invited to the Trump Tower to lay the groundwork for this.  Not long after the entire effort was scrapped, which as best as I can gather resulted from Bill Gates directly telling Trump to terminate it (Gates has admitted this on tape) and most of Trump’s administration being opposed to this commission. 

If that commission would have been allowed to proceed (there are numerous major safety issues with childhood vaccines), it is highly unlikely much of what has happened with the pandemic response could have occurred. Likewise, Bill Gates would not have been able to make the power grab he made from the pandemic.

Trump campaigned on draining the swamp, and I believe like many discovered that the swamp was so thick that he was relatively powerless challenge it.  Much of what I know on this issue arises from reading Peter Navarro’s account and Dr. Scott Atlas’s account of what occurred during the pandemic alongside my own observations of the political process and my own team’s interactions with the Trump White House.

Both of these authors showed that one of the major issues Trump had was attracting qualified talent to fill the executive branch who were not committed to entrenched political interests.  Because Trump could not attain sufficient numbers of these personnel (and honest independent individuals who filled these roles were frequently targeted for removal by the media, professional organizations and even the FBI), many positions could only be filled with personnel that actively tried to sabotage Trump’s agenda.  As a result, many of the policies Trump sought he was not able to enact as he lacked sufficient support within the executive branch for them.

One of the things which made me extremely hopeful for the Trump administration was his choice to nominate a doctor who belonged to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons as the Secretary of Health and Human Services.  While AAPS is often maligned as an ultra-conservative group, their primary focus has been standing up for the individual rights of doctors to practice without government interference, and to challenge entrenched medical dogmas.  AAPS has done a lot of good work over the years, and they were one of the initial organizations that proposed early outpatient Covid treatment protocols. AAPS also went to bat for patients being denied early treatment for Covid because “there was no evidence“ for any of these protocols.

Not long after being nominated to the position, a political hit job was done on Tom Price over his scandalous choice to use government plans for personal transportation and he was forced to resign, ultimately serving the shortest tenure in the history of the department.  Given the aggression for with which the media jumped up on this and how quickly he was forced to leave office, the only conclusion I could draw was that Price really upset the vested pharmaceutical interests.

Price’s replacement, Alex Azar originally served as general counsel in George W. Bush’s HHS (which is relevant because the Bush family was in bed with Eli Lilly and George H.W. Bush I was responsible for getting Eli Lilly’s Prozac, a drug that should have never ever been approved onto the market).  Azar then went to work directly for Lilly, eventually becoming president at a time when Lilly worked hand-in-hand with the FDA to aggressively suppress widespread evidence of severe harm and homicidal psychosis that regularly resulted from Eli Lilly’s flagship drug Prozac. 

I wrote a detailed summary of the FDA’s gross malfeasance with the SSRI antidepressants because it was the closest parallel I have been able to find to their abhorrent conduct with the Covid vaccines.  It is hence not surprising that Azar played a pivotal role in the disaster that occurred over the last few years.  For example, to quote this previous article on corruption within the COVID response:

Early in the pandemic, despite highly questionable evidence of safety or efficacy, Azar signed a deal to buy the entire supply of remdesivir for approximately 3200.00 per treatment course. It was estimated the fair price for each course was 310.00 (while the production cost was approximately 10.00). An estimated 500,000 doses were purchased, and this resulted in well over a billion dollars going to Gilead. Typically, when the government makes an investment of this scale (both in the development and acquisition of remdesivir), it will always do everything it can to utilize the investment (this likewise is one reason there has been such a push to “use” all the vaccines the government already paid for).

Suffice to say, had Trump not allowed Price to be fired by the media, it is unlikely most of the malfeasance that occurred during Operation Warp Speed could have happened.

In early 2018, US diplomats became alarmed at how poor the safety controls were at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and sent urgent warnings to the United States that there was a high risk of a pandemic being released from the lab if the safety issues were not addressed.  These concerns were of course ignored. 

This failure to followup on their warnings may have been because Anthony Fauci and Ralph Baric at the time were secretly working behind the scenes to conduct illegal gain of function research in the Wuhan lab which was ultimately responsible for creating the rapidly mutating SARS-CoV-2 (Igor Chudov David E. Martin have done an excellent job compiling the evidence these experiments occurred).  

There are a variety of explanations for how SARS-CoV-2 escaped the Wuhan lab.  I have looked at every single explanation alongside more evidence than I can count, and while there are many potential explanations, I believe the most consistent narrative is that it was an accident and once it occurred everyone (the NIH leadership, the Wuhan Lab, Wuhan’s government, and China’s central government) tried to cover it up so that they would not get in trouble.  Had someone within the Trump administration acted upon the early warnings to address safety within the Wuhan lab, it is very likely the entire pandemic could have been prevented or drastically mitigated. 

Since I do not work within the federal government, I do not know how hard it is to go from receiving repeated diplomatic cables of a concern to something being done. However, with what I do know, I view the failure to follow up on these cables as a catastrophic failure that was largely responsible for the pandemic occurring.

The Covid Task Force

Something that still baffles me was that from reading reports I stumbled across on anonymous online message boards, was that in December of 2019 I knew that Covid was going to turn into a global catastrophe, yet it was not until late March 2020 that this was recognized by the U.S. government.  During this period, Peter Navarro shared that he repeatedly tried to warn the Trump administration that the virus in China was going to turn into a large problem they needed to prepare for, but each time he brought it up, he was dismissed as being too negative and his concerns were hence not listened to.  Based on Navarro’s experience, I am inclined to believe that a collective denial and unwillingness to consider something extremely uncomfortable was occurring is a key reason why the initial stages of the pandemic were catastrophically mishandled.

Trump did eventually acquiesce to Navarro’s advice (when he decided to take a great political risk to enact a highly controversial travel ban which was of course sabotaged by members of his administration and officials from democratic states which subsequently were the worst impacted by COVID-19 in the country).  From that point forward, the entire pandemic response was highly politicized and became extremely difficult to conduct any type of sensible policy.

In most cases to get a high level position within the federal government, you are required to spend years supporting the vested interest throughout the federal bureaucracy and competency in your position typically disqualifies you from rising up the ranks (the Comptroller General is the only exception I know of to this rule).  The key members of Trump’s Covid task force, Deborah Birx, Robert Redfield and Anthony Fauci were friends that shared a history of gross incompetence and malfeasance stretching all the way back to HIV (they had also made a pact to all quit if one of them was dismissed by Trump).

Because they were incompetent, they produced poor quality guidelines that led to an ineffective pandemic response.  Because of this, they regularly provided advice that clashed with Peter Navarro (for example Fauci insisted Covid was not going to turn into a problem and there was no basis for a travel ban), but due to their status as “experts“ the entire Trump administration regularly deferred to them.  It is my belief that if Trump had recognized Navarro was consistently correct while Fauci and Co. were consistently erroneous and chosen to follow Navarro suggestions, many of the challenges with the pandemic would not have been occurred.

Eventually, Trump was convinced to seek outside assistance from Scott Atlas M.D. who was that appointed to the Covid task force.  Atlas’s memoir was extremely illuminating, and required reading for anyone who wants to understand what went wrong inside the White House during the pandemic response.

Show of the key points from Atlas were as follows:

The task force members, particularly Fauci and Birx were extremely incompetent to the point they would have failed a medical residency due to their inability to grasp simple concepts within scientific publications.  I have low expectations of public officials, but I was nonetheless jaw dropped when I read some of the accounts Atlas shared.

One of the most important characteristics of the virus was that it spared the young and was primarily dangerous to the elderly. For this reason, a targeted approach that changed depending on one’s age was by far the most appropriate way to handle the pandemic (children were excellent candidates for developing herd immunity within the population and should have never been locked at home, whereas protecting the elderly in nursing homes should have been prioritized).  Despite Atlas repeatedly banging his head against a brick wall for these policies, the rest of the task force refused to consider his position, and most of the public never knew their actual risk of dying from Covid.

Birx was fanatical about testing as many people as possible and using the case numbers from that testing to push for lockdowns.  For all practical purposes, she refused to consider any other option, and often got extremely confrontational when her approach was challenged. Birx likewise over time upset governors across the country for failing to provide any advice beyond testing and separating people.  Atlas argued Birx rather than Fauci was actually the individual most responsible for creating a catastrophic pandemic response.

Atlas appeared to have been appointed because Trump likewise believed the pandemic policies were causing significantly more harm than good for the country.  However, rather than directly taking action to change them, Trump appointed Atlas to the task force and gave him the job of going against the entire executive branch to advocate for the appropriate pandemic policies to follow. Not surprisingly Atlas, despite his best efforts was unsuccessful.

As was highlighted in a previous section, because the pharmaceutical industry owns the media, the media will aggressively promote whatever narrative benefits that industry.  As a result, grossly incompetent officials like Fauci (who long ago sold out to the pharmaceutical industry) are continually presented with a glowing halo regardless of how egregious or nonsensical their mistakes were. Similarly, whenever any policy can have the potential to challenge the medical industrial complex is considered, the media will often be created to prevent the policy from ever being considered or implemented.  Atlas repeatedly ran into this issue as each time he appeared to be gaining any degree of traction with correcting a bad policy from within the Covid Task Force, someone would “leak” his proposal and a media would emerge that ultimately prevented Atlas’s suggestions from being acted upon.

One of the best examples was Atlas repeatedly being branded as a murderer for advocating for a herd immunity strategy that would cause many to die (despite the fact that, as discussed in the previous part of this series actually would have saved lives).  As a result, any option that Atlas suggested to the task force besides harsh lockdowns for the entire population was subjected to this hysterical narrative, and sensible policies which would have been far more effective were not allowed to even be considered.

In a recent interview on the Dark Horse podcast Geert Vanden Bosssche echoed Atlas’s sentiments and provided his opinion that the “medical experts” on the Covid task force were entirely incompetent in the fields of virology, immunology, vaccinology, molecular biology, and evolutionary biology. As a result, their narrow focus was placed on freeing up hospital beds in the short term and ignoring the inevitable and predictable consequences of their actions described in the first and second part of this series. Bosssche most importantly noted that decisions for the pandemic response should have been made by a team of international experts collaborating in these fields and something was very wrong that Fauci with the aid of the media was able to become a public health dictator.

A quotation from a review of Atlas’s memoir perfectly summarizes much of the what happened within the White House during the pandemic response:

When he resigned from the Task Force in a telephone call to Trump, Atlas writes, the president told him, “You were right about everything, all along the way. And you know what? You were also right about something else. Fauci wasn’t the biggest problem of all of them. It really wasn’t him.” Trump meant that it was Birx, and Atlas couldn’t resist a parting shot at the aides who had been so afraid of her. Knowing that they were listening on the speakerphone in the Oval Office, Atlas said, “Well, Mr. President, I will say this. You have balls. I have balls. But the closest people around you—they didn’t. They had no balls. They let you down.” They let down the rest of the country, too.

Concluding Thoughts on the Task Force

In my eyes, there were two major shortcomings of the Covid Task Force.  The first was that the task force never made an effort to directly develop or recruit another group to develop treatment guidelines for COVID-19.  The NIH, who should have been responsible for this task likewise failed to fulfill it.

One of the main reasons why Covid killed so many people was because the majority of healthcare providers were not willing to go against the existing guidelines, and no serious effort was ever made to develop treatment guidelines, especially for patients who had not been yet been hospitalized. Throughout the pandemic, I can remember desperate healthcare providers soliciting each other for guidelines that had been developed by academic institutions, but they were never willing to go out on a limb to try developing their own treatment protocols.

Given that Anthony Fauci held a senior role in both the NIH and the Covid Task Force, and profited immensely from a lack of treatment guidelines being developed, I suspect Fauci was the party largely responsible for these guidelines never being produced. 

Although failing to produce treatment guidelines was problematic, overall, I believe the largest mistake made by the Covid Task Force occurred at the very start. In one of the first announcements of the pandemic, Trump detailed the measures his administration was taking to confront this extraordinary crisis.  One of these was to have Medicare cover all cases of Covid for those without health insurance

On the surface, that seemed like a great idea because it was critically important for those stricken by this virus to receive medical care and for them to not infect those around them (i.e. their household). However, in reality it was a terrible policy decision because it incentivized to the entire medical field to classify everything as Covid, thereby massively inflating the number of Covid cases and deaths. 

Within a few months of this announcement, it was standard practice at most healthcare facilities to code as many things as possible as being related to Covid because there were no issues with insurance providers rejecting Covid related claims.  In the early days of the pandemic, the diagnostic criteria for Covid was extremely subjective (as there were not any tests for it) and once the PCR test became available, those tests had such a high false positive rate, that the over diagnosis issue remained largely unchanged. This is a key reason why assessing impact of the pandemic (and the highly dangerous spike protein vaccines) must be done through changes in the total number of people who died rather than the deaths that were attributed to COVID-19.

I completely understand why this issue would not have been apparent to Trump when he enacted the policy, as it is only something you can grasp from having worked within the medical system.  However, I am highly doubtful Fauci and Birx were not aware a massive inflation of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths would be the direct consequence of that policy.

In the same vein, the decision to have Medicare provide higher reimbursements for hospitalized Covid patients requiring ventilation without requiring providers to meet any type of criteria prior to initiating ventilation was also a terrible idea.  It was easy to anticipate this policy decision in conjunction with Medicare covering all cases of COVID-19 would result in a large number of unnecessary ventilations occurring.  Given that information was available within the first month of the pandemic that ventilation often increased rather than decreased the risk of death, and that Medicare nonetheless refused to institute stricter criteria for making ventilation be eligible for coverage, I can only draw the conclusion that some of the individuals involved in that policy decision were seeking to increase the death rate. 

The dead giveaway on all of this for me was the fanatical coverage that occurred in the media at the start of the pandemic regarding the desperate shortage of ventilators in New York (the governor was regularly calling Trump a murderer for failing to provide ventilators) and the “heroic” effort our country went through to provide more ventilators.  All of this suggested to me that the extra ventilators had minimal medical value and were primarily being used as part of yet another propaganda campaign to suck the American public into the pandemic narrative.

