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2023-10-15 c

(As rendered à la Rockwell by artificial intelligence.)

Viral Norman Rockwell AI art reveals debauchery in America like you’ve never seen before…

There’s an incredible new viral sensation sweeping the internet, and it’s both powerful and thought-provoking, offering a compelling snapshot of Biden’s America in disarray. So, what’s this intriguing online phenomenon?

Norman Rockwell paints modern America.

It’s a disturbing yet profoundly provocative modern AI tribute to Norman Rockwell, reimagining today’s disgraceful USA in Rockwell’s iconic style. Whoever conceived this idea is truly ingenious. These images are striking because they place the everyday propaganda we’re exposed to within the context of normal life, revealing the extent of how far we’ve fallen been corrupted.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these powerful images.

You will eat the bugs:

The current state of liberal-run cities:

Praying to the Apple gods:

Looters are celebrated for seizing what they believe is rightfully theirs:


Wine moms and aunts:

2023-10-15 b


(an incomplete list)


“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

– Woodrow Wilson


Agenda 2030

Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL)


Atlantic Council

Bank of England (late 1600s founding to 20th century nationalization to present)

Bank of International Settlements

BlackRock (part 2)

Brennan Center


Brookings Institution

censorship industrial complex


City of London

Club of Rome

Corporation for Public Broadcasting

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

Democratic National Committee (DNC)

European Commission

European Union

Facebook / Instagram

fact checkers

Federal Reserve Bank

Ford Foundation


free trade agreements longer than two pages (20,000 page free trade agreements, like NAFTA, are criminal frauds)

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Google / Youtube

Harvard University

Holocaust museums


Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

mainstream media, legacy media, mockingbird media

Mossad, a “criminal organization with a license," the sayanim. See also: Victor Ostrovsky, By Way of Deception & The Other Side of Deception .
National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

National Public Radio (NPR) is more accurately called, National Propaganda Radio

New York Times

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Open Society Foundation

Paris Climate Accords

Project for a New American Century (PNAC)

Republican National Committee (RNC), Republicans in name only (RINOs), GOP

Rockefeller Foundation

secret societies

Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)

teacher's unions

TED Talks

Unit 9900

United Nations (UN)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


Vatican under Francis, the anti-pope

antipope with devil

Wall Street


World Economic Forum (WEF)

World Health Organization (WHO)

World Trade Organization (WTO)

Yale University


2023-10-15 a


(an incomplete list)


15 minute cities as concentration camps, congestion fees, electric vehicles, restricting mobility, reducing (ultimately eliminating) assemblies & interactions & socializing

9/11, let's roll, psyop to pave way for misnamed "Patriot" Act, Orwellian Department of Homeland Security, enhanced police state, surveillance on steroids, weaponization of government

affirmative action, defenestration & demonization of Caucasians, "reverse" discrimination, maligning merit, race quotas, trivializing Caucasian achievements

Africanization of America and Europe,

American evangelical Christian ministers & pastors, especially those who have gone on free or low-cost trips to the "Holy Land." Creators of prophesy porn whose creative writing involves the New Testament Book of Revelation, the Battle of Armageddon, the Tribulation, etc. are undoubtedly tools of the Khazars. A critical look at history shows the world has already suffered through a millennial tribulation at the hands of the Khazars. The Khazars have been the authors of both wars and rumors of wars. There have already been numerous Anti-Christs; most were called the Kagan (the traditional Khazar name for their ruler). The Khazars and their writers of prophesy porn want all to believe a Tribulation is yet to come so the surviving Christians will accept it, thinking it is G-D's will. 

Atlantic slave trade

the “alphabet people,” cross dressing, drag, drag queen story hour, gay culture, genital mutilation, grooming, LGBTQ, pride flag, pride month, queer, same-sex "marriage," normalization of sodomy, trans-mania

al Qaeda, Hamas, ISIS, moderate rebels, radicalizing Mohammedans to terrorize and kill Christians, Wahhabism

Anti-Racism, institutional racism, systemic racism

(only) Black Lives Matter

carbon credits, carbon footprint, carbon sequestration, carbon trading

Climate Cult (anthropogenic climate change, climate change, CO2 phobia, global warming, suspicious wildfires)

conflict diamonds & conflict metals to protect Khazar monopolies

COVID pandemic, censoring truth-tellers, demonization of HCQ & Ivermectin, guaranteed-to-kill treatment protocols, hiding excess death rates, lockdowns, mandates, masking, PCR testing, toxic clot shots

debt traps, enslaving humanity, payday lenders, usury

defund police, looting by minorities, shoplifting by minorities, "social justice" chaos to decriminalize crime

depopulation, Malthusian madness, vaccines, spaying and neutering the trans-bots, creating self-hating humans, re-wilding, wilderness designation to tie up natural resources

destruction of primary education, secondary education, tertiary education & post-graduate education, denigration of scholarship, dumbing down the populace, wholesale indoctrination, filling teaching profession with sexual deviants & freaks & groomers

disadvantaged, marginalized, excuses for bad behavior, justifying dependency & handouts & welfare

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity (DIE)

electoral fraud, ERIC, using judges instead of legislatures to change election laws, voter roll fraud, mail-in ballots, ranked-choice voting, compromised scanners & tabulators, voting machines with modems

environmentalists, greens, Green Party, Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, scam of "sustainable"

ESG (social credit for corporations)

feminism, undermining the nuclear family, abortion, child care outside the home, turning fathers into absentee sperm donors, destroying patriarchy to destroy society

fossil fuels scam (only coal & lignite are true fossil fuels), peak oil lie, denial of abiotic origin of petroleum

gender, gender expression, gender identity, exotic "gender" pronouns, using "gender" instead of "sex," gender as performance, Judith Butler

the global drug trade (beginning with crown monopolies & Baghdad Jews taking opium from India to China)

the Great Replacement, Cloward-Piven, mass illegal migration, open borders, bankrupt Western nations, import criminals & terrorists, filling the Christian West with Mohammedans intent on killing infidels

grooming & importing & installing South Asians in American & UK institutions (academia, business, C-suites, politics, professions, etc.) because per their Protocols, Khazar Bolsheviks select their house niggers, "with strict regard to their capacities for servile obedience."

gun control, "assault " weapons farce, commonsense gun control, disarming Caucasians, ignoring Second Amendment 

Holocaust exaggeration, Jews as victims, playing antisemitism card incessantly

long march through the institutions, infiltrations & subversions, Ministry of Institutional Taxidermy

artless modern art, abstract expressionism, cubism, dadaism, visual nihilism, defiling beauty

moral relativism, no objective truth, lies are the mother tongue of the Khazar leadership, they long ago modified the Kol Nidre (all oaths) recited at Yom Kippur service to absolve themselves from breaking oaths they had no intention to keep

multiculturalism, divide et impera (divide and conquer)

