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2023-07-31 d


Many of them, along with their fellow travelers, engage in pedophilia explicitly permitted by the Babylonian Talmud.
That ancient work of commentary, tortured thinking & myriad contradictions
has been known for two millennia as the WHORE OF BABYLON.


2023-07-31 c


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This is why they’re indicting President Trump – to cover up their J6 setup

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) July 18, 2023

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See also:

2023-07-31 b
(wretched R.I.N.O. entry)



Did Mitch just have a stroke on Live TV? This is why we need term limits. He clearly is in no position to be in US Senate.

— LoLo America First Old school beliefs. (@ZOrtiz99) July 26, 2023

See also:
What happened to Mitch McConnell Wednesday? Doctor analyzes the signs.

2023-07-31 a
(pride entry)


Cross-sex hormones, castration, surgical mutilation, etc. cannot change sex.
Interventions can, at best, produce feminized males or masculinized females.



Transgender Interventions Harm Children

No Evidence that Transgender Interventions are Safe for Children

There is not a single long-term study to demonstrate the safety or efficacy of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for transgender-believing youth. This means that youth transition is experimental, and therefore, parents cannot provide informed consent, nor can minors provide assent for these interventions. Moreover, the best long-term evidence we have among adults shows that medical intervention fails to reduce suicide.

Puberty blockers may cause mental illness

Puberty blockers may actually cause depression and other emotional disturbances related to suicide. In fact, the package insert for Lupron, the number one prescribed puberty blocker in America, lists “emotional instability” as a side effect and warns prescribers to “Monitor for development or worsening of psychiatric symptoms during treatment.”  Similarly, discussing an experimental trial of puberty blockers in the U.K., Oxford University Professor Michael Biggs wrote, “There was no statistically significant difference in psychosocial functioning between the group given blockers and the group given only psychological support. In addition, there is unpublished evidence that after a year on [puberty blockers] children reported greater self-harm, and the girls also experienced more behavioral and emotional problems and expressed greater dissatisfaction with their body—so puberty blockers exacerbated gender dysphoria.”

Puberty blockers may cause permanent physical harm

Temporary use of Lupron has also been associated with and may be the cause of many serious permanent side effects including osteoporosis, mood disorders, seizures,  cognitive impairment and, when combined with cross-sex hormones, sterility.

Cross-sex hormones (testosterone for women; estrogen for men) may disrupt mental health

Women who identify as men are given enough testosterone to raise their levels 10-40 times above the female reference range. Past studies have documented multiple psychiatric problems with similar high doses of anabolic steroids like testosterone such that 23% of subjects met DSM criteria for a major mood syndrome such as mania, hypomania, and major depression, and 3.4-12% developed psychotic symptoms. Estrogen also impacts mood in complex ways. Post menopausal women treated with estrogen often experience severe anxiety despite being placed on physiologic doses of the hormone. Men who identify as women are given supraphysiologic doses of estrogen; theoretically, this has the potential to worsen both depression and anxiety.

Other health risks are correlated with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones

Temporary use of puberty blocker Lupron has also been associated with and may be the cause of many serious permanent side effects including osteoporosis, mood disorders, seizures, cognitive impairment and, when combined with cross-sex hormones, sterility. In addition to the harm from Lupron, cross-sex hormones put youth at an increased risk of heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, blood clots and cancers across their lifespan. Add to this the fact that physically healthy transgender-believing girls are being given double mastectomies at 13 and hysterectomies at 16, while their male counterparts are referred for surgical castration and penectomies at 16 and 17, respectively, and it becomes clear that affirming transition in children is about mutilating and sterilizing emotionally troubled youth.  