When I considering everything that occurred within the task force, the only explanation I can see that explains Fauci and Birx’s egregious unscientific conduct (along with a tendency to complain to the press if Atlas interfered with their agenda) was that their goal was to make COVID-19 as damaging as possible so that this could be used as leverage for vaccinating the entire population.  Given that Fauci had a large financial conflict of interest with Moderna, it is quite likely that was the motivation for his unethical conduct.  I was unable to locate any information on Birx’s is financial entanglements, so I cannot comment on what her ultimate motivation might have been.

Crimes Against the Elderly

I will admit, I am still not sure what the best way to write this section is, so please forgive me for how this came out.

Throughout my life, I have observed there is a willingness by the ruling elite to sacrifice human lives if it is to their benefit.  For some reason, Americans tend to have a great deal of difficulty believing this could be possible, while simultaneously closing their eyes to all the civilians we kill overseas to financially support the military industrial complex.  My best guess is that it is subconsciously assumed by many that something evil occurring out of sight and out of mind to people who are not “Americans,” could never also happen in our homeland. 

Since most of my family was killed by genocide, I am much more open to the possibility things like this can occur. I also adamantly believe the rights of the most vulnerable and marginalized members of society must be protected because if that does not occur those rights will eventually be taken away from everyone.

One of the central problems policymakers within Western democracies have struggled with is what to do with the elderly.  This is because the nature of our medical system causes it to be prohibitively expensive to take care of the elderly near the end of their life and the structure of our retirement system requires numerous parties to pay large amounts of money to financially support them after retirement.

I personally believe the solution to this problem is to develop a different medical system which allows the elderly to maintain their health, independence and functionality into an old age (there are multiple ways this can be done).  I sincerely believe this can be done with a high degree of success, but it requires a radically different paradigm to be accomplished. For this reason, I plan to completely avoid the medical system in old age and I have worked to cultivate the ability to take care of myself independently until the day I die.

Unfortunately, because our monopolized medical system is extremely hostile towards anything that threatens its revenue, the model of medicine I am suggesting has never been implemented.  The primary approach instead is to sell as many (often harmful) medical treatments to the elderly as possible, prematurely shorten their lifespan, and warehouse them in abysmal living centers until they pass away.  Because we have an increasing number of elderly adults in the population, the existing approach is on the edge of no longer being sustainable, and as the years go by, suggestions to address the problem through mass euthanasia continually increase.

With the pandemic, there is significant evidence to suggest deliberate euthanasia of the elderly occurring in certain States and within England.  It is entirely possible this occurred in other areas, but I have no knowledge of the subject.  The most common way this occurred was by discharging patients with COVID-19 from hospitals to nursing homes rather than having them wait out the last part of their disease process in the hospital. 

The rationale for this policy was to keep the hospitals from becoming overloaded with patients (for context early in the pandemic everyone was freaking out about the hospitals becoming overloaded and doing whatever they could to quickly get patients out the door).  However, this approach didn’t make any sense because it consistently resulted in infections occurring at the nursing homes and significantly more patients ultimately being hospitalized because of those infections.

The other side effect of this policy was that a large number of elderly patients died. In fact, it is arguable that most of the deaths that occurred during the peaks of the pandemic were a direct result of nursing home policies.  When I learned of Covid in December 2020, my first thought was “this will be catastrophic if it gets in the nursing homes,” and it over the next few months many other doctors came to the same conclusion emphasized the urgency of keeping Covid out of the nursing homes.

Curiously however, top-down policies were enacted which sent infected patients back to their nursing homes.  Malcolm Kendrick, a English doctor repeatedly discussed the madness of this policy in his blog and his continual unsuccessful attempts to oppose it.  Within the United States, this policy also occurred, but curiously it only happened in certain states: California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.  This conduct was egregious and in many cases was investigated by Trump’s Department of Justice. Some of the figures involved in this scandal are shown here.

Two particularly concerning things stand out about this euthanasia period.  The first what is that the high death count that was amassed by placing the Covid patients in nursing homes was then subsequently used to justify the hysteria around Covid and the draconian policies that followed from it (sadly there is a past precedent for the government sacrificing civilians so their deaths can be used to promote a narrative).

The best examples I know of occurred in Pennsylvania, where Richard "Rachel" Levine led the state COVID-19 response as the state secretary of health, and was widely criticized for enacting policies that killed a large number of the elderly in nursing homes. 

On March 18, 2020, Levine directed nursing homes to admit new patients, including "stable patients who have had the COVID-19 virus” despite the warnings of nursing home trade groups that such policies "could unnecessarily cost more lives." Although the stated purpose of this decision was to alleviate overcrowding in "acute care settings”, according to a team of reporters from the USA Today Network and Bucks County Courier Times, hospitals in most Pennsylvania counties were not experiencing overcrowding at the time. Spotlight PA, also noted that, under Levine, Pennsylvania had a "robust and aggressive" plan to protect nursing home residents but it "was never fully implemented". Spotlight PA also repeatedly reported on erroneous reporting of COVID deaths and other data by state officials.

On May 12, 2020, WHTM reported that following the change in nursing home admissions policies, Levine had moved her own mother out of a nursing home. Levine defended the move: " 'My mother requested, and my sister and I as her children complied to move her to another location during the Covid-19 outbreak,' Levine said. 'My mother is 95 years old. She is very intelligent and more than competent to make her own decisions.' "By the summer of 2020, around 70% of COVID deaths in Pennsylvania were in nursing homes, leading to renewed criticism that state officials were "letting infected patients back into nursing homes" and also that the state had stopped health inspections nursing homes.

Levine then used these deaths to justify requiring last minute mail-in ballots throughout Pennsylvania (which was in violation of Pennsylvania’s state constitution), and other last-minute voting changes that resulted in Joe Biden winning the state when he most likely would not have done so otherwise.  Levine was subsequently appointed as Assistant Secretary for the HHS and was commissioned as a four-star admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.

These appointments were controversial because Levine was not qualified for either position and because Levine was one of the first openly transsexual officials in the United States government (and a strong advocate for “gender-affirming” care for minors highlighted by Rand Paul’s questioning during Levine’s confirmation hearings).

I felt the actual issue was that Levine’s appointment to each of these positions was most likely a pay-off for murdering a large number of elderly individuals in order to get Biden elected.

In England, something equally concerning occurred. Midazolam is a commonly used sedative in medical practice (i.e. when someone needs to go under) that also has the side effect of reducing respiration, which is something quite problematic in those with impaired respiratory function from Covid or old age. Because many Covid patients were sent to the nursing homes, it resulted in many Covid cases and suspected Covid cases within the nursing homes that were incorrectly managed and led to numerous deaths.

For some reason in England, a large amount of midazolam was ordered during the first wave of COVID-19 and was then administered (likely in an excessive dose) to a large number of elderly patients in nursing homes (38,352 prescriptions were administered in April 2021 compared to a baseline level of 15,000 a month). This action is suspected to be responsible for many of the Covid deaths that occurred (as many patients who likely would have been fine died after being sedated with Midazolam), and has resulted in groups within England of filing murder charges against the government for this policy.

Operation Warp Speed

The classic Republican view is that regulations are the root cause of everything that is wrong in the world, and if you get the government out of the way, a lot of things become possible and everyone prosperous.  On many levels, Operation Warp Speed which sought to do just that (isn’t it odd it shares an abbreviation with Occupy Wall Street?) was an incredible feat that made it possible to accomplish many things which would normally have been impossible within the federal government. 

However, I do not believe the individuals who crafted OWS had the medical knowledge that was necessary to fully appreciate the consequences of their actions.  For example, although it is true that government regulation significantly delays new drugs being able to come to market, in most cases that regulation is woefully inadequate to properly evaluate the drugs for safety or efficacy, and as a result many medications are approved that should never have been let out (for a more comprehensive evidence-based summary of this problem, please see this reader’s comment).  As a result, it was reasonable to expect that drastically shortening the evaluation process would inevitably lead to exceedingly dangerous medications being put on the market, and FDA whistleblowers spoke out on this issue throughout OWS.

One of the major challenges that emerged during the early days of the pandemic was how difficult it was to conduct clinical trials or receive Emergency Use Authorizations for off-patent therapies.  I, along with many other parties attempted to do so and eventually gave up once it became clear the FDA was only interested in approving expensive medications everyone could profit off of. 

My own belief is that it was within the authority of the executive branch to expand the scope of the recently passed Right to Try law so that studies of cheaper therapies could have been conducted (although this never happened).  It was also within the executive branch’s authority to conduct studies of off patent therapeutics within the military.  Had these trials been initiated, there likely would have been multiple effective treatment protocols developed a few months into the pandemic and none of what followed would have been necessary.

The largest mistake that occurred during OWS was pushing through the mRNA vaccines.  Many officials in the Trump administration appeared to have allowed themselves to be boxed in by the fear of promoting a therapy the media would eviscerate them for (with the pushback received for advocating hydroxychloroquine or the use of disinfectants being the best examples).  My team encountered this fear firsthand when members of the Trump administration told us they thought our proposals were a very good idea but they could not touch them because the media would have a field day.

Because of the fear they would be lynched by the media for any “non-scientific“ (whatever that means) approach to treating COVID-19, the Trump Administration focused on the most socially acceptable approach – developing vaccines for COVID-19.  As was discussed in this recent article, it was clear to anyone with a scientific background that this was a very bad idea that was likely to worsen rather than solve the pandemic, and according to Paul Alexander who worked in the HHS at the time, many government employees alongside Pfizer and Moderna employees felt the same way but were not willing to take the risk to state their concerns publicly.

The entire Trump administration thus got sucked into pinning their hopes on being able to deliver a miracle and have a vaccine enter the market right before the election, so they made enormous investments on their end to make that happen.  Trump ultimately learned why it is bad to make a deal with the devil, as at the last minute Pfizer deliberately delayed their vaccine so that it could not be approved until right after the election concluded and then worked in lockstep with the Biden administration to force vaccine mandates onto the American population. 

My personal opinion is that unless Trump is willing to disavow the vaccines he brought to market, it will not be possible for him to win the 2024 election, since by that time the harms from these vaccines will likely be abundantly clear to everyone.  Unfortunately, Trump appears to have gotten stuck on the fact his administration performed a “miracle” to get the vaccines to market as quickly as they did, and is unable to see that he was played by the pharmaceutical industry.  This is particularly sad given that, as discussed above, Trump already had decades of personal experiences with vaccine injuries being gaslighted by the government and medical establishment. 

In our petitions to the White House from the very start, we stated that unless the Trump administration was able to develop an effective treatment protocol for Covid, they would not win the 2020 election.  I ultimately believe the reason this did not occur was because like most public officials, the Trump administration deferred to the advice of medical experts rather than attempting to figure out the problem themselves. 

Interestingly, Peter Navarro, who was not a doctor and had no medical background, often did a better job of identifying appropriate therapeutic interventions for COVID-19 than the medical personnel on the Covid Task Force.  However, because most of the Trump administration still operated under the paradigm of trusting the experts, Navarro’s advice was never listened to and clearly corrupt bureaucrats were allowed to craft a pandemic response they profited massively off of.

I hope this was a helpful summary of my own interpretation over what happened behind the scenes during the past few years.  My sincere hope is that by bringing awareness to these issues, it will motivate future political candidates to avoid committing the same mistakes and provides a working framework for us to move forward with. I thank you for taking the time to read through this series and share it with people you believe can benefit from it. (read more)

2022-07-17 k

Gain of fiction:
Massie tweet

2022-07-17 j

From another Republican Congresswoman.

Men should not be in women’s sports.

Men should not be able to be Woman of the Year.

Men are not able to get pregnant.

If those three statements are too hard for you to say definitively, re-evaluate your life.

— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) July 16, 2022

2022-07-17 i

From newest Republican Congresswoman from Texas:

Men can't get pregnant!

— Mayra Flores (@MayraFlores2022) July 16, 2022

2022-07-17 h

just two

2022-07-17 g

Federal judge blocks Education Department’s Title IX guidance that protects transgender students

The preliminary injunction essentially ties the department’s hands when it comes to protecting transgender students from discrimination in 20 states.

A federal judge temporarily blocked the Education Department’s Title IX guidance, which prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

Eastern District of Tennessee Judge Charles Atchley in an order late Friday said the agency’s guidance “directly interferes with and threatens Plaintiff States’ ability to continue enforcing their state laws” that restrict transgender people from playing on sports teams and using bathrooms that match their gender identity.

A coalition of 20 Republican attorneys general is being led by Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery. They have argued their states face a “credible threat” of losing significant federal funding due to their policies and laws.

The states also argued that forcing schools to use transgender students’ pronouns is illegal under the First Amendment and that the Education Department violated the Administrative Procedure Act and the Tenth Amendment, which delegates certain powers to the states.

The Education Department, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Justice Department, along with their leaders, are listed as defendants. They had urged the court to dismiss the lawsuit, which Atchley denied.

“As it currently stands, plaintiffs must choose between the threat of legal consequences — enforcement action, civil penalties, and the withholding of federal funding — or altering their state laws to ensure compliance with the guidance and avoid such adverse action,” wrote Atchley, a Donald Trump appointee.

The preliminary injunction essentially ties the department’s hands when it comes to protecting transgender students from discrimination in 20 states that have laws or are attempting to pass laws that restrict their access to facilities and sports. The department will have to finalize its Title IX rule to enforce its guidance.

Oral arguments: Former Tennessee Associate Solicitor General Sarah Campbell, on behalf of Tennessee and the other 19 states, argued in November that the department, through the guidance issued last year, rewrote “the federal anti-discrimination laws they enforce.” Campbell is now on the Tennessee Supreme Court.

“That’s not how lawmaking is supposed to work,” Campbell said, arguing that the Biden administration violated the Administrative Procedure Act when it issued the guidance and the “states’ sovereign authority to enforce its own legal code was directly injured as a result.”

Campbell also took aim at the Biden administration’s decision to craft its guidance around the landmark Supreme Court opinion in Bostock v. Clayton County, which says it is unlawful to discriminate against people based on their gender identity or sexual orientation in the workplace. She argued the case does not extend to Title IX, nor access to locker rooms or bathrooms.