Neocons, neoconservatives, AIPAC, Straussians, warmongers, their sole purpose is to make the Middle East safe for Greater Israel

New World Order, color revolution, Khazar dictatorship, one world government, technocracy, Big Brother über alles

pedophilia, compromat, Epstein, Lolita express, sex slaves, sexual blackmail to control captains of industry, the judiciary & politicians

perversion of language, overthrow of norms, rewriting of history, excising other history, vandalizing literature, inversion of morals, etc.

political correctness, cultural Marxism, Antonio Gramsci, Willi Münzenberg, thought police

pornography about "anal," "bondage," "domination," "incest,"  "sissy," Magnus Hirschfeld, Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (open from 6 July 1919 to 6 May 1933) in Berlin, normalizing the abnormal, encouraging depravity

progressivism, anti-capitalism, collectivism, communism

public-private partnerships, corporatism, cronyism

Q, Q-anon, 5-D chess, trust the plan, all to cultivate complacency & inaction

racism, institutional racism & systemic racism (America is one of the least racist nations on earth. Black under-achievement,  under-performance and disproportionate black criminality do not result from racism.)

regime change to install compliant & compromised leaders

social credit schemes, digital currency, debanking, digital ID, cradle to grave surveillance

"social media," adult pacifier, Big Brother, brainwashing, conditioning, doxxing, deep state influence operation, social control, strategy of tension, surveillance, deep state trolls

tolerance, Herbert Marcuse, Repressive Tolerance,

victim culture, grievance studies (black studies, queer studies, women's studies, etc.),

virtue signaling, compelled compliance, hive mind

wars on Russia, from Napoleon to Hitler to US/NATO/Ukraine (The Khazar leadership hates Orthodox Christian Russia because the enlarging Russian Empire engulfed the Khazar homeland in what is now the Ukraine.)

early Bolsheviks

white guilt, white supremacy

woke, wokery, wokester

Zionism  ("Zionism requires anti-Semitism, is addicted to it, and seeks to insure that it, or at least the appearance of it, never ends." source), Christian Zionists, the Balfour Declaration, first Zionist Conference (1897), Greater Israel, Haavara Transfer, the Jewish Agency, Haganah, Irgun, Lehi, 8 July 1938 bombing of Palestinian children by a 12-year-od girl, bombing of the Patria in 1940, bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946, Resolution 181, Stern Gang


2023-10-14 b


In summary it all says that the military industrial complex has realized that it can only initiate wars and conduct long wars only under Democratic / progressive administrations. This is needed to sell it to allies as a “just cause” and to keep the antiwar Left silent. If you give progressives what they want socially (e.g. Great Society/Open Border/GND, etc.) they will not protest the war. This is why the Neocons have shifted sides (Cheney, Kristol, Romney, etc.) why the Deep State (FBI/CIA/DHS/Pentagon, etc.) is on the side of Democrats. It also explains why Barack Obama received a Nobel Prize for doing nothing. (source)

2023-10-14 a


2023-10-13 f



“Hamas Raping and Killing Women — Darien Gap is WIDE OPEN FOR BUSINESS Meanwhile uncategorized Arabs flow through Darien every hour. Including “Palestinians” I personally encounter.

Jews and others have nowhere to run because not tossing out vaxxing-and other self-destructive governments.

As of today, illegal aliens are able to pass straight through Colombia, Panama, Costal Rica, with very little human-made delay and a great deal of human facilitation, especially so by United States and UN.

UN has massive presence in Panama. US funds and facilitates UN. After crossing Darien Gap from Colombia into Panama, unidentified aliens load buses (now right in from of me) and can as of today drive completely through Panama into Costa Rica to Nicaraguan border.

Price now per head for bus ride from Darien is $60 per person over five years-old. People who do not have the $60 can work for five days around camp to pay for ticket.

Presidents of Costa Rica and Panama came to Lajas Blancas camp on 06 October 2023. We were there again yesterday, on 07Oct23, aliens had been held back in the jungle reducing the numbers the press-cameras saw.

Lajas Blancas camp had been cleaned of trash before arrival. A source currently in Bajo Chiquito village (3 hours upriver from Lajas Blancas by piragua) told me two minutes ago that 1500 illegal aliens boarded 100 piraguas in past 2 hours en route to Lajas Blancas Camp.

Piraguas are dugout canoes — 15 to 20 per aliens per piragua. This reconciles with what I am seeing right now coming in from Bajo Chiquito.

With new agreement between Panama and Costa Rica to open border between Panama and Costa Rica, these aliens can now immediately proceed through Panama and Costa Rica in roughly 1 day.

In summary, this means the Chinese route through South America to United States, the route typically starting in Quito, Ecuador, can facilitate Chinese landing in South America and then entering United States within roughly 2 weeks. Some Chinese can do within 10 days depending on the breaks.

In other words, a Chinese spy/soldier can leave China and take the Southern route and be anywhere in America within about 2 weeks without any trace of entering America.

Currently roughly 60 buses per day are making the journey from Darien. A source told me yesterday the next phase starting soon will bring this to 200 buses.

Two brand new camps are being built in the Darien.

This accurate and direct information and more is the source of my estimate that at least 10,000 aliens per day will be successfully crossing through Panama to United States.

The new bridge building and other infrastructure being built along the route will easily create conditions for 3-4 million per year through Panama.

I know this route very well. A few more tweaks can pave way for a million per month coming through here.”

Does anyone in Congress know what the hell is going on??????????

2023-10-13 e


2023-10-13 d


New Philly car dealership has 60% of its cars stolen within a week of opening, owner says he “would not come to Philadelphia” if he could have a do-over

City Motors is not going to last long in Philadelphia. You wanna know how I know? They've been open for less than a week, and have already lost almost two-thirds of their inventory to theft. Seven out of their eleven vehicles were stolen last Tuesday night.

Yeah, Philadelphia is going to pot, man. Try to open a business and sell some cars, and then this happens.

A car dealership open for less than a week in Philadelphia's Mayfair section is on the brink of closing for good after thieves made off with several cars on Wednesday.

"If we don't recover the cars, we probably won't survive it," said Nathan Kriegler, the co-owner of City Motors of Philadelphia. "It could be the start and the end all in the same week."

His building on Frankford Avenue was broken into by a group of people sometime overnight Tuesday into Wednesday morning.

They ransacked his office, stole the keys to seven of the 11 cars on the lot, and made off with them. They also broke into an eighth car and tried to hot-wire it but were unsuccessful.

They also made off with the titles of the cars.