Transgender interventions for children are experimental and dangerous

Many medical organizations around the world, including the Australian College of Physicians,  the Royal College of General Practitioners in the United Kingdom, and the Swedish National Council for Medical Ethics have characterized these interventions in children as experimental and dangerous. World renowned Swedish psychiatrist Dr. Christopher Gillberg has said that pediatric transition is “possibly one of the greatest scandals in medical history” and called for “an immediate moratorium on the use of puberty blocker drugs because of their unknown long-term effects.” (read more)

See also:
Deconstructing Transgender Pediatrics

The Myth About Suicide and Gender Dysphoric Children

When a white person guns down a black person, in any circumstance, the default explanation is racism, hate crime and so forth. None of that with Audrey Hale, who pretty much got a pass from the media and the White House.

Joe Biden failed to identify or condemn the shooter, failed to name a single murder victim, and did not attend any of the funerals. Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “Our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now.” In reality, the trans forces are on the attack, becoming more hostile.

“Trantifa,” a combination of transgender and Antifa, denotes a “far-left trans movement spreading across [the] U.S” and “intimidating and physically assaulting those who disagree with them. Trans swimmer Lia Thomas was recently photographed wearing a black T-shirt reading “Antifa Super Soldier.” Call it violence signaling.

Trans violent militancy is the current focus of #Antifa,” contends journalist Andy Ngo. “They believe that critics of trans ideology should be silenced, maimed or murdered. Some call for sexual violence against females in particular, as revenge.”

In the run-up to the April 1 “Trans Day of Vengeance,” Audrey Hale murdered Evelyn Dieckhaus, William Kinney, Hallie Scruggs, Katherine Koonce, Cynthia Peak and Mike Hill. Hale’s manifesto remains under wraps, but her slaughter of six in Nashville could be a sign of “trantifa” violence to come. The struggle against trans hatred and violence is the struggle of memory against forgetting.

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2023-07-30 e


The Top 7 Ways Democrats in D.C. Plan on Reducing the Population

1) Vaccines, especially the Covid jabs, reduce the population by injecting known neurotoxins and vascular-clotting spike proteins that exacerbate pre-existing health trauma while causing new and deadly conditions (think myocarditis, pericarditis, and vital organ failure).

2) Funding the engineering of “novel” lab-concocted viruses that kill off the elderly, immune-compromised, obese, children, babies, and fetuses.

3) Embezzling trillions of dollars to drive inflation higher, causing the poor and destitute to starve to death and die of preventable diseases.

4) Forcing everyone to stop using fossil fuels, all farming and distribution of food will come to a halt, creating massive famine across the country, soon.

5) Drastically reduce (or eliminate) the food supply by wrecking the supply chain while poisoning the meat and dairy industries (injecting the animals with toxins) and promoting the consumption of bugs, insects and worms.

6) Promote abortions heavily (think Planned Parenthood), including during the third trimester and even on the day of birth of a child.

7) Convince all liberals and Leftists to promote and advocate for the mutilation of children’s genitalia (called “bottom surgery”) in the name of gender fluidity (so they all become infertile mutant tranny zombies).

2023-07-30 d


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2023-07-30 c


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2023-07-30 b


BREAKING: Photos show Hunter Biden in dad's Corvette at Delaware home on same day as 'shakedown' message

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 24, 2023

Hunter Biden “brother”, Alexander Mackler tried cases with AUSA Lesley Wolf (who stone walled the IRS investigation). @MarcoPolo501c3 is ahead of the curve AGAIN. TONS more Mackler/Wolf info at and

— Truth Ninja (@TruthNinja316) June 24, 2023

Moments ago, Hunter Biden’s attorneys faced sanctions for lying to clerk in his criminal case #ClownShow

Karli Bonne’ (@KarliBonnita) July 25, 2023

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As part of his release conditions,

Judge Noreika ordered Hunter Biden to get a job, drink NO alcohol, not use or possess any drugs, and — if asked by pretrial services or officers —submit to testing and participate in substance abuse therapy

— Jacqui Heinrich (@JacquiHeinrich) July 26, 2023

JPMorgan Chase filed this suspicious activity report on Hunter Biden, suggesting his potential involvement in "human trafficking."