They argued the Biden administration has not disavowed that they will enforce the interpretation and they mentioned a West Virginia lawsuit where the Justice Department filed a statement of interest saying that banning transgender kids from sports teams that match their gender identity violates Title IX.

In his Friday order, Atchley wrote that the department’s guidance documents “ignore the limited reach of Bostock.”

What’s next: The Education Department published its Title IX proposed rule in June, which would codify its guidance protecting transgender students once it’s finalized. The comment period on the rule runs through September.

The department is expected to undertake a separate rulemaking process for determining sports eligibility. A timeline for that process has not been established yet.

The court’s decision is also likely to be used to support arguments in a Connecticut case at the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals challenging whether transgender women and girls can play on sports teams that match their gender identity. Arguments in that case are set for Sept. 29. (read more)

2022-07-17 f

modern dating scene

2022-07-17 e

Hindu Dindu Nuthin'
(Look for a photo of Groob. Meghan ain't a Celtic lass.)

Kamala Harris' chief speechwriter is departing

The turnover at the vice president’s office continues.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ director of speechwriting, Meghan Groob, is leaving the office less than four months into the job, two people familiar with the matter told POLITICO.

Groob was hired in April after Harris’ first chief speechwriter, Kate Childs Graham, left at the end of February. She had previously worked as a speechwriter for Bill Gates and as an editorial director at Gates Ventures.

Her departure comes amid a continuing staff makeover for the vice president’s office. The vice president’s office has already seen a reset of large parts of the communications team. And on Friday, the Washington Post reported that Harris’ longest service aide, Rohini Kosoglu, is also leaving the office. (read more)

See also: Kamala Harris loses 2 more top aides as VP's office continues high turnover rate


2022-07-17 d

"The states with the worst housing shortage almost identically
match the states with the highest foreign born population."


2022-07-17 c

It is supposed to be temporary.

It is supposed to be temporary.

2022-07-17 b

Would you rather be represented by an
Affirmative Action Black lawyer or
a summa cum laude Jewish lawyer?

Penn Law School Dean Demands Professor Amy Wax be Stripped of Tenure for Mentioning the Existence of Affirmative Action

The largest bulk of what lawyers do is write contracts, which are like computer programs written in modern English with much key vocabulary taken from medieval Anglo-French words. Hence, lawyers, like computer coders, need to be hard-working and smart.

Thus, law schools don’t much worry about holistic admissions. They care about undergraduate GPA and LSAT scores. This makes for an extreme hierarchy of law schools, with Yale at the top followed by Harvard and Stanford.

The system tends to work extremely well in the sense that no other law school has figured out a way to outsmart the system. Year after year, Yale, Harvard and Stanford get the top students, objectively speaking, and year after year, Yale, Harvard and Stanford grads are most likely to get the glittering prizes in the legal profession. Law schools are not run by stupid or unambitious people, but no law school has yet figured out a way to take its lower ranking admittees and transform them through the quality of the education it gives them into higher achieving lawyers.

Because blacks and, to a lesser extent, Hispanics are, on average, less hard-working (as measured by college GPA) and less intelligent (as measured by LSAT) than Asians and whites, elite law schools also consider race, letting in black students they wouldn’t imagine taking if they were Asian or white.

But of course this has inevitable consequences, such as black students performing less well on average in law school and in professional life, tending to feel anxious and resentful over their being outcompeted by Asians and whites, and falsely blaming white people for their shortcomings.

This is especially a problem for elite law schools just below the level of Y-H-S like Penn. There are plenty of really smart whites to go to Penn, but the really smart blacks go to Y-H-S, so the racial gap is particularly evident at places like Penn.

Law schools have no solution for the problems caused by its affirmative action other than hoping that everybody will just shut up about the fact that affirmative action exists. Of course, encouraging public ignorance has its downsides for the public.

At the U. of Pennsylvania Law School, Professor Amy Wax has been tenured since 2001. But the dean of the law school wants to take her tenure away because she keeps mentioning the existence and implications of affirmative action. (read more)

2022-07-17 a

11 Of The [Illegitimate] Biden [Regime]'s Greatest Failures So Far

From historic failures internationally to crises at home, the [illegitimate] Biden [regime] makes every single thing it touches worse.

It’s no exaggeration: Joe Biden is bringing the country down in a tailspin. From historic failures internationally to crises at home and dropping approval ratings, Biden’s administration makes every single thing it touches worse.

Taken alone, each of these failures is pretty damning, but as a whole — or at least even just this small sampling — they reveal the degree to which our 46th president is a danger to America’s well-being.

1. Facilitating a Deadly Border

On June 20, an abandoned semi-truck was found to contain more than 40 dead migrants, with the death toll later rising to 53. The deceased have been confirmed to be Mexican, Guatemalan, and Honduran citizens entering the United States illegally, although 20 others’ national origins remain undetermined.

On a recent trip to Mexico, Federalist staff saw firsthand the devastating effects of Biden’s refusal to enforce U.S. border and immigration laws. As a result, our southern border is controlled by cartels, which smuggle and exploit men, women, and children — a process that can be deadly.

2. Shipping Illegals to a [Too White] Community Near You

In addition to ignoring the border crisis, the president is secretly shipping illegal migrants across state borders and into suburban cities and family neighborhoods. In February, he planned to dump 1,000 Afghan refugees right next to Loudoun High School without contacting local law enforcement about the plan.

According to The Daily Wire, the Department of Homeland Security said the Federal Protection Service would provide security for students located next to unvetted foreign citizens, but since FPS has no jurisdiction in Loudoun County, this pledge was meaningless.

3. Holding Kids Hostage to Trans Radicalism

In May, the Biden administration attempted to strongarm public schools into letting males who identify as transgender use girls’ bathrooms by threatening to pull federal funding for school lunches if they didn’t. That’s 30 million lunch-program students Biden took hostage to push his party’s trans radicalism.

4. Tapping into Emergency Petroleum Reserves [& Shipping That Oil to China and Europe]

Laying all blame on Putin for gas prices that are double what they were before Biden took office, Biden has commissioned the selling of 1 million barrels of oil per day for six months from our national emergency reserve. Instead of saving our stockpile for an emergency and resurrecting the Keystone pipeline and other major American energy projects Biden killed, the administration is using up the largest release from the stockpile in our history — and suggesting you buy an electric car.

5. Botching the Afghanistan Withdrawal

Pulling out of Afghanistan was always the plan — but not the disastrous way Biden did it. By leaving before Afghan forces were prepared, abandoning the Bagram Air Base before evacuating American citizens and Afghan allies, and leaving American citizens, weapons, and equipment for the Taliban to commandeer, Biden committed a tremendous strategic and humanitarian error.

6. Supporting Child Castration and Sterilization

The White House is openly championing “gender-affirming” surgeries and brainwashing attempts targeted at young children, and Biden is not simply a moderate bystander. He has threatened “immediate action” against state governors and attorneys general who decry [chemical or surgical] castration of a kid as child abuse.

7. Driving up Inflation

As Americans are reminded every time they buy groceries or fill their gas tanks, Biden’s policies have caused, or at least exacerbated, record inflation and unsustainably high consumer prices. By throwing money at problems the government largely created through the so-called American Rescue Plan, relinquishing U.S. energy independence, and printing more money, among other fiscally irresponsible policies, the president has helped make just about everything Americans need more expensive.

8. Letting Babies Go Hungry

Due to government-mandated shutdowns that slowed deliveries, burdensome regulations, and then Biden’s Food and Drug Administration’s shutdown of the largest baby formula-making plants in the country, Americans found themselves unable to find needed formula, leaving infants in hospitals and families desperate. Their desperation turned to frustration with the Biden administration when they realized the president was using their tax dollars to buy and ship formula to illegal immigrants at the border.

9. Forcing the Covid [Death] Jab

Despite his so-called “pro-choice” posture, Biden sought to force Americans to put vaccines into their bodies by issuing a rule that all workers in any business of more than 100 employees must get vaccinated or else be constantly tested. His vaccine-or-test mandate for workers was overruled by the Supreme Court and later withdrawn by his administration.

10. Scheming to Enact Abortion Radicalism

Biden has expressed support for an abortion-specific carveout for the filibuster, advocating for an exemption strictly to empower Congress to codify Roe v. Wade without having enough votes. This radicalism is despite his previous passion for the filibuster and Democrats’ constant use of it during President Donald Trump’s tenure.

11. Tanking His Own Approval

Biden has utterly failed to [earn] the country’s approval, with his ratings down to record lows. The latest CNBC poll out this week shows Biden’s approval rating at an abysmal 36 percent. That’s even worse than Trump’s lowest ratings ever, despite the former president weathering instability over Covid-19 and cultural upheaval after the [overdose] death of George ["Fentanyl"] Floyd.

(read more)

2022-07-16 i

Who is "White"?

"White" is one of the most commonly used racial categories to describe some Americans. Skin color is equated with racial identity although numerous other terms that have been used such as

Anglo Saxon

These terms are not identical, emphasizing other characteristics such as language, descent, geography, etc The differences are revealing showing how Americans chose to define their racial identity at different times in American history. Like Asian Americans, African Americans, Latinos, White Americans have continually redefined their racial identity for both political and cultural reasons.

For example the term White Anglo Saxon Protestant (W.A.S.P.) was frequently used through the 1950s. As an identity, it rejected demands for inclusion by Jewish Americans and Catholics regardless of skin color. "Anglo Saxon" as a term implied that Irish (presumably Celts) and Latin (French, Spanish, Italian, etc) were also not members of the racial community.

Race was enshrined as science during the Enlightenment by European scientists committed to categorizing human beings into types. These scientists had only crude methods of categorizing human beings, no knowledge of Darwinian Evolution or Heredity, little firsthand knowledge of the people they were judging, and little academic scholarship available to them on the histories or cultures of these "races." Racial terminology varied but some of their terms are still used today.

A German physiologist named Johann Blumenbach is sometimes called the father of physical anthropology. He proposed one of the earliest classifications of the races of mankind. Blumenbach created the term CAUCASIAN to describe members of the white race, basing the choice of his term upon the race residing in Georgia on the southern slope of the Caucasus Mountains, who at the time enjoyed a remarkable reputation for beauty. To Blumenbach, Caucasian was coined for aesthetic not biological reasons because the Caucasus region of Asia Minor he said produced "the most beautiful race of men" While Americans like to think of racial labels as having to do with descent, no one believes that the origins of White Americans is from the Caucus mountains. [Bendyshe T, ed. The Anthropological Treatises of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. London: Anthropological Society; 1865:99;269]

Joseph-Arthur, comte de Gobineau (b. July 14, 1816, Ville-d'Avray, Fr.--d. Oct. 13, 1882, Turin, Italy) was a writer and ethnologist who created a theory of racial determinism that had lasting impact on European and American racial beliefs. Between 1853 and 1855, Gobineau published a 4 volume work entitled Essay on the Inequality of Human Races in which he argued that the Aryan race were superior to all others. The term Aryan was derived from Sanskrit word arya meaning noble and represented a people who lived in northern India. 19th century linguists traced all European languagues to an Indo-European origin. Immodestly declaring Aryans the pinnacle of civilization, the race Gobineau explained was responsible for everything and anything valuable ever created. Therefore they had to preserve their special racial character by preventing intermixture with inferior races.Gobineau's admirers included his student Houston Stewart Chamberlain and Adolph Hitler, among others.

Aryan served as a rally cry for German unity in Europe, defining Jews, Gypsies and others as inferior non-Aryans.As Adolph Hitler explained: "In the final analysis, the Jew is actually an Asiatic, not a European." On the other hand, because it argued for a Northern Indian origin of all European culture, it could technically define Europeans as Asian descendents or vice versa. In the US, this ambiguity allowed a handful of Punjabi immigrants to be declared Caucasian around WWI.

Between 1880 and WWI, the United States experienced large waves of European immigration. These "new immigrants" however did not come from northern Europe and represented a frightening diversity to many. The difference perceived in these immigrants was frequently described as a racial difference in which Europeans were represented as, not one, but many races identified by region (Alpine, Mediterranean, Slavic and Nordic) or by alleged headshape (roundheads, slopeheads).

Madison Grant, a biologist and curator for the American Museum of Natural History in New York explained in his book The Passing of the Great Race that White Americans, the great race, were losing out to hordes of inferior European immigrants. Grant's book was so popular it experienced 7 reprints before WWII. According to Grant, "These new immigrants were no longer exclusively members of the Nordic race as were the earlier ones...The transportation lines advertised America as a land flowing with milk and honey and the European governments took the opportunity to unload upon careless, wealthy and hospitable America the sweepings of their jails and asylums...Our jails, insane asylums and almshouses are filled with this human flotsam and the whole tone of american life, social, moral and political has been lowered and vulgarized by them."

Another thread of the debate over whiteness is the so-called Anglo Saxon descent.This identification traces Whiteness to the invasion of England by Germanic Tribes at the end of the Roman Empire. By the end of the 17th century, 90% in British North America were of English Descent.Founding fathers during the Enlightenment and fans of Sir Walter Raleigh novels such as Ivanhoe imagined a warrior race of constitutional democrats. Citing Tacitus, the emergence of American Democracy and British Parliamentary Government are said to have its origins among these germanic tribes.

Unfortunately, this is a selective reading of Tacitus emphasizing only what are believed to be the positive traits of the German tribes. Here is an excerpt from Tacitus:

"Habits in Time of Peace. Whenever they are not fighting, they pass much of their time in the chase, and still more in idleness, giving themselves up to sleep and to feasting, the bravest and the most warlike doing nothing, and surrendering the management of the household, of the home, and of the land, to the women, the old men, and all the weakest members of the family. They themselves lie buried in sloth, a strange combination in their nature that the same men should be so fond of idleness, so averse to peace. It is the custom of the states to bestow by voluntary and individual contribution on the chiefs a present of cattle or of grain, which, while accepted as a compliment, supplies their wants. They are particularly delighted by gifts from neighbouring tribes, which are sent not only by individuals but also by the state, such as choice steeds, heavy armour, trappings, and neck-chains. We have now taught them to acccept money also."