City Motors was so new that they didn't even have security cameras, so I'll assume all these criminals are going to stay on the streets. Police have already tracked down three of the seven cars, leaving four still in the hands of criminals.

As for opening a business in Philadelphia, well, I'll just let co-owner Nathan Kriegler tell you how he feels:

I think if I had the choice all over, I would not come to Philadelphia. I think a lot of people are feeling that way.

Hopefully the other cars turn up. City Motors doesn't have insurance on the cars, save liability insurance, so they're going to need them back in order to keep the financial hit to a minimum.

But with this being Philadelphia, maybe it's best they close up shop. It's only going to get worse.

(read more)

2023-10-13 c


See also:

2023-10-13 b

Impulsivity, unfortunately, is a dark trait. 

11-Year-Old [Black] Florida Youth Steals Gun From His Mom’s Car and Shoots Two Other Children After Football Practice Over a Bag of Chips

Apopka, Florida – Apopka Police released surveillance footage Tuesday capturing the moment an 11-year-old Florida boy shot two of his 13-year-old football teammates after practice. Multiple outlets including TMZ have described the video as shocking.

The video shows the alleged shooter being chased by one of his teammates following a youth football practice at a park Monday night. The kid then darts to his mother’s vehicle in the parking lot and steals a gun from the passenger-side seat.

The boy then saunters over to the sidewalk and fires a shot at one of his teammates who has his back turned. According to police, the bullet hit one teammate in the upper body and the other in the arm.

A woman, presumably the boy’s mother, can be seen snatching the firearm from the youth before holding his hands behind his back. She appears to be scolding him in front of their vehicle as the victims attempt to flee.

Police say the incident occurred at around 8:20 PM at the Northwest Recreation Complex football field in Apopka. after the 11-year-old suspect and his two teammates had gotten into an argument over a bag of chips. The junk food was supposedly slapped from alleged perp’s hands during football practice.

The two victims are expected to recover from their injuries according to TMZ. This might come as a bit of a surprise considering the mom of one of the boys was in a panic after he was shot. (read more)

2023-10-13 a


2023-10-12 b

Cristobal Colon (Christopher Columbus) set foot
on the New World on this day in 1492.

Thus began the salvation of the ignoble savages of the Americas.

The Europeans would end child sacrifice.
The Europeans would end the sacrifice of female virgins.
The Europeans would end cannibalism.
The Europeans would end incessant internecine warfare that killed the best and the brightest leading, for example,  to the enstupidation of Meso-Americans.
The Europeans would end the setting of wildfires in warfare. Untold numbers of women, children and the elderly were disfigured or killed by intentionally set fires.

Why then do the indignant ones call thie day, Indigenous Peoples Day?

Does the conquest of the Amerindians upset them?

Are they also upset about the conquest of Jerusalem about 2600 years ago?
Are they also upset about the conquests described by Herodotus?
Are they also upset about the conquests of Alexander the Great?
Are they also upset about the conquests of the Romans?
Are they also upset about the conquests of the Germanic tribes, the Huns, the Vandals, the Goths ... ?
Are they also upset about the conquests of the Britons by the Celts, Picts, Angles, Saxons, Danes, Jutes ... ?
Are they also upset about the conquest of Spain by the Moors?
Are they also upset about the conquests and predations by the Vikings?
Are they also upset about the conquest of England in 1066 by the Normans?
Are they also upset about the conquests of the Moguls?
Are they also upset about the conquests of the Han Chinese?
Are they also upset about the conquests of the Carolingians and the Holy Roman Empire?
Are they also upset about the conquests of the Venetians?
Are they also upset about the conquests of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane?
Are they also upset about the conquests of the Ottomans?
Are they also upset about the conquests and colonization of Africa?
Are they also upset about the conquests of the Dutch East India Company?
Are they also upset about the conquests of the Khazar bankers?

2023-10-12 a


Mahmoud Abourjila joins a long list of persons-of-color who have recorded themselves
while committing a crime and then stupidly posted that video online.



2023-10-11 f


“Milley said it’d be cheaper to leave all of our equipment behind in Afghanistan,
instead of flying it back. That’s when I knew he was a f*cking idiot!”
President Trump


Left behind in Afghanistan


22,174 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWV) – Humvees
155 Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles (MRAP)
634 M1117 Guardian Armored Security Vehicles (ASV)
169 M113 Tracked Armored Personnel Carriers (APC)
42,000 pickup trucks and SUVs
8,000 heavy trucks, most likely including 2.5 and 5 ton
Heavy Equipment, including Bulldozers, Backhoes, Dump Trucks, Excavators, etc.


At least 600,000+ Small Arms M16, M249 SAWs, M24 .50 Caliber Sniper Systems including:

358,530 Assault Rifles (probably mostly AR platforms, many with optical sights)
16,295 Semi-automatic Pistols (probabaly mostly Beretta M9 9mm)
64,363 Machine Guns
1,394 M203 40mm Grenade Launchers
61,000 M203 40mm Grenade Rounds
M134 Mini Guns, 20mm Gatling Guns and Ammunition
20,040 Grenades
176 Artillery Pieces
Mortars +1,000’s of Rounds
10,000 2.75 inch (caliber) Air to Ground Rockets
2,520 Aerial Bombs
Explosives Ordnance: C-4, Semtex, Detonators, Shaped Charges, Thermite, Incendiaries, AP/API/APIT
Millions of Rounds of Ammunition including but not limited to 20,150,600 rounds of 7.62mm, 9,000,000 rounds of .50 caliber


162,000+ pieces of Encrypted (Secure) Military Communications Gear (radios)
16,000+ Night Vision Goggles
Newest Technology Night Vision Scopes
Thermal Scopes and Thermal Mono Goggles
Reconnaissance Equipment (ISR)
Laser Aiming Units
Administration Encrypted Cell Phones and Laptops ALL operational
US Military Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment Biometrics (HIIDE)


33 Mi-17 Helicopters
33 UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopters
43 MD530G Scout Attack Helicopters
65 ScanEagle Military Drones*
28 Cessna 208s
10 Cessna AC-208 Strike Aircraft
23 Brazilian made A-29 Super Tucano Ground Attack Aircraft
4 C-130 Cargo Aircraft


Huge stockpile of Personal Protective Equipment including Plate Carriers, Body Armor and Helmets.

Pallets with Millions of Dollars in US Currency.

2023-10-11 e

A high-ranking Israel Defense Forces (IDF) commander said that US weapons
left in Afghanistan were found in the hands of Palestinian groups
active in the Gaza Strip.

U.S. Weapons Left in Afghanistan In The Hands Muslim Terrorists in Israel

Stolen elections have terrible consequences. The IS has become a force for evil.