Six banks, including Bank of America, US Bank, and Wells Fargo, submitted over 170 suspicious activity reports to the Treasury Department…

— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) July 27, 2023

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3/5 – Hunter gets a lifetime "Get Out of Jail Free Card" from @USAttyWeiss.

JUDGE: "Do you have any precedent for agreeing not to prosecute crimes that have nothing to do with the case or the charges being diverted?"

U.S. ATTY: " I am not aware of any, Your Honor."

— Chris Tigani (@ChrisTigani) July 27, 2023

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See also:

2023-07-30 a

They are rubbing our noses in their filth

What is the latest miscarriage of justice in America? Were more protesters inside the Capitol stripped of their citizenship by branding them insurrectionists? Was Donald Trump raided again? Was another acquaintance SWAT teamed at 5 AM in front of CNN for a parking ticket?

The abuse of power by DC is ubiquitous. The constant barrage of injustice by the federal government and its homely cheerleaders in the press is meant to fatigue those of us with a conscience. The perversion of police authority to enforce political policy is a reminder that they are in power and their power is unchecked.

Under their command, America has become Rome but without the beautiful architecture and literature. I pity the future archaeologist who uncovers Gender Queer and has to endure the sketches depicting child sex. He will think it a secret piece of pornography for elitist perverts instead of the schoolbook it has become, replacing Alice and Jerry.

The false investigations, and fake indictments of Donald Trump are ridiculous and aimed at showing his supporters and his distractors alike that no one can escape them. Cooperate, comrade, or die.

The deep state stole the 2020 election right from under us. Biden was chosen because everyone in DC knew he was dumb and corrupt, which made him the perfect figurehead for a government out of control. Our DC overlords made no attempt to mask their election theft because they wanted to extinguish dissent. Like the Borg in some Star Trek series, their message is resistance is futile.

Biden stayed in the basement cutting deals while the vote rigging took place elsewhere. A press that set up cameras in the lobby to document every visitor to Trump Tower after the 2016 election has never bothered to check the records at Wilmington Airport to see whose private jets landed in Delaware to pay tribute to the next president.

President Trump never really was in charge. Obama led the resistance — an act of sedition — that thwarted Trump at every turn. McConnell and the rest of the gullible guinea pigs in DC who call themselves conservatives aided and abetted Obama. Trump’s inability to govern properly is one of the reasons some commentators want to abandon him. It is like telling a rape victim she should have fought harder.

We now live in a country where burning down cities, ambushing little old ladies, and looting high-priced stores is honored but singing a song that says that is wrong will get you banned from TV.

This regime has no shame.

Those stories about the discovery of a bag of cocaine in the White House were not an accidental leak of the truth. The leak was psyops meant to destroy the morale of their enemy, which is the American people.

The discovery was meant to show that Biden and his crooks will do anything they want and get away with it, and they do. Law enforcement did nothing — and what will Republicans do about it? Cry?

Biden’s crew ignores congressional subpoenas without consequence, just as Eric Holder did when he was Obama’s AG. In January, Speaker McCarthy promised to make the videos of the January 6 protest public. Six months later, the videos remain under lock and key — right next to Epstein’s client list. We can guess at some of the names on the list just by looking at the celebrities who hit Trump hardest. The deep state is better at blackmail than the Mafia.

But this is nothing new. Under Obama, the deep state openly did his political bidding, including spying on Donald Trump, who had dared question whether Obama was born in America. Where did he get that idea? From Obama who in 1991 claimed he was born in Kenya. The press now wants you to believe that an unnamed PR writer made a mistake, which Obama failed to correct — for 17 years.

The FBI works for the government, not the people. The FBI decides who gets away with selling out the nation and who gets framed for a nonexistent insurrection.

A day after the 240th anniversary of the birth of America, Jimmy Comey — Obama’s FBI director — announced that even though she sent 33,000 emails to a Chinese email account, Missus Clinton would not be prosecuted. They had her dead to rights — and Comey let her live.

He told the press, “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past.

“In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.

“To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.”

Shorter Comey: She did it and we don’t care.