Tacitus views the Germans less as proto-parliamentarians than as a simple, crude people with an admirable love of freedom. But they also despised work, hated peace, gambled, drank and fought too much. He also did not think they were particularly attractive. (See Tacitus; Roger Daneils, Coming to America, p. 102; Audrey Smedly, Race in North America, p. 190)

Of course, Anglo Saxon as a label ignores Celtic, Roman, and Norman/French influences on English culture, race and language as well.

Who Is Not White?

While White was frequently used as a racial label in the United States, enshrined in federal law with the 1790 Naturalization Act., it has always been a contested label. Many European ethnic groups have at various times been excluded from the label: Here are some examples of these "Non-White" Europeans:

Nathan S. Shaler, Lawrence Scientific School at Harvard on central and southern Europeans:

"The 'non-Aryans' were wholly different from early immigrants and innately impossible to Americanize." [John Higham, Strangers in the Land, p. 141.

Dr. George P. Clemens, Secretary of Agricultura for the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, 1935: "There are only three races in the world whom civilization has not touched--the Scotch, the Indian (and the Mexican is an Indian), and the Irish" (Balderrama and Rodriguez, Decade of Betrayal, p. 83)

Jewish Americans

Italians: Pennsylvanian miners declared that Italian laborers were brought to the US "to degrade native labor by the introduction of a class who, in following the customs of their ancestors, live more like brutes than human beings." (1880s, John Higham, Strangers in the Land, p. 47)

A West Coast construction boss asked: "You don't Italian a white man?" The worker responded: "No Italian is a Dago." (Higham, p. 66)


Irish: A New Yorker writing in his diary "Our Celtic fellow citizens are almost as remote from us in temperament and constitution as the Chinese." (Dinnerstein, et. al, Native and Strangers, p. 116)

Germans: The label Hun used during WWI implied Asian descent and was used to explain German barbarity.

Slavs: Eastern Europeans, "Tatars", Russians. Often said they were "oriental" or "Asian" in culture and descent.

Mediterraneans: Based on dark skin color, implied they were racially impure. Greeks, etc.

The idea of an inclusive whiteness is arguably a 20th century concept, perhaps not gaining wide acceptance until the 1930s-1940s.

(read more)

2022-07-16 h

The Whiteness of AI

This paper focuses on the fact that AI is predominantly portrayed as white—in colour, ethnicity, or both. We first illustrate the prevalent Whiteness of real and imagined intelligent machines in four categories: humanoid robots, chatbots and virtual assistants, stock images of AI, and portrayals of AI in film and television. We then offer three interpretations of the Whiteness of AI, drawing on critical race theory, particularly the idea of the White racial frame. First, we examine the extent to which this Whiteness might simply reflect the predominantly White milieus from which these artefacts arise. Second, we argue that to imagine machines that are intelligent, professional, or powerful is to imagine White machines because the White racial frame ascribes these attributes predominantly to White people. Third, we argue that AI racialised as White allows for a full erasure of people of colour from the White utopian imaginary. Finally, we examine potential consequences of the racialisation of AI, arguing it could exacerbate bias and misdirect concern.

(read more)

2022-07-16 g
When did Homo sapiens X Home erectus
hybrids go to the moon?

They never even invented the wheel.

2022-07-16 f
Trying to Hide Racial Differences in IQ

College Board no longer disclosing AP test results by ethnicity, state: Before last year, anyone could publicly view scores broken down by certain demographics. Not anymore.

The College Board used to annually publish granular breakdowns of how students scored on its Advanced Placement, or AP exams. And Jon Boeckenstedt, vice provost for enrollment management at Oregon State University, would painstakingly download each data set to translate into a more digestible format on his admissions blog.

The testing provider’s reports represented an in-depth dive into the assessments, which can earn K-12 students college credit if they receive a high enough score.

The College Board would share a state-by-state look at how high school students performed on the tests, as well as demographic data, so anyone in the public could see how students — based on their ethnicity — fared. So detailed were these summaries that one could look up, for instance, Black students’ average score on the AP Biology test for any given year.

That was up until 2021, when the College Board stopped releasing most of those data points. It still posts the number of students who tested, and how many scored in exams’ range of 1 to 5, a 5 being the highest mark. But the public could no longer sort test results by ethnicity.

Higher Ed Dive could find no evidence the College Board announced the change. It also appears to have scrubbed that type of data from its website archives.

It was a conspicuous absence to Boeckenstedt, one of Twitter’s most prolific admissions professionals. In February, he called out the College Board on the social media platform, urging his followers to tell the company to once again publish the data and arguing that walking it back did not match its professed commitment to transparency.

He reiterated his call this week as the College Board began to share top-level information on 2022 AP scores.

The College Board has come under fire for peddling products like the AP and SAT tests that critics perceive as disadvantaging marginalized groups in higher education. Underrepresented students, such as those who are Hispanic and Black, were generally scoring lower on AP exams compared to their White peers, according to prior years’ data. The testing provider has said the SAT is not a racist instrument.

The College Board in an emailed statement did not address why it removed demographic data. It said that it provides that information to schools, districts and state departments of education and that it has already sent it to the former two groups.

Researchers can also request AP data online, the College Board said.

Take Florida, which had the highest AP test participation rate in 2020. Although a quarter of all students in Florida public K-12 high schools took an AP class, only 15% of Black students did, according to a study this year from the Urban Institute, a Washington, D.C., think tank.

And across the country, Black and Hispanic students aren’t scoring highly on the exams compared to their White peers.

Based on 2020 score data Boeckenstedt analyzed when it was still publicly available, only about 5% of Black students scored a 5 on one of the exams, versus about 15% of White students.

Meanwhile, the College Board points to its own research that it says indicates even earning a 1 or 2 on an AP test can improve college performance. The organization notes, however, that “these analyses do not make causal claims that AP course taking independently produces these results.” (read more)

2022-07-16 e

Alzheimer in Chief to Follow Bolshevik Climate Agenda
to Destroy American Economy & Middle Class

Q On the issue of climate, Joe Manchin obviously made significant news right now, which appears to be torpedoing what was one of your biggest priorities as it relates to energy and to climate back at home. Your message to those Americans right now who are looking for that relief that would have a wide impact as it affects the climate and energy specifically?

Joe Biden: “I am not going away. I’m going to use every power I have as President to continue to fulfill my pledge to move toward dealing with global warming.”  Thank you very much.”


See also: Pete Buttigieg Admits High Gas Prices are Intentionally Part of the Biden Strategy to Push People to Electric Vehicles

2022-07-16 d

Tucker Carlson [Allowed to] Reveal Joe Biden Given Pills to Help Counter Cognitive Decline

Last night Fox News host Tucker Carlson walked through a timeline of Joe Biden’s continued cognitive decline, potentially dementia.  Within the segment Carlson calls out the current Biden officials who have known about Biden’s age-based impairments and yet ignored the issues in their lust for power.

There is an interesting reveal at 06:31 in the video below, as Carlson notes that during the 2019/2020 campaign, Joe Biden was being medicated in order to counteract the effects of his mental impairment.  WATCH (prompted).

(read more)

2022-07-16 c

2022-07-16 b
Would she talk about fried chicken &
watermelon at a NAACP meeting?

Jill Biden Says Hispanics Are As ‘Unique’ As Tacos At ‘LatinX IncluXion Luncheon’

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 12, 2022

See also:

2022-07-16 a

-07-15 f
- the sole purpose of ballot drop boxes is to cheat -
- cheaters avoid Post Office so they can't be charged with mail fraud -

At Least 21 Confirmed Illegalities Prove Election Fraud in 2020

Despite the Democrats, the mainstream media, and Big Tech rushing to declare that any claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election constitute a “big lie,” there are now nearly two dozen confirmed cases of illegalities and irregularities in how the election was carried out in multiple states across the country.

Just The News has compiled a comprehensive list of 21 confirmed instances of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, with many of them coming from the handful of key swing states that ultimately determined the outcome of the race.

Wisconsin in particular has seen numerous developments in recent days, with the state Supreme Court ultimately ruling that ballot drop boxes are illegal, forbidding their use in future elections, after they were implemented unilaterally by the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) in 2020. Another investigation carried out by a former state Supreme Court justice, on the orders of the state legislature, determined that millions of dollars donated to heavily Democratic areas by billionaires such as Mark Zuckerberg, ostensibly for the purpose of improving election procedures and voting technology, ultimately violated the state’s anti-bribery laws.

Also in Wisconsin, mass ballot-harvesting – the illegal practice of third parties collecting, delivering, and sometimes even filling out ballots for someone else – was carried out through nursing homes, which also led to suspiciously high turnout rates and many ineligible nursing home residents casting ballots. In addition, many noncitizens were found on state voter rolls, in violation of state and federal law.

Similar practices have been uncovered in Georgia, another key state that decided control of the U.S. Senate with its two concurrent elections. In addition to a criminal investigation that is currently being carried out by Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger looking into the possibility of ballot-harvesting, election watchdog group True the Vote has said that it has assembled cell phone location data on as many as 240 ballot-harvesting activists. Another audit carried out by Raffensperger’s office determined that over 2,000 foreigners tried to register in the state, although none succeeded. Raffensperger has also ordered an investigation into the handling of ballot drop boxes in the heavily Democratic DeKalb County, following reports of chain of custody issues there.

Other states with documented occurrences of voter fraud and irregularities include Arizona and Michigan, as well as broader patterns of attempted fraud by foreign influences across the country. The combined total of Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Michigan in 2020 was 53 electoral votes; had these states gone to President Donald Trump instead of Democrat Joe Biden, it would have been enough to change the outcome of the election, with Trump receiving 285 electoral votes to Biden’s 253. (read more)

See also: Two Short Videos That Will Silence Any Doubters on Whether the 2020 Election Was Manufactured and Stolen

2022-07-15 e
The Other Federal Bureau of Insurrection

What is Adam Schiff Hiding?

Schiff tucked an amendment into the National Defense Authorization Act that would prohibit any evidence collected in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act from being used in investigations. Why?

Jeffrey Rosen had a secret on January 6, 2021.

The then-acting attorney general—Rosen was appointed on December 24, 2020 to replace departing Attorney General William Barr—had assembled a team of elite and highly skilled government agents at Quantico, a nexus point between the FBI and U.S. military, the weekend before Congress met to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election. At the same time he was rejecting President Donald Trump’s last-minute appeals to investigate election fraud, Rosen was managing a hush-hush operation in advance of planned rallies and protests in Washington on January 6.

“Rosen made a unilateral decision to take the preparatory steps to deploy Justice Department and so-called ‘national’ forces,” Newsweek reporter William M. Arkin disclosed in a bombshell report earlier this year. “There was no formal request from the U.S. Capitol Police, the Secret Service, or the Metropolitan Police Department—in fact, no external request from any agency. The leadership in Justice and the FBI anticipated the worst and decided to act independently, the special operations forces lurking behind the scenes.”

Those assets, according to Arkin, included “commandos” with shoot-to-kill authority. And among them were members of the military. 

“The presence of these extraordinary forces under the control of the Attorney General—and mostly operating under contingency plans that Congress and the U.S. Capitol Police were not privy to—added an additional layer of highly armed responders,” Arkin writes. “The role that the military played in this highly classified operation is still unknown, though FBI sources tell Newsweek that military operators seconded to the FBI, and those on alert as part of the National Mission Force, were present in the metropolitan area.”

Little else is known about Rosen’s secret mission. His testimony to the House Oversight Committee in May 2021 was just as obscure. Rosen, who publicly bragged to the January 6 select committee about his attempts to deter Team Trump from pursuing vote fraud days before the Capitol protest, said the FBI opened a multi-agency operation center, which included the Department of Defense, at FBI headquarters on January 5. “Each of these federal agencies supplied personnel to staff the [center] 24/7 beginning on January 5 and 6, and continuing for a period thereafter,” he said.

To avoid “interfering” in ongoing investigations, Rosen then declined to answer any questions from lawmakers at the time.

But if the military engaged in any civilian law enforcement activity, including surveillance or intelligence collection, before or during January 6, it would represent an egregious violation of the military’s code of conduct and federal law. Under the Posse Comitatus Act, military personnel cannot be used as local cops or investigators: “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, or the Space Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.” (Certain exclusions, such as the president’s invocation of the Insurrection Act and any use of the National Guard, apply.)

The law is both vague and specific at the same time—which brings us to Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.). Irrefutably the least trustworthy member of Congress, Schiff tucked an amendment into the massive National Defense Authorization Act that would prohibit any evidence collected in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act from being used in a number of proceedings, including criminal trials and congressional investigations.

The amendment’s timing, like everything else related to the infamous Russian collusion huckster, evidence forger, and nude photo seeker (to name a few of Schiff’s special talents), is highly suspect. Why would Schiff need to outlaw evidence collected unlawfully? Why is Schiff relying on this relatively arcane statute passed during Reconstruction that is rarely, if ever, enforced? 

“No one has ever been convicted of violating PCA to my knowledge,” Dr. Jeffrey Addicott, a 20-year member of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps and director of the Warrior Defense Project at St. Mary’s College, told American Greatness last week.

What is Adam Schiff, on behalf of the Biden regime and Trump foes in the U.S. military, including Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, trying to hide?

It is not a coincidence that Schiff introduced the amendment just a few months before a predicted Republican landslide in November, which will give control of Congress back to the GOP. House Minority Leader and presumptive Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is planning to conduct multiple investigations into the Biden regime next year including of the deadly and disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan; the Daily Caller reported this week that Republican lawmakers are “flooding the Biden administration with ‘hundreds of preservation notices’ asking that relevant documents be preserved.”

But one can easily see how Schiff’s amendment could be used as legislative cover to prevent production of any materials from Biden’s Department of Defense. After all, according to a 2018 congressional analysis of Posse Comitatus, “compliance [of the act] is ordinarily the result of military self-restraint.” So, too, is enforcement: “The act is a criminal statute under which there has been but a handful of known prosecutions,” the same report explained.