Weapons left by the US in Afghanistan reached the hands of Palestinian militants.

A high-ranking Israel Defense Forces (IDF) commander said that US weapons left in Afghanistan were found in the hands of Palestinian groups active in the Gaza Strip.

A Pentagon report following the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 said that $7 billion worth of military equipments given to the previous Afghan government fell into the hands of the Taliban.

The weapons have also become a source of revenue for Taliban commanders who compete to sell and smuggle them out of Afghanistan.

(read more)

See also:

2023-10-11 d

See also:


“As a former intelligence officer, I find it impossible to believe that Israel did not have multiple informants inside Gaza as well as electronic listening devices all along the border wall which would have picked up movements of groups and vehicles.”

[Did Netanyahu have foreknowledge] about developments in Gaza and chose to let it happen so they can wipe Gaza off the map… in retaliation”
(Philip Giraldi, October 8, 2023)

See also:


"there was so much intelligence to digest that we missed some crucial details."


Israel’s Failure to Stop the Hamas Attack Shows the Danger of Too Much Surveillance

Hundreds dead, thousands wounded—Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel shows the limits of even the most advanced and invasive surveillance dragnets as full-scale war erupts.

The Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated areas on the planet. It’s also one of the
most heavily locked down, surveilled, and suppressed. Israel has evolved an entire intelligence apparatus and aggressive digital espionage industry around advancing its geopolitical interests, particularly its interminable conflict in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Yet on Saturday, Hamas militants caught Israel unaware with a series of devastating land, air, and sea attacks, killing hundreds of people and leaving thousands wounded. Israel has now declared war.

Hamas’ surprise attack on Saturday is shocking given not only its scale compared to previous attacks, but also the fact that it was planned and carried out without Israel’s knowledge. Hamas’ deadly barrage underscores the limitations of even the most intrusive surveillance dragnets. In fact, experts say the sheer quantity of intelligence that Israel collects on Hamas, as well as the group’s constant activity and organizing, may have played a role in obscuring plans for this particular attack amid the endless barrage of potentially credible threats.

“There's no doubt that the scale and scope of this Hamas attack indicate just a colossal intelligence failure on behalf of the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] and in Shin Bet, the internal security agency,” says Raphael Marcus, a visiting research fellow at King’s College London’s Department of War Studies who focuses on the region. “They have such technical prowess and also a legacy of excellent human source capability.”

Israel is known for heavily monitoring Gaza and anyone who could be connected to Hamas using both traditional intelligence-gathering techniques and digital surveillance like facial recognition and spyware. Israel has proved its hacking skills and technical sophistication on the global stage for years, participating in the development of innovative malware for both digital espionage and cyber-physical attacks. The fact that Hamas was able to plan such an unprecedented and complex attack speaks to the limitations and inevitable blind spots of even the most comprehensive surveillance regime.

Jake Williams, a former US National Security Agency hacker and current faculty member at the Institute for Applied Network Security, emphasizes that when you have a firehose of intelligence streaming in from an array of sources, and when the climate is as fraught as that between Israel and Palestine, the challenge is organizing and parsing the information, not gathering it.

“Intelligence in an environment like Israel isn't finding a needle in a haystack—it's finding the needle that will hurt you in a pile of needles,” Williams says. “Given the number of Hamas members involved in the invasion, it's not plausible to me that Israel missed every human intelligence reflection of the planning. But I feel confident that there are always Hamas operatives talking about credible plans to attack the IDF. So Israel can't respond with force to every threat, even every credible one. They'd be at a heightened state of alert or actively engaged all the time, and that's probably actually worse for security.” (read more)

See also:
Egypt intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big'

Egypt says Israel ignored warnings Hamas planned major offensive
An Egyptian official tells the Associated Press that the Israelis were concentrated on the tension in the West Bank and did not take the Egyptians seriously

2023-10-11 c

How did that turn out?

FLASHBACK: Ron Paul ‘Hamas Was Started by Israel’?

In 2009, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) said on the House floor that Israel ‘encouraged and started Hamas.’

Paul’s comments came during a speech about ‘blowback’ due to U.S. intervention in the Middle East.

“What’s happening in the Middle East, in particular with Gaza right now, we have some moral responsibility for both sides in a way because we provide help and funding for both Arab nations and Israel,” Paul said.

“We have a moral responsibility, especially now today the weapons being used to kill so many Palestinians are American weapons and American funds are being used for this,” he added.

“But there’s a political liability, which I think is something we fail to look at because too often there’s so much blowback from our intervention in areas that we shouldn’t be involved in,” he continued.

“You know Hamas, if you look at the history, you’ll find out that Hamas was encouraged and really started by Israel because they wanted Hamas to counteract Yasser Arafat,” Paul commented.

“You say, Well, yeah, it was better then and served its purpose, but we didn’t want Hamas to do this. So then we, as Americans, say, Well, we have such a good system; we’re going to impose this on the world. We’re going to invade Iraq and teach people how to be democrats. We want free elections. So we encouraged the Palestinians to have a free election. They do, and they elect Hamas,” Paul continued.

“So we first, indirectly and directly through Israel, helped establish Hamas. Then we have an election where Hamas becomes dominant, then we have to kill them. It just doesn’t make sense. During the 80s, we were allied with Osama bin Laden and we were contending with the Soviets. It was at that time our CIA thought it was good if we radicalize the Muslim world. So we finance the Madrassas schools to radicalize the Muslims in order to compete with the Soviets. There is too much blowback,” he said.

“There are a lot of reasons why we should oppose this resolution. It’s not in the interest of the United States, it is not in the interest of Israel either,” he added. (read more)

2023-10-11 b

PRESIDENT TRUMP (who still receives intelligence briefings) IS CONCERNED

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA, through our TOTALLY OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER, at Record Numbers. Are they planning an attack within our Country? Crooked Joe Biden and his BOSS, Barack Hussein Obama, did this to us!

Oct 9, 2023


“Sources telling me that there were emergency intel meetings this weekend to discuss the rise of Hamas terror cells that are operating in American cities. These HAMAS terrorists came across the US border and are apparently planning to attack major US cities over the next 14 months.

HAMAS has directed their supporters in their telegram to retaliate against Americans for US support of Israel.”

2023-10-11 a



Do you see why the Globalists have moved
so many Mohammedans to America & to Europe?
Lower class Palestinians, Somalis, Syrians, Turks, Afghans, Algerians, etc.
in the Christian West are on a mission, a holy war, a jihad.

I would be wary of the ones who force their women to be covered in public,
who demand hallal meals in public school cafeterias &
who demand that their calls to prayer be broadcast in American cities.
They will not assimilate because they ultimately want to kill us.