The fix was in and they were blatant about it with Bill Clinton openly meeting with Comey’s boss — AG Loretta Lynch — on the tarmac at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix in 110-degree heat. They wanted the world to see that the fix was in.

Four years later, the FBI had so much evidence on Biden’s corruption that even broad bottomed Billy Barr could not sit on all of it. When the story leaked, the intelligence community immediately labeled it Russian disinformation and paid Facebook and Twitter to censor the story.

No one had to tell the Secret Service to ignore this cocaine story. They may be Civil Service but they are not idiots.

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden lives high off the hog because a lawyer friend is generous enough to pay all his bills. What a nice guy, huh?

And when I say high, I really mean it.

The New York Post reported, “Hunter Biden’s so-called ‘sugar brother,’ lawyer Kevin Morris, was spotted smoking from a bong outside his Los Angeles home Thursday as the first son — a recovering drug addict — paid him a visit.

“Morris, a successful Hollywood-based lawyer and major Democrat Party supporter, had no shame as he stood on the balcony of his posh Pacific Palisades digs to expertly inhale from the glass water pipe, according to photos obtained by The Post.

“Donning a purple patterned short-sleeved shirt, Morris carried out the smoke session in full view of the public street outside his house.”

Pot may be legal in California but this shows Hunter is far from clean and sober. Law enforcement will not investigate Hunter’s obvious continued drug abuse and it ignores his acceptance of bribes on behalf of his father.

The New York Post reported, “First son Hunter Biden’s novice artwork has raked in at least $1.3 million — with buyers including a Democratic donor friend who his dad named to a prestigious commission, a report said Monday.

“Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, a Los Angeles real-estate investor and philanthropist, bought one of Hunter’s works, according to Business Insider, which cited sales records kept by his art dealer, the Georges Bergès Gallery of Manhattan.

“Naftali was appointed by President Biden to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad in July 2022 — about eight months after Hunter’s first art show, which took place in Hollywood. It is unclear when Naftali bought her Hunter artwork or how much she paid for it.”

As long as President Trump is out of office, it is felonious business as usual in Corruption City. There is no incentive for the crooked Republicans in Congress to help Trump, which explains why John Fetterman is in the Senate and not Dr. Oz.

But that is not the narrative fake conservatives feed us.

Over at Paul Ryan’s Express — a clever name for Fox News — Newt Gingrich is saying the dam is going to break and the bribery scandals are going to bring Biden down.

Sure they are, right after Republicans repeal Obamacare. But the Bud Light of cable news believes false hope will appease and entice enough conservatives so it can go back to beating MSNBC and CNN in the fake ratings war.

While Democrats and RINOs get away with murder and mayhem, Donald Trump faces trial after trial by kangaroo courts in New York and elsewhere. If found innocent, it will not matter as Democrats set him up for show trial after show trial.

The abuse of the judiciary begins on October 2 with a fake civil fraud trial in New York followed by another E. Jean Carroll civil defamation trial beginning on January 15 in New York, followed by a third trial in Manhattan beginning on March 25, followed by the Mar-a-Lago trial on May 20 with Democrats rigging two more sets of indictments.

This is all meant to prevent his campaigning for the nation’s highest office, which he has won twice now only to be denied his second term by a Congress unwilling to send results back to the states and a judiciary unwilling to examine evidence of election irregularities. This tells me we have been living in a totalitarian state longer than we realize. (read more)


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 News and facts for those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio version of reality.

- Unlike all the legacy media, our editorial offices are not in Langley, Virginia.

- You won't catch us fiddling while Western Civilization burns.

Close the windows so you don't hear the mockingbird outside, grab a beer, and see what the hell is going on as we witness the controlled demolition of our society.

- The truth usually comes from one source. It comes quietly, with no heralds. Untruths come from multiple sources, in unison, and incessantly.

- The loudest partisans belong to the smallest parties. The media exaggerate their size and influence.

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If you let them redefine words, they will control language.
If you let them control language, they will control thoughts.
If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you.

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