This is the sort of vehicle that Democrats know how to use and exploit for political advantage. If interpretation and enforcement is totally arbitrary, who decides? Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin? The Justice Department? Biden’s White House lawyers? 

Imagine how Democrats could conceal the use of military personnel related to the events of January 6. Congressional Republicans send a request to Austin seeking all records, documents, and communications pertaining to the military’s involvement before and during the Capitol protest. Austin replies that he has determined the military—under control of President Trump at the time, no less—violated Posse Comitatus and therefore the requested materials cannot be produced under authority of the Schiff amendment.

Republicans can howl and scream but they have no legal remedy. Austin won’t investigate and Attorney General Merrick Garland won’t prosecute.

This scenario could be repeated for every Republican inquiry into Biden’s Defense Department. Does anyone really think this regime will hand over information to GOP investigators and committees without pulling every trick in the book, starting with Schiff’s amendment?

On Thursday afternoon, the House narrowly passed Schiff’s amendment by a vote of 215-213; every Republican and two Democrats voted no. (House Speaker Nancy Pelosi came to the floor to vote in a rare move.) Passage in the Senate is uncertain.

If his amendment fails to advance, Schiff nonetheless has done Republicans a tremendous favor; he’s tipped off the GOP that there’s plenty of digging to be done at the Department of Defense, where a trove of scandals awaits political sunshine.

Republicans would be wise to take his cue—and start with January 6. (read more)

2022-07-15 d

2022-07-15 c
"a social engineering tool to manipulate
and brainwash the masses

‘90% Bots’: Elon Musk Reveals Twitter Is a Military Grade Psy-Op To Brainwash the Masses

Elon Musk’s plan to buy Twitter might be on hold for now after the world’s richest man came to the conclusion that artificial intelligence (AI) bots posing as human users account for the vast majority of users on the platform.

Based on his assessment, Musk alleges that up to 90 percent of Twitter’s entire user base is fake. This situation has obvious implicationsor the valuation of the company. If most of the users are fake, advertisers will be far less interested in spending money to place ads on the platform. But the implications of the bot count don’t stop there and reveal much about the true, inner workings of Big Tech.

Because Musk’s assessment reveals that Twitter’s fake accounts are not just about ad revenue. The vast majority of Twitter’s “daily users,” it appears, are automated spam bots that the Big Tech giant uses to induce mass formation psychosis and other forms of social conditioning.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is likely behind the AI bot front on Twitter. Now that we know Twitter is controlled by spam bots, its not a stretch to assume the same spam bots are also likely present on Reddit, Facebook, Instragram, YouTube and TikTok.

“After all, it’s no secret that the powers that be are conducting military-grade psy-ops on the public,” writes Vince Quill.

“All of us have at one point or another encountered bots, sometimes it was obvious, other times not so much, but 90% of the users being bots is just beyond the pale.”

Twitter’s bot check sample size was only 100 users, Musk reveals

What this means, of course, is that Twitter, along with the rest of Big Tech, is little more than a social engineering tool to manipulate and brainwash the masses into believing the scripted reality that psychopaths are using to maintain control.

If Musk can prove that Twitter is mostly fake, he will likely be able to purchase the company for a much cheaper price than his initial bid. But most importantly, the revelations that come out of this fiasco has exposed Twitter for the fraud that it has long been.

NewsTarget report: On May 13, Musk tweeted that he was going to take a random sampling of users to try to come up with an estimate for the number of bots on Twitter. The sample size he used was 100, which is apparently what Twitter uses internally for metrics purposes.

Twitter legal just called to complain that I violated their NDA (non-disclosure agreement) by revealing the bot check sample size is 100!” Musk wrote. “This actually happened.”

According to Twitter, less than 5 percent of its platform is bots, but Musk believes otherwise. Who is correct? And more importantly, will the full truth ever be revealed, leading to justice on the matter?

So far, Twitter has failed to produce any actual evidence to back its claim that less than 5 percent of the platform is fake. And Musk still wants to know,:"Where’s the evidence? (read more)

2022-07-15 b
Girl's Mother Defends Rapist!
Tot Fucker from Guatemala* Should Be Castrated.


* If this phrase sounds familiar, recall George Carlin's definition of a tropical fruit: a cock sucker from Guatemala.

See also:

-07-15 a

Trump Said Some Illegal Aliens Are Rapists
& Woke Media Went Berserk


See also:

2022-07-14 c

Betacoronaviruses and influenza viruses circulate in the northern hemisphere from October to March.

Those respiratory pathogens find susceptible hosts not because it is cold, but because serum Vitamin D levels are low. Thus, I go shirtless for at least 20 to 30 minutes at midday throughout the northern winter whenever temperatures are above 50º Fahrenheit (10º Celsius) to maintain adequate levels of Vitamin D.

So, what is all this bullshit about increasing SARS-CoV-2 "cases" (based on faulty PCR tests) during the long days of late June to mid July?

Methinks the "cases" the Covid Cultists and their media stenographers are wetting their panties (knickers) about are not due to airborne/respiratory transmission.

Curiously, or not, those alleged cases are strictly among the "vaccinated" (those who failed the one question IQ test and rolled up their sleeve for the toxic brew of spike protein mRNA, graphene hydroxide, lipid nanoparticles, etc.)

The "vaccinated" become genetically modified organisms and their cells become spike protein factories.

So, of course they test "positive" when tested for spike protein or antibodies for spike protein.

That's how they keep the pandemic of lies going.

Hospitalizations and deaths during the northern summer alleged to have been caused by Covid are most likely "vaccine" adverse events.

That's how they keep the pandemic of fear going.

That's how they find more customers for their clot shot boosters, leading to more false "positive" tests, leading to more hospitalizations and deaths from "vaccine" adverse events.

It gets worse. The hyper-vaccinated are losing their immune systems. It is called Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency. Once trivial infections will become fatal for them.

The clot shot vaxxes are truly lethal injections. They are neither safe not effective. You do not want to join the many who have died suddenly.

See also: Update regarding Omicron BA.5
                 Why are Dr. Anthony Fauci and the HHS Administrative State So Wound Up about Boosters?

See also: Ninja (Omicron BA.5) COVID Fearporn
                 Now be a good highly vaccinated citizen and get in line for the "latest and greatest" booster, Comrade!

2022-07-14 b

Systemic Harms to our Children

On protecting our youngest peoples from our government.

I recently had a parent write to me that the overnight camp that they were going to send their child to (fees already paid), had just notified them that mask use was to be required of students at all times. Was there anything I could do? Unfortunately, I can not change the mind-set of a summer camp on the west coast. The CDC is once again promoting policies with no basis in scientific fact, but these policies are reflexively accepted by those whom we trust to care for our children.

COVID may be “over” for many of us, but not so for many of our children.

Carbon dioxide rises beyond acceptable safety levels in children under nose and mouth covering: Results of an experimental measurement study in healthy children

Environ Res. 2022 Sep; 212: 113564. 2022 May 28. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.113564

This shocking paper had no coverage by the state-sponsored media, even though it shows that the average CO2 levels in inhaled air with nose and mouth coverings in children between age 6 and 17 is well beyond acceptable levels.

From the Abstract

We used short term measurements under surgical masks and FFP2 masks according to European norm EN 149, compared to baseline in an experimental, intra-individually controlled study over 25 min. CO2 content was measured every 15 s using an automated dual-wavelength infrared CO2 measurement device (G100, Geotech, Leamington Spa, UK) over 25 min in a short-term experimental setting, with children seated. After baseline measurement children were provided with two types of commonly worn NMC: surgical masks and FFP2--masks in randomized sequence for 3 min each. We kept ambient CO2-levels below 1000 parts per million (ppm) through frequent ventilation. We measured breathing frequency and pulse as potential physiological moderator variables. Forty-five children, 25 boys, 20 girls, with a mean age of 10.7 years (standard deviation 2.6) were measured. We measured 13,100 ppm (SD 380) under surgical mask and 13,900 ppm (SD 370) under FFP2 mask in inhaled air. A linear model with age as a covariate showed a highly significant effect of the condition (p < 1*10−9). We measured 2,700 ppm (SD 100) CO2 at pre-baseline and 2,800 ppm (SD 100) at post-baseline, a non-significant small difference. Appropriate contrasts revealed that the change was due to the masks only and the difference between the two types of masks was small and not significant. Wearing of NMC (surgical masks or FFP2- -masks) raises CO2 content in inhaled air quickly to a very high level in healthy children in a seated resting position that might be hazardous to children's health.

From the Conclusions:

In conclusion we have produced experimental data that show that carbon dioxide content in inhaled air rises on average to 13,000 to 13,750 ppm no matter whether children wear a surgical or an FFP2 mask. This is far beyond the level of 2,000 ppm considered the limit of acceptability and beyond the 1,000 ppm that are normal for air in closed rooms. This estimate is rather on the low side, as we only measured this after a short time without physical exertion. Decision makers and law courts should take this into consideration when establishing rules and guidance to fight infections.

Another recent study showing another major issue with masking:

Face masks disrupt holistic processing and face perception in school-age children

Cogn Res Princ Implic. 2022 Feb 7. doi: 10.1186/s41235-022-00360-2

This paper’s conclusion:

The current study provides evidence for quantitative and qualitative changes in the processing of masked faces in children. Changes in face recognition performance and alteration in the processing of partially occluded faces could have significant effects on children’s social interactions with their peers and their ability to form relationships with educators. Previous research in adults has already demonstrated the detrimental effect of reduced face perception abilities on one’s level of social confidence and quality of life

For the full and complete resource on the dangers of masking, the Brownstone Institute has documented over 150 comparative studies and articles on mask ineffectiveness and harms.

More than 150 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms

Brownstone Institute,   DECEMBER 20, 2021

Sadly, our children will bear the catastrophic consequences and not just educationally, of the deeply flawed school closure policy for decades to come (particularly our minority children who were least able to afford this). Many are still pressured to wear masks and punished for not doing so.

The annotated bibliography in this article is very compelling and shows that masking has significant harms. These studies are clear that masks do not work to control the virus and that masking can be harmful, particularly to children. 

However, The CDC still recommends masking of K-12 students if the community levels of COVID are high or if there are students in the school who might get very sick from COVID.

From the CDC website:

“ECE (Early Childhood Education) programs may choose to implement universal indoor mask use to meet the needs of the families they serve, which could include people at risk for getting very sick with COVID-19.”

“Schools with students at risk for getting very sick with COVID-19 must make reasonable modifications when necessary to ensure that all students, including those with disabilities, are able to access in-person learning. Schools might need to require masking, based on federal, state, or local laws and policies, to ensure that students with immunocompromising conditions or other conditions that increase their risk for getting very sick with COVID-19 can access in-person learning.”

The CDC lists 20% of the USA as being at “high risk” for COVID.

So, what do they recommend for areas that they place in the “high COVID-19 Community levels

Yep- basically the CDC still recommends masks for over 20% of our K-12 children. They also recommend that ALL children be masked if there are children who might become very sick in the classroom. That children at risk for sever COVID must not be separated in any way, but instead the entire school should be masked to protect the vulnerable… this includes those children in early education programs.

Josh Stevenson, in an April 21, 2022 Brownstone Institute article entitled “The Mask Studies You Should Know” has summarized many of the key papers:

Mask Mandates:

SOUTHERN MEDICAL JOURNAL: Analysis of the Effects of COVID-19 Mask Mandates on Hospital Resource Consumption and Mortality at the County Level

“There was no reduction in per-population daily mortality, hospital bed, ICU bed, or ventilator occupancy of COVID-19-positive patients attributable to the implementation of a mask-wearing mandate”

Use of face masks did not impact COVID-19 incidence among 10–12-year-olds in Finland 

“We compared the differences in trends of 14-day incidences between Helsinki and Turku among 10–12-year-olds, and for comparison, also among ages 7–9 and 30–49 by using join point regression. According to our analysis, no additional effect seemed to be gained from this, based on comparisons between the cities and between the age groups of the unvaccinated children (10–12 years versus 7–9 years)”

Mask mandate and use efficacy in state-level COVID-19 containment

“Mask mandates and use are not associated with slower state-level COVID-19 spread during COVID-19 growth surges”

Harms of Masking

CEREBRAL CORTEX: Reading Covered Faces

“ Au fait research on reading covered faces reveals that: 1) wearing masks hampers facial affect recognition, though it leaves reliable inferring basic emotional expressions; 2) by buffering facial affect, masks lead to narrowing of emotional spectrum and dampen veridical evaluation of counterparts; 3) masks may affect perceived face attractiveness; 4) covered (either by masks or other veils) faces have a certain signal function introducing perceptual biases and prejudices; 5) reading covered faces is gender- and age-specific, being more challenging for males and more variable even in healthy aging; 6) the hampering effects of masks on social cognition occur over the globe; and 7) reading covered faces is likely to be supported by the large-scale assemblies of the neural circuits far beyond the social brain.”

Masking Emotions: Face Masks Impair How We Read Emotions

“The main insight of the present research is that face masks’ use influences emotion inference from faces for all ages and especially for toddlers.”

Making pre-school children wear masks is bad public health

“In summary, the benefits of masking pre-school children are unclear but are probably too small to make a major difference to individuals risks from SARS-CoV-2 or epidemic control (even before considering variable likely compliance amongst toddlers). In contrast, the harms of this policy are likely to be damaging, potentially considerably so. Given this, and the influence that the CDC and Dr Fauci have both in the US and globally, we believe an urgent re-consideration of this policy is needed”

Little evidence for facemask use in children against COVID-19

“Face masks also have potential disadvantages, such as hindering verbal and non-verbal communication. There is a risk that children will keep touching their masks and actually increase the viral load on their hands. Using face masks also risks replacing social distancing, as some parents may be tempted to send their children to school or daycare wearing a mask if they have minor symptoms rather than keeping them at home. Finally, the commercially made masks that are currently available, especially the N95 masks that are said to offer greater protection, rarely fit children. Hence the use of such masks might lead to a false sense of safety, despite leaking viruses due to their poor fit. However, the most important drawback of face masks in children may well be that their use could reduce the focus from other measures that may be more important, such as hand washing, social distancing and staying at home when they are sick.”