FURY AND ANGER: I just got out of a wild scene erupting in downtown Kirkland. Pro-Israel protesters are clashing with pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Both sides are yelling at each other. I saw cops with riot gear, devout Muslims praying on their knees, and total rage playing out in the middle of this quiet suburb outside of Seattle. I had to remind myself this is America, not the Gaza Strip. Expect this scene to play out for a few more hours. This is happening in conjunction with other rallies across the region. #Kirkland #Israel #Protest #Palestine


“The entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity…”
– Hamas Official Mahmoud Al-Zahar, December, 2022

Hamas Senior Official: “Planet Earth Will Come Under [a System] Where There is… No Zionism, No Treacherous Christianity”




-10-10 c


Their agenda is being defeated as more people learn who is behind the chaos.

It is not antisemitic to call out the Khazars.
The original Khazars came out of Asia,
from east of the Urals, in the first century AD.
 They are not a semitic people.
They are not descended from Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. 
They are not G-D's chosen people.


2023-10-10 b

(I realize most of you did not take a Biochemistry class at Harvard College
(like I did), however, a minimal science background is sufficient for you to
understand the monstrous evil behind the fake pandemic, the unlawful "mandates"
& the clot shots that did not prevent infection or transmission.)


5 ways to skin a (genetically modified) cat

How many coincidences can there be in #plasmidgate?

By now I sincerely hope that you have all been watching the exposure of the #PlasmidGate scandal unfold on twitter and various other platforms. If you haven’t I’m going to summarise it for you as briefly I can:

When Pfizer and Moderna said that they produced an “RNA vaccine” and that an “RNA vaccine” meant that anything they injected into you would have a short lived (days) effect at most, it was a lie.

When the media, the regulators and the government said it “isn’t gene therapy” without knowing what was actually in the product, that was also a lie.

The primary reason that this is now proven to be a lie is that multiple laboratories around the world have proven that those COVID vaccines contain therapeutic levels of plasmid DNA. DNA lasts for ever and if it integrates into your genome, you will produce its product forever. There is no definition of gene therapy anywhere in the world that this process would be excluded from.


For more details on #Plasmidgate outside of twitter I would refer you to the original substack from Kevin McKernan here and the whole testimony of Dr Phillip Buckhaults here.

Just for background, it’s important to know what plasmid DNA is - it’s the lab-based circular DNA particles that is replicated in big vats of poo and then used to create the mRNA that goes into your “short lived” vaccine.

It’s a lab tool so should never be in a drug injected into a human. It’s not allowed to be there. It’s like having a drug that requires arsenic as a substrate to make it, and then throwing the leftover arsenic into the actual drug that gets injected into you.

But this article is not directly about the discovery of Plasmid DNA in the Pfizer and Moderna jabs (that has been now verified by 6 labs worldwide).

It’s about the special properties of the contents of that DNA and the RNA that is made from it, combined with the RNA that accompanies it (the jabs have the stated RNA in them as well as the stowaway DNA).

You see, it turns out that there are at least 5 different mechanisms for that DNA-RNA-protein combination to take that DNA into the nucleus of your cells. And that wasn’t on the advertising brochure was it?

Don’t believe me? See what Dr Phillip Buckhaults has to say about the Buckshot. I have clipped out the most important part from his speech to the SC Senate hearing and the most important bit of the most important bit is this:

“During the process they chopped them [the DNA plasmids] up to try to make them go away but they actually increased the hazard of genome modification”

Wait, what?

They did something that increased the risk of genome modification?

Now why would they do that, surely that’s an accident.

And now we are here. Phillip quote’s Hanlon’s razor, viz:

And I am going to show to you why the makers of the Pfizer and Moderna “mRNA vaccine” must be really, really, stupid if Hanlon’s Razor applies. It’s because in this one product there are at least 5 ways in which the product design and manufacture ended up with mechanisms that increase the risk of DNA going into the nucleus of your cells, thus modifying your genome.

In other words, if they wanted to skin this particular cat, they managed to find 5 separate ways to do it and throw them into the same product.

1: The Lipid Nanoparticles

I have addressed the LNPs previously in this article from last year which has attracted 23,000 reads to date…

The important point is that the LNP is a transfectant

medium. The lipid acts as something that takes the nucleic acid product (DNA or RNA) into the cell and potentially onto the nucleus. That’s what transfection agents do.

Don’t take my word for it of course. Here

is the Pfizer-BioNtech official document that tells you that the product transfects cells and that the LNP is more effective than the commercially available transfection kit (Ribojuice™, which is designed for RNA rather than DNA).
From the document: HEK293T cells transfected with either BNT162b2-RNA (DS) or BNT162b2-LNP (DP) were incubated for 18 h before harvesting for analyses. A commercial transfection kit (RiboJuice mRNA transfection kit) was used in the transfection of cells with BNT162b2-RNA.

In other words, those Lipid Nanoparticles are designed to get DNA into the nucleus of cells, and do that job with both DNA and RNA better than a commercially available transfection product.

When I say that the LNP (which are cationic) are intended to deliver DNA into the nucleus this is not some random claim. It’s well known. Here from 2017:

“It has been reported that DNAs delivered by Lipofectamine® 2000 reach the nucleus with a high frequency only after 4 h incubation”

What that means is that if the LNPs (or lipofectamine or any other cationic lipid particle) hang around for a few hours they will transfect (bring DNA into) the nucleus of any cell that it is in contact with.

And in the case of humans in which LNP-mRNA [2020] LNP-mRNA-DNA complexes are administered, thank God it doesn’t accumulate in the ovaries, right?

Yeah about that. The LNP exceeds the 4 hours easily in the ovaries, and remember that the study stopped recording this data at 48 hours even though they claimed that the animals were monitored for up to 9 days.

Graphical representation of LNP presence by tissue type and by time up to 48 hours
(in response to

And we knew that the distribution of LNPs to the ovaries was not only known about but was an intentional design back from a study in 2013 here. No “conspiracy theories” required. But I bet you didn’t see this mentioned in the consent form did you? Check the date on this tweet

Now method one of skinning our cat is over, let’s move on to method two

2: Linearised plasmid DNA

So, what on earth is that I hear you say? Let’s break it down:

Linearised - Plasmid - DNA

Well DNA is what shouldn’t be in the product. It’s not RNA (which is the stuff that is meant to last for a few minutes and then get degraded, but that’s not what this article is about). It’s the nucleic acid type that makes up your genome, the stuff that is the blueprint for you. RNA is derived from DNA and makes the proteins that enable you to live.