Wearing N95, Surgical, and Cloth Face Masks Compromises the Perception of Emotion

“Across conditions, participants perceived significantly lower levels of the expressed (target) emotion in masked faces, and this was particularly true for expressions composed of more facial action in the lower part of the face. Higher levels of other (non-target) emotions were also perceived in masked expressions. In the second study, participants rated the extent to which three categories of smiles (reward, affiliation, and dominance) conveyed positive feelings, reassurance, and superiority, respectively. Masked smiles communicated less of the target signal than unmasked smiles, but not more of other possible signals. The present work extends recent studies of the effects of masked faces on the perception of emotion in its novel use of dynamic facial expressions (as opposed to still images) and the investigation of different types of smiles.”

Face Masks Impair Basic Emotion Recognition

“These main effects indicated that emotion recognition was significantly reduced overall when faces wore masks (M = 0.52, SE = 0.007) relative to when they did not (M = 0.75, SE = 0.007) with this reduction evident across all emotions”

Facial masks affect emotion recognition in the general population and individuals with autistic traits

“Results showed that the ability to identify all facial expressions decreased when faces were masked, a finding observed across all three studies, contradicting previous research on fear, sad, and neutral expressions. Participants were also less confident in their judgements for all emotions, supporting previous research; and participants perceived emotions as less expressive in the mask condition compared to the unmasked condition, a finding novel to the literature. An additional novel finding was that participants with higher scores on the AQ-10 were less accurate and less confident overall in facial expression recognition, as well as perceiving expressions as less intense. Our findings reveal that wearing face masks decreases facial expression recognition, confidence in expression identification, as well as the perception of intensity for all expressions, affecting high-scoring AQ-10 individuals more than low-scoring individuals.”

Impact of Face Masks on Audiovisual Word Recognition in Young Children with Hearing Loss During the Covid-19 Pandemic

“Standard surgical and custom apron shield masks significantly hampered word recognition, even in quiet conditions.”

Face masks reduce emotion-recognition accuracy and perceived closeness

“Our preregistered study with 191 German adults revealed that face masks diminish people’s ability to accurately categorize an emotion expression and make target persons appear less close. Exploratory analyses further revealed that face masks buffered the negative effect of negative (vs. non-negative) emotion expressions on perceptions of trustworthiness, likability, and closeness.”

Pilot study on burden of fungal contamination in face masks: need for better mask hygiene in the COVID-19 era

“High rates of fungal contamination observed in our study emphasizes the need for better mask hygiene in the COVID-19 era”

Short report on the effects of SARS-CoV-2 face protective equipment on verbal communication

“The use of face personal protective equipment causes significant verbal communication issues. Healthcare workers, school-aged children, and people affected by voice and hearing disorders may represent specific at-risk groups for impaired speech intelligibility.”

Titanium dioxide particles frequently present in face masks intended for general use require regulatory control

“However, the warning of Palmeiri et al.5 for the possible future consequences caused by a poorly regulated use of nanotechnology in textiles should be extended to face masks where TiO2 particles are applied conventionally, as a white colorant or as a matting agent, or to assure durability reducing polymer breakdown by ultraviolet light3,4. These properties are not critical for the functioning of face masks, and synthetic fibers suitable for face mask can be produced without TiO229 as was observed in the layers of several masks (Table 1). Moreover, uncertainties regarding the genotoxicity of TiO2 particles remain14. Therefore, these results urge for the implementation of regulatory standards phasing out or limiting the amount of TiO2 particles, according to the ‘safe-by-design’ principle.”

Need for assessing the inhalation of micro(nano)plastic debris shed from masks, respirators, and home-made face coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic

“the risk of inhaling plastic microfibers, particles, and fragments from the inside of masks and respirators has only been anecdotally examined”

Use of face mask by blood donors during the COVID-19 pandemic: Impact on donor hemoglobin concentration: A bane or a boon

“This study including 19504 blood donors spanning over one and a half year shows that prolonged use of face mask by blood donors may lead to intermittent hypoxia and consequent increase in hemoglobin mass”

But it gets worse…

Headstart, which enrolls babies, toddlers and young children still requires universal masking -if the child is aged of two years old or older. Headstart serves over a million children per year - and most of these must be masked. Yep, you read that right. From their website:

I think we can expect by the new school year (fall, 2022), the use of masks in toddlers and young children in Headstart will be dropped if the child is vaccinated.

They will essentially require vaccination of our youngest and most impoverished children. Even though the vaccinations do not stop transmission and spread. Even though the vaccines have not been fully tested and are neither safe or effective…

When does it end?

This all gets kind of old doesn’t it? But that doesn’t mean that we should not pay attention or that we should just comply. Because we can’t afford to ignore these absurd bureaucratic policies that are grounded far more in bizarre ritualistic behavior based on myths, and the need to control and intimidate, than they are in scientific facts. We have to protect our precious children. We have to protect their physical and mental health. We have to ensure that they have every opportunity to develop normally.

The bottom line - this fight isn’t over yet. Our children are still being forced to wear masks if they are very young or in many areas in the USA. That is eight hours of continuous mask use while at school or in the case of summer camps, it could literally mean 24 hours a day. Just think about that.

This is not ok. The HHS can not be allowed to continue to require and/or recommend the use masks for children.

But back to the parent in my opening paragraph, whose child was being required to wear a mask. In response, I can only answer as to what would I do if I had children in a public or private school or camp that required masking. The answer is simple. My family would not comply. That means my children would not go to that venue. Even if it meant losing those fees. Masking of children is not ok.

Right now, parents are lucky because there are so many options for home, private and co-op schools. Social media abounds with opportunities to educate children without paying a fortune and without enrolling in public programs. But there is no question, educating our children without attending public institutions is hard and will require great sacrifice. I urge folks to reach out to relatives, friends and family for help. Most people have more support than they realize. The community must help to protect our children.

We can not stop our out-of-control government, but that does not mean that we do not have choices. (read more)

2022-07-14 a

From Wild-Type SARS-2 to Omicron: Towards a Theory of Corona Evolution

With additional thoughts on why mass containment probably made everything worse, by playing to the most central strategy of the virus

Scientific discourse on Corona remains focused on microbiological minutiae, while ignoring the broader behavioural patterns of SARS-2. This is especially frustrating, because our mass containment policies were at base attempts to change the behaviour of the virus, and their failure has prompted no introspection about the limits of our understanding.

Equally neglected is the evolutionary trajectory of Corona. Aside from simplistic, one-dimensional concerns about things like escape variants, almost nobody in mainstream scientific circles has tried to account for observed evolution or describe the various selection pressures SARS-2 faces.

Among the few people to have given serious thought to the evolution of viral pathogens is Paul Ewald, author of the book Evolution of Infectious Disease, as well as numerous articles explaining the evolutionary pressures on the virulence and transmissibility of viruses.

As he explains in this piece from 2011:

Much of the variation in the harmfulness of acute infections is associated with the dependence of transmission on host mobility. When transmission occurs by direct contact, infected hosts generally need to be mobile to facilitate contact with susceptibles. When transmission of pathogens does not depend on the mobility of infected hosts, evolutionary considerations predict that natural selection should favor high degrees of host exploitation and hence high degrees of virulence.

Basically, the virus wants to make as many copies of itself as possible. But, very roughly speaking, the more aggressively the virus copies itself, the sicker its hosts become. This places an upper limit on the virulence of viruses that depend on person-to-person contact, and it explains why widely transmitted respiratory viruses all fall within the same narrow range of pathogenicity and cause the same kinds of symptoms. The pandemicists raise money by wargaming pandemic viruses with 10% fatality rates, but in the real world, the truly deadly viruses never get very far. They’re all like SARS-1 – they put people in the hospital too soon.

But what about smallpox? And cholera, and yellow fever and dengue fever? Are these not deadly viruses?

They are, but they either don’t spread via direct contact, or they have other options. Smallpox falls into what Ewald calls a “sit-and-wait” category of transmission. These are viruses that have remarkable durability, remaining viable in the external environment for months or (in the case of Variola) even years. They can thus disable their hosts while still having hope of new victims. Yellow fever and dengue, meanwhile, are “vector-borne.” They depend on mosquitoes to hop from host to host, and they’re free to make their victims as sick as they want. “Waterborne” pathogens like cholera are similarly advantaged.

More importantly for our purposes, Ewald defines a fourth category of what we might call mediated transmission facilitating higher virulence. This is “attendant-borne” transmission, which occurs primarily in hospitals, where staff unwittingly circulate viruses among patients. Attendant-borne viruses, like their vector-borne and waterborne colleagues, are free to develop remarkably high virulence. Ewald believes that the 1918 influenza outbreak achieved its unusually high mortality via attend-borne transmission related to troop transports at the end of the First World War.

SARS-1, although never properly adapted to human hosts, also depended on attendant-borne transmission, and MERS is a more straightforward case of this phenomenon. But the clearest example of all is surely pre-Omicron SARS-2, which caused elevated mortality near the top of what we would expect for pandemic influenza; and which flourished nowhere as effectively as in healthcare institutions, including hospitals and especially nursing homes.

Remember that SARS-2 arrived in Europe no later than November 2019, and in America no later than December 2019. The West saw multiple months of community Corona transmission, in other words, without anybody noticing that anything was amiss. Hospitals remained as empty or as full as ever. As soon as we imposed lockdowns and started testing everybody, though, mortality spiked. These containment procedures involved nothing so much as identifying Corona patients and putting as many of them as possible in environments favouring attendant-borne transmission – from Corona testing centres to hospitals. And as the mass containment regime continued through 2021, SARS-2 began evolving towards greater virulence, as nosocomial and nursing home infections came to dominate the case statistics almost everywhere.

Omicron, whatever its origins, broke this dynamic. Unlike prior SARS-2 lineages, this is a classic direct-contact respiratory pathogen. With the advent of Omicron, Corona no longer spreads preferentially in healthcare institutions, and behaves much more like a mild flu or the common cold, with an emphasis on keeping its hosts healthy and mobile.

The worst thing we could do, from an evolutionary perspective, is continue the mass containment regime. We want to keep SARS-2 circulating via direct contact in the community. All such respiratory viruses, despite their stark differences, have been subject to the same convergent evolution, with remarkably similar effects on their human hosts. We must stop intervening in matters we don’t understand, or we’ll just continue our recent history, of always making everything worse. (read more)

See also: Omicron is Not Normal
                 Everything suggests this variant was leaked from a laboratory engaged in gain-of-function research.

-07-13 d

Suppose the plan is to ASSASSINATE Joe Biden, and blame it on a "far right" patsy  . . .

Then they can go after everybody's guns, and cancel the election—a fitting culmination of the fascist rollout that began in Dallas on 11/22/63. (Pass it on.)

Those who just laugh off this scenario, because it comes from Alex Jones, are all too likely not to question it, should it come true.

In any case, those of us who know enough to see it as entirely possible should spread the word, so that it doesn’t happen.

From a friend:


Alex Jones announced today what he understands the plan for Biden will be in the wake of the NYT editorial calling for his departure.

He said in the next 120 days the plan is to make him wet and blame the killing on a right wing extremist. Martial Law will cancel the fall elections and gun confiscation will be implemented.

That is the plan.

He said they clearly want him out now if the NYT is calling for it, but want it to take place when they want it to take place so they can use it for their agenda.

It was always their intention to make him the fall guy, but his departure will be at their discretion for their purposes.

As always, the only way to interfere with their plan is to expose it in advance.

Personally, I knew this was in the works because there is no way they would allow the elections to take place this fall if they could stop it. And if they can't start a nuclear war before the election then this would be the next best thing. (read more)

2022-07-13 c

Tucker Carlson Outlines How Joe Biden is Implementing the Green New Deal Energy Program and Killing the U.S. Economy, and Standard of Living, in The Process

During an extensive opening monologue on Tuesday evening, Fox News host Tucker Carlson walked through the origin of the modern American push for a transformation in the U.S. energy system; as outlined in the Green New Deal advocacy of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and how Joe Biden is implementing the agenda by executive fiat.

The Green New Deal is domestically to the U.S. as the Build Back Better agenda is to the rest of the western nations who follow the instructions from the [Bolshevik] World Economic Forum. Collectively the economies of western government are starting to collapse as the underlying energy policies (climate change) are being implemented.

Carlson walks through several examples of countries that have tried and failed to switch from oil, gas and coal to the “green renewable” energy programs. Everything from farming to home heating is now under attack by the governmental energy policies of western nations.  Civil society is starting to collapse according to the schedule of the nations that have tried to transition.  Perhaps the worst part about it, is that western politicians -like Joe Biden- do not care how much damage is done, they are doing it anyway. WATCH.

Something has to change, and soon.  As a nation we are going to self-destruct if we do not stop this mad effort to use windmills and solar energy as alternative power sources to oil, coal and natural gas.  Already there are signs that states like Texas are bordering on an energy crisis because there is not enough wind to power their windmills.

From the complete restructuring of farming under the guise of climate change (the intentional shift to eating bugs and lab-grown meat), to the complete collapse of stable energy as a result of chasing climate change goals, we are fast approaching the point of no easy return.

We are not going to like the civil unrest and national instability that comes along with public desperation. (read more)

2022-07-13 b


2022-07-13 a

Eva Vlaardingerbroek Summarizes all the Merging Food, Energy and Farming Issues with Stark Advice to Americans

Eva Vlaardingerbroek is a GB News correspondent and conservative voice from Holland.  In this interview segment with NTDNews Ms. Vlaardingerbroek outlines what is happening in the Netherlands with the Dutch farm protests and how it connects to the larger Agenda 2030 goals.

In the last 20 seconds of the segment, Vlaardingerbroek has some solid advice for Americans.  WATCH (2 mins).

To really get a strong reference point for how the global ruling elites at the World Economic Forum think about farming and climate change, which includes the brain trust at the World Health Organization, I would urge you to read THIS ARTICLE from the Irish Farmers Journal.

When I first read this article about Irish farming -mostly referencing government policy- what stood out to me more than anything was the open hubris and arrogance in the mindset of the people cited.