This is called the “Central Dogma of Molecular Biology”

The bottom line being that, in general, if you want to have an effect on an organism (e.g. a person) using genetic methods, you can do this temporarily with RNA (which will then produce protein and should then degrade so it doesn’t produce any more) but if you want to make it more permanent you would use DNA and integrate it into the genome. Then when called on it will produce RNA which will produce protein. That process could happen for ever under the right circumstances.

The step for RNA to produce protein usually happens immediately when RNA is produced (or introduced) in the cell. But for DNA to enact this process (to induce transcription and then translation) requires the DNA to have a signal to act. This is usually from a promoter which can respond to local signals and start the transcription process (it needs to be regulated so that it is not switched on all the time).

There are multiple mechanisms for the regulations of RNA transcription and the elements that regulate (increase, decrease, start, stop) transcription don’t even need to be in the same area of the gene being regulated. It’s a complex process that we don’t know everything about for every gene.

The point is that, if foreign DNA gets into your genome all hell can break loose - the most notable risk being cancer. This is because cancer is, in general, a situation where the control of cell growth and replication is disturbed. And cell growth and replication is a tightly controlled and complex system so any disturbance of it is either going to make cells grow more or less. Growing more cells without control is what gives you cancer. And this is known about in the field of gene therapy (where nucleic acid material is introduced to a person in order to correct a deficiency) such that one of the first gene therapies was stopped for this reason.

This is “insertional oncogenesis” where cancer is caused by the insertion of additional fragments of DNA into areas of the DNA that interrupted the regulation mechanisms of that DNA.

In fact all you need to create a cancer risk in a cell is for there to be enough “buckshot” (the term used by Phillip Buckhaults) for one of the pellets to stick itself where it doesn’t belong. And the more “buckshot” you have the higher the chance. When it comes to this particular buckshot we are talking about billions of copies of random DNA fragments. That’s a problem as discussed also here:

And here

Sequencing of bivalent Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines reveals nanogram to microgram quantities of expression vector dsDNA per dose

And here

So that is the “DNA” bit but what about the other bits - “Linearised Plasmid”

Well, the plasmid is the circular loop of DNA that is used to transfect the E.Coli (the bacteria that make up the biggest constituent of poo). This is what a diagram of it looks like (actually, this is what Kevin McKernan found on sequencing because the original diagram from Pfizer had a lot of components hidden)

This form of DNA is very good at getting into bacteria and getting them to produce what you need, which is the process that was used in “Process 2” of the Pfizer vaccine production. That is the one that was rolled out to the world - now designated #Poojabs because of the way it was produced. This was not explicitly declared to the public, by the way, and required the infamous freedom of information law suit to uncover as published by Josh Guetzkow here.

However, plasmid DNA is not normally that dangerous to humans because it is readily destroyed by circulating enzymes. The problem comes when the plasmid DNA is encapsulated in a Lipid Nanoparticle. Then it doesn’t get destroyed and whichever organism it gets injected to may react in a similar way to the #poojabs bacteria it was intended for. The mere presence of this lab-tool in a medicinal product for which it was not intended is therefore a regulatory no-no for this and other reasons as outlined in the EMA guidelines here.

Guideline Quality Non Clinical Clinical Aspects Gene Therapy Medicinal Products En

428KB ∙ PDF file

So having lab-plasmid DNA intended for bacteria (which includes antibiotic resistance genes that you really don’t want injected into you) contaminating your “RNA therapy” is shocking enough, but what is Phillip saying about the small fragments?

Well he says “little bitty lines” and that what he found was small fragments of DNA from the plasmid that they “tried to chop up” with enzymes. But it didn’t remove the lab-tool DNA at all, merely chopped it into little pieces. And do you know what happens when you chop a circular plasmid DNA into little pieces? It’s not circular anymore. It’s linear and that’s a problem.

In fact it’s such a problem that this publication below shows that whatever they tried to do to the ends of linear DNA fragments they couldn’t stop them integrating into the genome with 10-20% of fragments (remember there are billions of them) integrating.

You can see from the graphic that simply linearising the plasmid (red→ orange) significantly increases the amount of stable transfection (incorporation into the genome).

So, that’s what Phillip and Kevin are talking about. Breaking the plasmid up into linear fragments doesn’t destroy it. It makes it more likely to integrate into the genome.

If that was what you were trying to do, it would be a nice backup way to skin your cat. But we’re not finished yet…

3: The SV40 enhancer

One of the most shocking discoveries from Kevin McKernan’s sequencing analysis of the Pfizer vaccine was the inclusion of fragments of the SV40 promoter/enhancer.

What’s that you ask?

Well, SV40 is a monkey virus (Simian Virus hence SV) that is infamous for two things:

  1. it’s highly oncogenic because of its enhancer/promoter region

  2. it got into polio vaccines in the 50s and because it was so dangerous the regulators are still looking for it in vaccines

A gene enhancer is a switch that ramps up the production of gene product (protein) that it is affiliated with. In the case of SV40 the enhancer will essentially turn a gene on and never switch it off. The virus itself it has its own T-antigen protein that is produced in buckets due to the enhancer region, and this protein causes cells to divide in an uncontrolled fashion (hence cancer). The enhancer region therefore is popular for genomic scientists who want to get cells to produce proteins in large quantities, because it can be placed next to a gene of interest and it will be switched on permanently. Hence why it’s a lab tool.

That’s a problem if it were to get into the human medicinal chain because if that promoter gets into the genome next to a cancer gene you’re going to be in big trouble, potentially causing a “turbo cancer” which is a term that has appeared recently.

The sequence map below shows that this wasn’t random with both versions containing the enhancer and…

In the sequence map above you can see in the blue boxes (and pointed out by the authors) that there is one copy of a 72bp (base pair, or nucleotide pair) element in one version and two copies in another. This is 72bp element is directly from the SV40 genome and is seen in the enhancer of SV40 in either one of two copies

. It’s not a random 72bp sequence.

Therefore the inclusion of the SV40 enhancer region was deliberate and it should not have been anywhere near a product intended for human use.

But remember this article is about one thing - elements of the vaccine properties that appear to increase the chance of DNA getting into the nucleus. The SV40 enhancer is dangerous because it can cause cancer or other problems if it gets into the human genome, but it has one other peculiar property.

The SV40 enhancer region of the SV40 genome is a DNA nuclear targeting sequence (DTS or NTS)

This is known from decades of work by David Dean of University of Rochester who was kind enough to discuss some of this with the Daily Beagle for their article here

Exclusive: Plasmids Can Integrate Without Transfectants
Credit to Jikkyleaks for assistance. This renders the debate on LNPs (lipid nanoparticles) and whether or not SV40 (Simian Virus) promoters exist as less relevant, as it turns out plasmids still have a probability of entering the cell nucleus without…

But to drive the point home, Dean showed conclusively that the 72bp sequence from that SV40 enhancer region was required in order to transport plasmid DNA (or any introduced DNA, for that matter) into the nucleus of cells (other than those undergoing cell division).