They openly say the goal of the fundamental change in the global food system is to control what people eat, allocate specific amounts of calories according to the goals of the climate change officials, and completely take over the way farming is done.

The article is written from a sympathetic standpoint of how government needs to help farmers transition away from their agricultural world as they lose their farm operations. The openly communist outlook is really quite remarkable.

“Significant food system change is needed to address food security and climate challenges, but it risks decimating farm incomes. Policy analyst Anne Finnegan examines a new OECD FAO report.” ~ READ HERE

(read more)

Dutch farmers are very productive. Holland is the world's number 2 food exporter behind the U.S. Climate crazies in the Dutch government want to buy out 1/3 of all Dutch farmers because of ridiculous & dubious climate concerns. They also want the land to make room for many more Great Replacement refugees from the Global South. There are more Dutch farmers than Dutch climate-crazy Bolsheviks. Guess which side is going to win?

See also: Dutch Farmers Intensify Protests, Form Transit Blockades on Roads, Bridges and Ports, Angered by New Energy Mandates and Forced Livestock Reductions

ee also: Video Resurfaces of Dutch Secret Police Caught Pretending to Be Farmers, Flee to Nearby Police Van as Farmers Chase

ee also: Political Corruption in The Netherlands and How the Dutch Farmer Protest Connects to the Burning of The Picnic Grocery Distribution Center

See also: BOMBSHELL: Eva Vlaardingerbroek Exposes How Bill Gates May Be Connected to Taking the Farmers Land

ee also:

See also:
ee also:

ee also: If They Lose, You Will Eat Bugs – Dutch Farmer Spokesperson Explains How EU Climate Change Goals Will Reduce Farm Production

ee also: Sky News Rowan Dean Draws the Connection Between Justin Trudeau, Mark Rutte, Dutch Farm Protests and World Economic Forum Global Food Program

See also: Neil Oliver Analyzes the Global Uprisings that are Rejecting the Build Back Better Agenda

ee also: Neil Oliver, The Governing Class Discovers that People Owning Nothing Does Not Make Them Happy

-07-12 c

Hunter Biden's iPhone iCloud Account Hacked
Lurid Videos on 4chan

See also: Hunter Biden: Dad, My Pants Fell Off


See also:

2022-07-12 b

See also:

See also:

2022-07-12 a

We Need Land Mines to Protect Our Southern Border

Are sub-Saharans really going to stick around in their own lousy countries, when white people have built themselves much nicer countries?

White-run countries in Europe, North America, and the Antipodes are the best places in the world, so the rest of the world wants to take them away from whites. Wokeism is simply the ideological rationalization of white dispossession.

While Europe has already begun to experience the onrushing onslaught from south of the Sahara, America has mostly been shielded by the Atlantic Ocean. But Haiti, an offshoot of West Africa, provides a small-scale test of what is eventually in store for the U.S. as well.

Haiti is 2,000 miles from Del Rio, and most of the Haitians have taken much longer routes, often through South America. If Haitians can get from Port-au-Prince to Del Rio, how long until a surge of West Africans show up in Camp of the Saints numbers in the U.S.?

In the past, Africans have preferred to go to Northern Europe with its generous welfare states. But now the [illegitimate] Biden administration is greatly boosting handouts, so America is becoming ever more attractive.

In 2018, Donald Trump notoriously compared Haiti unfavorably to Norway as a source of potential immigrants, driving the Establishment insane with rage because…well, because it’s obviously true that Norwegians have done a better job of nation-building than have Haitians. After all, that’s the point of all the Democrats who say it’s cruel and unusual punishment to send Haitians back to Haiti. But pointing out the truth is an unforgivable offense in the 21st century.

-07-11 a

(Race Realist article from our archives - 2021-07-10 f)

A White Teacher Speaks Out

What is it like to teach black students?

I recall a bad joke that explains, in crude terms, the relationship between blacks and whites in America today:

‘What do you call a white man surrounded by 20 blacks?’


‘What do you call a white man surrounded by 1,000 blacks?’


I might add another line to this joke: ‘What do you call a white man surrounded by 30 blacks?’


Until recently I taught at a predominantly black high school in a southeastern state. I took the job because I wasn’t knowledgeable about race at the time, and black schools aren’t picky. The school offered me a job and suddenly I was in darkest Africa. Except, I wasn’t in Africa; I was in America.

Blacks outnumbered whites about five to one at this school and there were hardly any Hispanics. Some of my classes were all-black, or nearly so, because the gifted and advanced classes siphoned off most of the white students and I taught regular classes. There were some black teachers but the majority were white.

Most of the blacks I taught were from the area. They did not tend to travel very much, and I am sure there are regional differences in the ways in which blacks speak and act. However, I suspect my experiences were generally typical, certainly for Southern blacks.

The mainstream press gives a hint of what conditions are like in black schools, but only a hint. Expressions journalists use like “chaotic” or “poor learning environment” or “lack of discipline” do not capture what really happens. There is nothing like the day-to-day experience of teaching black children and that is what I will try to convey.


Most whites simply do not know what black people are like in large numbers, and the first encounter can be a shock. One of the most immediately striking things about my students was that they were loud. They had little conception of ordinary white decorum. It was not unusual for five blacks to be screaming at me at once. Instead of calming down and waiting for a lull in the din to make their point — something that occurs to even the dimmest white students — blacks just tried to yell over each other.

It did no good to try to quiet them, and white women were particularly inept at trying. I sat in on one woman’s class as she begged the children to pipe down. They just yelled louder so their voices would carry over hers.

Many of my black students would repeat themselves over and over again — just louder. It was as if they suffered from Tourette Syndrome. They seemed to have no conception of waiting for an appropriate time to say something. They would get ideas in their heads and simply had to shout them out. I might be leading a discussion on government and suddenly be interrupted: “We gotta get more Democrats! Clinton, she good!” The student may seem content with that outburst but two minutes later, he would suddenly start yelling again: “Clinton good!”

Anyone who is around young blacks will get a constant diet of rap music. Blacks often make up their own jingles, and it was not uncommon for 15 black boys to swagger into a classroom, bouncing their shoulders and jiving back and forth, rapping 15 different sets of words in the same harsh, rasping dialect. The words were almost invariably a childish form of boasting: “Who got dem shine rim, who got dem shine shoe, who got dem shine grill (gold and silver dental caps)?” The amateur rapper usually ends with a claim — in the crudest terms imaginable — that all womankind is sexually devoted to him. For whatever reason, my students would often groan instead of saying a particular word, as in, “She suck dat aaahhhh (think of a long grinding groan), she f**k dat aaaahhhh, she lick dat aaaahhh.”

Many rap lyrics are crude but some are simply incomprehensible. Not so long ago, there was a popular rap called “Tat it up.” I heard the words from hundreds of black mouths for weeks. Some of the lyrics are:

Tat tat tat it up.

ATL tat it up.

New York tat it up.

Tat tat tat it up.

Rap is one of the most degenerate things to have come out of our country, and it is tragic that it has infected whites to the extent it has.

Black women love to dance — in a way white people might call gyrating. They dance in the hall, in the classroom, on the chairs, next to the chairs, under the chairs, everywhere. Once I took a call on my cell phone and had to step outside of class. I was away about two minutes but when I got back the black girls had lined up at the front of the classroom and were convulsing to the delight of the boys.

Many black people, especially black women, are enormously fat. Some are so fat I had to arrange special seating to accommodate their bulk. I am not saying there are no fat white students — there are — but it is a matter of numbers and attitudes. Many black girls simply do not care that they are fat. There are plenty of white anorexics, but I have never met or heard of a black anorexic.

“Black women be big Mr. Jackson,” my students would explain.

“Is it okay in the black community to be a little overweight?” I ask.

Two obese black girls in front of my desk begin to dance, “You know dem boys lak juicy fruit, Mr. Jackson.” “Juicy” is a colorful black expression for the buttocks.

Blacks are the most directly critical people I have ever met: “Dat shirt stupid. Yo’ kid a bastard. Yo’ lips big.” Unlike whites, who tread gingerly around the subject of race, they can be brutally to the point. Once I needed to send a student to the office to deliver a message. I asked for volunteers, and suddenly you would think my classroom was a bastion of civic engagement. Thirty dark hands shot into the air. My students loved to leave the classroom and slack off, even if just for a few minutes, away from the eye of white authority. I picked a light-skinned boy to deliver the message. One very black student was indignant: “You pick da half-breed.” And immediately other blacks take up the cry, and half a dozen mouths are screaming, “He half-breed.”

For decades, the country has been lamenting the poor academic performance of blacks and there is much to lament. There is no question, however, that many blacks come to school with a serious handicap that is not their fault. At home they have learned a dialect that is almost a different language. Blacks not only mispronounce words; their grammar is often wrong. When a black wants to ask, “Where is the bathroom?” he may actually say “Whar da badroom be?” Grammatically, this is the equivalent of “Where the bathroom is?” And this is the way they speak in high school. Students write the way they speak, so this is the language that shows up in written assignments.

It is true that some whites face a similar handicap. They speak with what I would call a “country” accent that is hard to reproduce but results in sentences such as “I’m gonna gemme a Coke.” Some of these country whites had to learn correct pronunciation and usage. The difference is that most whites overcome this handicap and learn to speak correctly; many blacks do not.

Most of the blacks I taught simply had no interest in academic subjects. I taught history, and students would often say they didn’t want to do an assignment or they didn’t like history because it was all about white people. Of course, this was “diversity” history, in which every cowboy’s black cook got a special page on how he contributed to winning the West, but black children still found it inadequate. So I would throw up my hands and assign them a project on a real, historical black person. My favorite was Marcus Garvey. They had never heard of him, and I would tell them to research him, but they never did. They didn’t care and they didn’t want to do any work.

Anyone who teaches blacks soon learns that they have a completely different view of government from whites. Once I decided to fill 25 minutes by having students write about one thing the government should do to improve America. I gave this question to three classes totaling about 100 students, approximately 80 of whom were black. My few white students came back with generally “conservative” ideas. “We need to cut off people who don’t work,” was the most common suggestion. Nearly every black gave a variation on the theme of “We need more government services.”

My students had only the vaguest notion of who pays for government services. For them, it was like a magical piggy bank that never goes empty. One black girl was exhorting the class on the need for more social services and I kept trying to explain that people, real live people, are taxed for the money to pay for those services. “Yeah, it come from whites,” she finally said. “They stingy anyway.”

“Many black people make over $50,000 dollars a year and you would also be taking away from your own people,” I said.

She had an answer to that: “Dey half breed.” The class agreed. I let the subject drop.

Many black girls are perfectly happy to be welfare queens. On career day, one girl explained to the class that she was going to have lots of children and get fat checks from the government. No one in the class seemed to have any objection to this career choice.

Surprising attitudes can come out in class discussion. We were talking about the crimes committed in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and I brought up the rape of a young girl in the bathroom of the Superdome. A majority of my students believed this was a horrible crime but a few took it lightly. One black boy spoke up without raising his hand: “Dat no big deal. They thought they is gonna die so they figured they have some fun. Dey jus’ wanna have a fun time; you know what I’m sayin’?” A few black heads nodded in agreement.

My department head once asked all the teachers to get a response from all students to the following question: “Do you think it is okay to break the law if it will benefit you greatly?” By then, I had been teaching for a while and was not surprised by answers that left a young, liberal, white woman colleague aghast. “Yeah” was the favorite answer. As one student explained, “Get dat green.”

There is a level of conformity among blacks that whites would find hard to believe. They like one kind of music: rap. They will vote for one political party: Democrat. They dance one way, speak one way, are loud the same way, and fail their exams in the same way. Of course, there are exceptions but they are rare.

Whites are different. Some like country music, others heavy metal, some prefer pop, and still others, God forbid, enjoy rap music. They have different associations, groups, almost ideologies. There are jocks, nerds, preppies, and hunters. Blacks are all — well — black, and they are quick to let other blacks know when they deviate from the norm.

One might object that there are important group differences among blacks that a white man simply cannot detect. I have done my best to find them, but so far as I can tell, they dress the same, talk the same, think the same. Certainly, they form rival groups, but the groups are not different in any discernible way. There simply are no groups of blacks that are as distinctly different from each other as white “nerds,” “hunters,” or “Goths,” for example.

How the world looks to blacks

One point on which all blacks agree is that everything is “racis’.” This is one message of liberalism they have absorbed completely. Did you do your homework? “Na, homework racis’.” Why did you get an F on the test? “Test racis’.”

I was trying to teach a unit on British philosophers and the first thing the students noticed about Bentham, Hobbes, and Locke was “Dey all white! Where da black philosopher a’?” I tried to explain there were no blacks in eighteenth-century Britain. You can probably guess what they said to that: “Dat racis’!”

One student accused me of deliberately failing him on a test because I didn’t like black people.

“Do you think I really hate black people?”


“Have I done anything to make you feel this way? How do you know?”

“You just do.”

“Why do you say that?”

He just smirked, looked out the window, and sucked air through his teeth. Perhaps this was a regional thing, but the blacks often sucked air through their teeth as a wordless expression of disdain or hostility.

My students were sometimes unable to see the world except through the lens of their own blackness. I had a class that was host to a German exchange student. One day he put on a Power Point presentation with famous German landmarks as well as his school and family. From time to time during the presentation, blacks would scream, “Where da black folk?!” The exasperated German tried several times to explain that there were no black people where he lived in Germany. The students did not believe him. I told them Germany is in Europe, where white people are from, and Africa is where black people are from. They insisted that the German student was racist, and deliberately refused to associate with blacks.

Blacks are keenly interested in their own racial characteristics. I have learned, for example, that some blacks have “good hair.” Good hair is black parlance for black-white hybrid hair. Apparently, it is less kinky, easier to style, and considered more attractive.

Blacks are also proud of light skin. Imagine two black students shouting insults across the room. One is dark but slim; the other light and obese. The dark one begins the exchange: “You fat, Ridario!”

Ridario smiles, doesn’t deign to look at his detractor, shakes his head like a wobbling top, and says, “You wish you light skinned.”

They could go on like this, repeating the same insults over and over.