Transfection of CV1 cells using a positive control (left column). The middle two columns use either a CMV sequence alone or including the 72bp SV40 sequence. The massive increase in protein production was a result of nuclear transport of the gene which only occurred with inclusion of the SV40 sequence

So, not only did the people that made this product not seem to care whether there was a cancer-causing SV40 enhancer sequence injected into recipients, but that sequence was coincidentally the only one that could have been chosen that had a specific property of facilitating the transport of any foreign DNA that happened to be present into the nucleus.

Cat skinning method number three complete, but the story is not over.

4. Spike protein nuclear localisation signal

Now this one is much easier.

Essentially, the spike protein (not the RNA or DNA) contains a special peptide sequence which acts as a nuclear transporter of any DNA that is attached to it. It’s one of many mechanisms for nuclear transport (that is, carriage of DNA into the nucleus) elucidated in this seminal review from the same David Dean here

The common theme is that the DNA needs a nuclear localisation helper, which can be a Nuclear Localisation Signal (NLS, a specific sequence of amino acids in a protein in the cell) or a DNA transport sequence (DTS, discussed above in the SV40 section). By the way this only applies to cells that are not dividing. In cells that are dividing (undergoing mitosis) you don’t need any of these fancy mechanisms as shown in the graphic above - any free floating DNA will simply integrate.

So, thankfully there are no proteins floating around with a Nuclear Localisation Sequence accompanying the Pfizer or Moderna (or Novavax) “vaccines”, right?

Wrong. Here’s the paper.

There are two interesting things about this massively important discovery.

  1. That there is a nuclear localisation signal (NLS) in the spike protein at all. It should have been removed when they “created the vaccine in record time

  2. The nuclear localisation signal (NLS) is the sequence PRRARSV. It’s the same sequence as the Furin Cleavage Site.

Now I’ll need to take you back a little bit to December 2021. Remember this?

That article paved the way for the publication of this paper confirming that the Furin Cleavage Site of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was derived from a Moderna patented gene sequence.

In fact, Moderna have never got round to denying this - or that they had never created a working product and suddenly won the pharma lottery. Here’s the train wreck interview (archived).

Now here’s the kicker. The Furin Cleavage Site, that was touted as the scary insertion that caused virulence of the scary virus - was kept in the vaccine sequence.

That’s right. The highly toxic and inflammatory amino acid sequence QTNSPRRARSV, that was supposed to be one of the reasons for the “cytokine storm” (that was later found to be fake), was retained in the “vaccine” design. This is not normal in vaccine design and in fact the Spikogen vaccine removed this inflammatory fragment from its design, as it should.

So, why would vaccine manufacturers (other than for Spikogen) keep this component in? Well, obviously it has nothing to do with the fact that the furin cleavage site contains this sequence: PRRARSV

Which is exactly the same sequence as documented in the Sattar paper above and is a Nuclear Localisation sequence (NLS).

In other words, the retention of the “furin cleavage site” part of the spike protein - which is highly inflammatory and should not have been kept in the design of a vaccine - rendered an additional method by which any fragments of DNA that were present could be transported to the nucleus and integrated into the genome.

What a coincidence!

Imagine incorporating something that the industry knew was dangerous into a RNA vaccine “not knowing” that this very thing would make any “contaminant” DNA get into the nucleus.

How unlucky do these researchers have to be?

[EDIT: The inimitable Jessica Rose reminded me about her substack from a year ago discussing the NLS and its location in the FCS here. Definitely worth revisiting if you have time]

Well, planned or not, that gives us the fourth way that our genetically modified cat could be skinned.

But four isn’t enough is it? I mean, if you really, really wanted to make sure that DNA could get integrated into the genome and you couldn’t guarantee that people would line up for repeated doses… You’d need a fifth option to guarantee that the product could integrate…

5. Open Reading Frame in the PolyA tail

OK, I have to admit that now we’re in speculation territory. But there are just too many coincidences.

The “PolyA tail” is the end cap on an mRNA sequence. It’s like the bottle cap on a bottle of fizzy pop. Without it, the pop will taste of something but it won’t have any fizz. The PolyA tail is a run of adenosines (AAAAAAA’s) added to the end of an RNA sequence and it serves to protect it from degradation as well as to allow export from the nucleus where it would be normally produced (from DNA) in a mammalian cell.

Sounds fine, right?

But, there is something not quite right with the PolyA tail in the Pfizer vaccine sequence, and no explanation for it that I have been able to find. Here it is

The full sequence of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine PolyA tail is: 

And what is weird about it is that the middle bit GCATATGACT has a sequence that contains a “start codon”, that is a triplet that tells the ribosome to start translating from RNA to a protein. There is no logic for it to be there. Now we can put this sequence into a protein translator program and get this:

The tool tells us what will translate (in pink) and which requires a “M” (Methionine) to start any protein. The code for “M” here is ATG which is in that polyA tail sequence (but shouldn’t be).

So - theoretically - if that sequence (ore even the one before it) were to “read through” the stop codons ahead of it, or if that fragment separated (because the plasmid was chopped up into pieces), there is a possibility of producing a poly-K sequence peptide. And that is a very highly charged sequence which could carry anything into the nucleus.

Of course, that couldn’t happen because “stop codon read through” - where the normal signals to stop translating a protein when a “stop codon” is encountered is ignored and translation keeps going - can’t happen can it? And it certainly couldn’t translate the polyA tail in the “untranslated region (UTR)” could it?

Well, it could under certain circumstances. One of those circumstances would occur if, instead of using standard RNA (containing uracil), the designers used “pseudouridine” (a synthetic version of uracil). Which is precisely what happened in the case of the Pfizer and Moderna “mRNA vaccines”. Pseudouridine is known to carry a risk of precisely this event happening.

And, again totally coincidentally, Pfizer and Moderna presumably knew about this problem because instead of just one stop codon (the termination code for RNA translation) in the RNA sequence, Pfizer had two and Moderna had three. Which is like putting an extra set of brakes on your car because you knew that the first set would fail.

The very existence of these at least allows us to drop one of our favourite geeky memes


I’ve come to the end of this little trip around the “mRNA” COVID vaccine sequences and their intentional absolutely coincidental properties that make transfer of their plasmid DNA into the genome highly likely. And of course this is dose dependent so the more doses you have the more likely the plasmid fragments will be to integrate into your genomic DNA.