My black students had nothing but contempt for Hispanic immigrants. They would vent their feelings so crudely that our department strongly advised us never to talk about immigration in class in case the principal or some outsider might overhear.

Whites were “racis’,” of course, but they thought of us at least as Americans. Not the Mexicans. Blacks have a certain, not necessarily hostile understanding of white people. They know how whites act, and it is clear they believe whites are smart and are good at organizing things. At the same time, they probably suspect whites are just putting on an act when they talk about equality, as if it is all a sham that makes it easier for whites to control blacks. Blacks want a bigger piece of the American pie. I’m convinced that if it were up to them they would give whites a considerably smaller piece than whites get now, but they would give us something. They wouldn’t give Mexicans anything.

What about black boys and white girls? No one is supposed to notice this or talk about it but it is glaringly obvious: Black boys are obsessed with white girls. White parents would do well to keep their daughters well away from black schools. I’ve witnessed the following drama countless times. A black boy saunters up to a white girl. The cocky black dances around her, not really in a menacing way. It’s more a shuffle than a threat. As he bobs and shuffles he asks, “When you gonna go wit’ me?”

There are two kinds of reply. The more confident white girl gets annoyed, looks away from the black and shouts, “I don’t wanna go out with you!” The more demure girl will look at her feet and mumble a polite excuse but ultimately say no. There is only one response from the black boy: “You racis’.” Many girls — all too many — actually feel guilty because they do not want to date blacks. Most white girls at my school stayed away from blacks, but a few, particularly the ones who were addicted to drugs, fell in with them.

There is something else that is striking about blacks. They seem to have no sense of romance, of falling in love. What brings men and women together is sex, pure and simple, and there is a crude openness about this. There are many degenerate whites, of course, but some of my white students were capable of real devotion and tenderness, emotions that seemed absent from blacks — especially the boys.

Black schools are violent and the few whites who are too poor to escape are caught in the storm. The violence is astonishing, not so much that it happens, but the atmosphere in which it happens. Blacks can be smiling, seemingly perfectly content with what they are doing, having a good time, and then, suddenly start fighting. It’s uncanny. Not long ago, I was walking through the halls and a group of black boys were walking in front of me. All of a sudden they started fighting with another group in the hallway.

Blacks are extraordinarily quick to take offense. Once I accidentally scuffed a black boy’s white sneaker with my shoe. He immediately rubbed his body up against mine and threatened to attack me. I stepped outside the class and had a security guard escort the student to the office. It was unusual for students to threaten teachers physically this way, but among themselves, they were quick to fight for similar reasons.

The real victims are the unfortunate whites caught in this. They are always in danger and their educations suffer. White weaklings are particularly susceptible, but mostly to petty violence. They may be slapped or get a couple of kicks when they are trying to open a bottom locker. Typically, blacks save the hard, serious violence for each other.

There was a lot of promiscuous sex among my students and this led to violence. Black girls were constantly fighting over black boys. It was not uncommon to see two girls literally ripping each other’s hair out with a police officer in the middle trying to break up the fight. The black boy they were fighting over would be standing by with a smile, enjoying the show he had created. For reasons I cannot explain, boys seldom fought over girls.

Pregnancy was common among the blacks, though many black girls were so fat I could not tell the difference. I don’t know how many girls got abortions, but when they had the baby they usually stayed in school and had their own parents look after the child. The school did not offer daycare.

Aside from the police officers constantly on patrol, a sure sign that you are in a black school is the coke cage: the chain-link fence that many majority-black schools use to protect vending machines. The cage surrounds the machine and even covers its top. Delivery employees have to unlock a gate on the front of the cage to service the machines. Companies would prefer not to build cages around vending machines. They are expensive, ugly, and a bother, but black students smashed the machines so many times it was cheaper to build a cage than repair the damage. Rumor had it that before the cages went up blacks would turn the machines upside down in the hope that the money would fall out.

Security guards are everywhere in black schools — we had one on every hall. They also sat in on unruly classes and escorted students to the office. They were unarmed, but worked closely with the three city police officers who were constantly on duty.

Rural black schools have to have security too but they are usually safer. One reason is that the absolute numbers are smaller. A mostly-black school of 300 students is safer than a mostly-black school of 2,000. Also, students in rural areas — both black and white — tend to have grown up together and know each other, at least by sight.

There was a lot of drug-dealing at my school. This was a good way to make a fair amount of money but it also gave boys power over girls who wanted drugs. An addicted girl — black or white — became the plaything of anyone who could get her drugs.

One of my students was a notorious drug dealer. Everyone knew it. He was 19 years old and in eleventh grade. Once he got a score of three out of 100 on a test. He had been locked up four times since he was 13, and there he was sitting next to little, white Caroline.

One day, I asked him, “Why do you come to school?”

He wouldn’t answer. He just looked out the window, smiled, and sucked air through his teeth. His friend Yidarius ventured an explanation: “He get dat green and get dem females.”

“What is the green?” I asked. “Money or dope?”

“Both,” said Yidarius with a smile.

A very fat black interrupted from across the room: “We get dat lunch,” Mr. Jackson. “We gotta get dat lunch and brickfuss.” He means the free breakfast and lunch poor students get every day.

“Nigga, we know’d you be lovin’ brickfuss!” shouts another student.

Some readers may believe that I have drawn a cruel caricature of black students. After all, according to official figures some 85 percent of them graduate. It would be instructive to know how many of those scraped by with barely a C- record. They go from grade to grade and they finally get their diplomas because there is so much pressure on teachers to push them through. It saves money to move them along, the school looks good, and the teachers look good. Many of these children should have been failed, but the system would crack under their weight if they were all held back.

How did my experiences make me feel about blacks? Ultimately, I lost sympathy for them. In so many ways they seem to make their own beds. There they were in an integrationist’s fantasy — in the same classroom with white students, eating the same lunch, using the same bathrooms, listening to the same teachers — and yet the blacks fail while the whites pass.

One tragic outcome among whites who have been teaching for too long is that it can engender something close to hatred. One teacher I knew gave up fast food — not for health reasons but because where he lived most fast-food workers were black. He had enough of blacks on the job. This was an extreme example, but years of frustration can take their toll. Many of my white colleagues with any experience were well on their way to that state of mind.

There is an unutterable secret among teachers: Almost all realize that blacks do not respond to traditional white instruction. Does that put the lie to environmentalism? Not at all. It is what brings about endless, pointless innovation that is supposed to bring blacks up to the white level.

The solution is more diversity — or put more generally, the solution is change. Change is an almost holy word in education, and you can fail a million times as long as you keep changing. That is why liberals keep revamping the curriculum and the way it is taught. For example, teachers are told that blacks need hands-on instruction and more group work. Teachers are told that blacks are more vocal and do not learn through reading and lectures. The implication is that they have certain traits that lend themselves to a different kind of teaching.

Whites have learned a certain way for centuries but it just doesn’t work with blacks. Of course, this implies racial differences but if pressed, most liberal teachers would say different racial learning styles come from some indefinable cultural characteristic unique to blacks. Therefore, schools must change, America must change. But into what? How do you turn quantum physics into hands-on instruction or group work? No one knows, but we must keep changing until we find something that works.

Public school has certainly changed since anyone reading this was a student. I have a friend who teaches elementary school, and she tells me that every week the students get a new diversity lesson, shipped in fresh from some bureaucrat’s office in Washington or the state capital. She showed me the materials for one week: a large poster, about the size of a forty-two inch flat-screen television. It shows an utterly diverse group — I mean diverse: handicapped, Muslim, Jewish, effeminate, poor, rich, brown, slightly brown, yellow, etc. — sitting at a table, smiling gaily, accomplishing some undefined task. The poster comes with a sheet of questions the teacher is supposed to ask. One might be: “These kids sure look different, but they look happy. Can you tell me which one in the picture is an American?”

Some eight-year-old, mired in ignorance, will point to a white child like himself. “That one.”

The teacher reads from the answer, conveniently printed along with the question. “No, Billy, all these children are Americans. They are just as American as you.”

The children get a snack, and the poster goes up on the wall until another one comes a week later. This is what happens at predominately white, middle-class, elementary schools everywhere.

Elementary school teachers love All of the Colors of the Race, by award-winning children’s poet Arnold Adoff. These are some of the lines they read to the children: “Mama is chocolate . . . Daddy is vanilla . . . Me (sic) is better . . . It is a new color. It is a new flavor. For love. Sometimes blackness seems too black for me, and whiteness is too sickly pale; and I wish every one were golden. Remember: long ago before people moved and migrated, and mixed and matched . . . there was one people: one color, one race. The colors are flowing from what was before me to what will be after. All the colors.”

Teaching as a career

It may come as a surprise after what I have written, but my experiences have given me a deep appreciation for teaching as a career. It offers a stable, middle-class life but comes with the capacity to make real differences in the lives of children. In our modern, atomized world children often have very little communication with adults — especially, or even, with their parents — so there is potential for a real transaction between pupil and teacher, disciple and master.

A rewarding relationship can grow up between an exceptional, interested student and his teacher. I have stayed in my classroom with a group of students discussing ideas and playing chess until the janitor kicked us out. I was the old gentleman, imparting my history, culture, personal loves and triumphs, defeats and failures to young kinsman. Sometimes I fancied myself Tyrtaeus, the Spartan poet, who counseled the youth to honor and loyalty. I never had this kind intimacy with a black student, and I know of no other white teacher who did.

Teaching can be fun. For a certain kind of person it is exhilarating to map out battles on chalkboards, and teach heroism. It is rewarding to challenge liberal prejudices, to leave my mark on these children, but what I aimed for with my white students I could never achieve with the blacks.

There is a kind of child whose look can melt your heart: some working-class castaway, in and out of foster homes, often abused, who is nevertheless almost an angel. Your heart melts for these children, this refuse of the modern world. Many white students possess a certain innocence; their cheeks still blush.

Try as I might, I could not get the blacks to care one bit about Beethoven or Sherman’s march to the sea, or Tyrtaeus, or Oswald Spengler, or even liberals like John Rawls, or their own history. They cared about nothing I tried to teach them. When this goes on year after year it chokes the soul out of a teacher, destroys his pathos, and sends him guiltily searching for The Bell Curve on the Internet.

Blacks break down the intimacy that can be achieved in the classroom, and leave you convinced that that intimacy is really a form of kinship. Without intending to, they destroy what is most beautiful — whether it be your belief in human equality, your daughter’s innocence, or even the state of the hallway.

Just last year I read on the bathroom stall the words “F**k Whitey.” Not two feet away, on the same stall, was a small swastika. The writing on that wall somehow symbolized the futility of integration. No child should be have to try to learn in such conditions. It was not racists who created those conditions and it wasn’t poverty either; it was ignorant, white liberals. It reminds me of Nietzsche: “I call an animal, a species, an individual corrupt, when it loses its instincts, when it prefers what is injurious to it.”

One often hears from egalitarians that it doesn’t matter what color predominates in a future America so long as we preserve our values, since we are a “proposition nation.” Even if we were prepared to hand over our country to aliens who were going to “preserve our values,” it simply cannot be done with blacks.

The National Council for the Social Studies, the leading authority on social science education in the United States, urges teachers to inculcate such values as equality of opportunity, individual property rights, and a democratic form of government. Even if teachers could inculcate this milquetoast ideology into whites, liberalism is doomed because so many non-whites are not receptive to education of any kind beyond the merest basics. Many of my students were functionally illiterate. It is impossible to get them to care about such abstractions as property rights or democratic citizenship. They do not see much further than the fact that you live in a big house and “we in da pro-jek.” Of course, there are a few loutish whites who will never think past their next meal and a few sensitive blacks for whom anything is possible, but no society takes on the characteristics of its exceptions.

Once I asked my students, “What do you think of the Constitution?”

“It white,” one slouching black rang out. The class began to laugh. And I caught myself laughing along with them, laughing while Pompeii’s volcano simmers, while the barbarians swell around the Palatine, while the country I love, and the job I love, and the community I love become dimmer by the day.

I read a book by an expatriate Rhodesian who visited Zimbabwe not too many years ago. Traveling with a companion, she stopped at a store along the highway. A black man materialized next to her car window. “Job, boss, (I) work good, boss,” he pleaded. “You give job.”

“What happened to your old job?” the expatriate white asked.

The black man replied in the straightforward manner of his race: “We drove out the whites. No more jobs. You give job.”

At some level, my students understand the same thing. One day I asked the bored, black faces staring back at me. “What would happen if all the white people in America disappeared tomorrow?”

“We screwed,” a young, pitch-black boy screamed back. The rest of the blacks laughed.

I have had children tell me to my face as they struggled with an assignment. “I cain’t do dis,” Mr. Jackson. “I black.”

The point is that human beings are not always rational. It is in the black man’s interest to have whites in Zimbabwe but he drives them out and starves. Most whites do not think black Americans could ever do anything so irrational. They see blacks on television smiling, fighting evil whites, embodying white values. But the real black is not on television, and you pull your purse closer when you see him, and you lock the car doors when he swaggers by with his pants hanging down almost to his knees.

For those of you with children, better a smaller house in a white district than a fancy one near a black school. Much better an older car than your most precious jewels cast into a school where they will be a minority.

I have been in parent-teacher conferences that broke my heart: the child pleading with his parents to take him out of school; the parents convinced their child’s fears are groundless. If you love your child, show her you care — not by giving her fancy vacations or a car, but making her innocent years safe and happy. Give her the gift of a white school.

Of course, even the whitest schools are riddled with liberalism. There is only one way to educate your children in a way that does not poison their minds. If at all possible, home school your children. Educate them yourself. (read more)


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- Unlike all the legacy media, our editorial offices are not in Langley, Virginia.

- You won't catch us fiddling while Western Civilization burns.

Close the windows so you don't hear the mockingbird outside, grab a beer, and see what the hell is going on as we witness the controlled demolition of our society.

- The truth usually comes from one source. It comes quietly, with no heralds. Untruths come from multiple sources, in unison, and incessantly.

- The loudest partisans belong to the smallest parties. The media exaggerate their size and influence.

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If you let them redefine words, they will control language.
If you let them control language, they will control thoughts.
If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you.

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