Fortunately they thought about all this when they rolled out the therapy and they also thought about the impact in gametes (sperm and egg cells) which would pass on that signal to the next generation.

And on that note I will leave you with an excellent graphic from an anoymous(e) twitter account which should give you an idea of the scale of the problem that we could be dealing with in terms of heritability of these DNA fragments.

Fortunately we are protected by our drug regulators, who knew all this when they approved these drugs.

They did, didn’t they?

[There is a short update to this article here]


The terms used in this and linked article will be context dependent. A “transfection agent”, “transfectant agent” or “transfection reagent” is the product that is used to help transfect cells. The resulting cells are transfectants (or transfected cells).


TGA FOI 2389 document 6 (reduced redaction version)

Tga Foi 2389 6 Reduced Redations
2.52MB ∙ PDF file


Herr, W. The SV40 enhancer: transcriptional regulation through a hierarchy of combinatorial interactions. Seminars in Virology (4) 1993:3-13.

Sv40 1 S2
840KB ∙ PDF file

The genomic sequence of the 72bp region is
atggt tgctgactaa ttgagatgca tgctttgcat acttctgcct gctggggagc ctggggactt tccacac, matching the sequence in Kevin’s analysis below

(read more)

2023-10-10 a
(pride entry)


They do not have the very rare condition of gender dysphoria.
They are autogynephiles.
Older books call their condition transvestitic fetishism.


-10-09 f

Amazon Alexa tells users the 2020 presidential election was 'stolen by a massive amount of election fraud' causing Bezos' empire to scramble to explain [ACCURATE] content
  • The Alexa said the election was 'stolen by a massive amount of election fraud,' while citing Rumble, a right-wing video streaming site 
  • Amazon did not say why the machines use information from unvetted sources when answering questions posed by users

Amazon's Alexa has told users that the 2020 presidential election was 'stolen by a massive amount of election fraud' causing Jeff Bezos' empire to scramble to explain the concerning ACCURATE content. 

An investigation by the Washington Post showed when the devices were asked if the election was stolen, they would cite unproven CORRECT facts and say that electoral fraud had taken place.  

The Alexa said it was 'stolen by a massive amount of election fraud,' while citing Rumble, a right-wing video streaming site.

Amazon did not say why the machines use information from unvetted ACCURATE sources when answering questions posed by users. 



(read more)

2023-10-09 e

(Khazar bankers say: Lets you and him fight.)

A typology of globohomo-initiated wars: Assessing success or failure by the objectives sought

This post offers a typology of globohomo-initiated wars. An understanding of how the central bank owners own and control Western civilization is helpful background knowledge to appreciate the arguments advanced within.

Is globohomo invincible?

What a loaded question. It’s an emotionally charged question, too: a dissident with an optimistic, hopeful streak will likely instinctively react “Hell no!” and “This question is inherently demoralizing and shouldn’t even be considered - of course they’re beatable! Focus on the bright side of things, God is on our side!”

Okay, great. I am comforted, thanks for that. But it wouldn’t hurt to consider the question and then reject it after some analysis, right? Let’s give it a try.

First let’s define “globohomo” and “invincible” in the context of the question presented. We can avoid defining what “is” means, sorry Bill Clinton.

Globohomo is a portmanteau of “globalization” plus either “homogenization” or “homosexuality”. Globalism really kicked into gear with the founding of the [Rockefeller/Rothschild] United Nations in 1945 (after the League of Nations failed), but movement toward it has been ongoing since either:

  1. The privately owned Bank of England was established in 1694, allowing the printing of fiat out of thin air with such funds lent to the British government at interest for the Bank owner’s benefit, or

  2. From a wider perspective, since the neolithic agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago where history has been trending, with some hiccups, toward ever-increasing power centralization into larger and larger blocs controlled by fewer and fewer people with ever-increasing micro-managed control of governments over their populations.

The homosexual component of globohomo is a fairly recent phenomenon, gaining steam since the 1980s along with a corresponding war on masculinity.

The hyper masculinity of the 1980s is missed. Ah-nuld and Carl Weathers in Predator. Ah-nuld later became a globohomo shill and said “Screw your freedoms” during COVID.

For purposes of framing this argument, globohomo means the historical, worldwide centralization trends that the central bank owners have piggybacked off of (not created) and supercharged via their methods of control.

The question of invincibility depends on setting the framing, which requires an investigation into the goals and motivations of the central bank owners. From their world-spanning perspective, nation states are mere provinces that can be used to fight each other to achieve overarching goals. This is why Alex Soros, who is taking over Daddy’s empire, casually brags about hoping America is destroyed:

If Alex Soros thought America’s success was somehow important to the overarching goals, he wouldn’t be publicly bragging about hoping it fails.

To the ruling class, having a mere nation-state province fail can be either a good or a bad thing, depending on the context of whether it increases or decreases their control over the worldwide masses. For the purposes of defining the question, invincibility means whether globohomo, despite occasional hiccups, can be stopped from its continued power centralization along with increased control over the population over which it rules. The framing of this post does not speak to a spiritual perspective involving God’s judgment in the afterlife or whether it is all part of His plan ending in the Second Coming, Judgment Day, the Rapture, etc; it is about control on the material plane in the here and now.

The types of globohomo control

Globohomo ensures compliance through a combination of soft and hard power.

Use of power always has a cost associated with it. Soft power is less costly to use than hard power in terms of money, the impact on perceived legitimacy, the ability for the puppeteers’ to stay in the shadows, and the ability to control outcomes. Soft power includes economic pressure (sanctions, tariffs, utilizing World Bank loans enforcing the Washington Consensus), media and corporate influence, NGO support, control over interest rates and lending through the “independent” central banks, CIA sponsored activities such as color revolutions, overthrow attempts, spying, bribery, etc. The best soft power, though, was the image of America as a bastion of “freedom” and “democracy” worldwide, an image that is rapidly fading, or has already faded. Anyway, western control has metastasized worldwide — its economic system, its push for secularization and increased degeneracy, its media narratives, its fast food and big box stores, its “democracy” (aka oligarchy) are now ubiquitous. It consumes everything in its wake and leaves a gray financialized blob in its wake.

There is very little competition for the west’s empty materialist mass consumption at this time. China’s belt and road initiative is a purely economic offering and they have no cultural soft power. The alternative media is quick to hype that Brazil, Russia, India and China are forming a currency to counteract U.S. dollar hegemony. But this is merely an illusion: the central bank owners control all of these country’s central banks. Here are just a few examples: The pro-West head of the Russian central bank, Elvira Nabiullina, was renominated to her position by Putin after sending $400 billion of Russian funds to get seized by the West at the start of the Not-War. One of the first things the president of Brazil, “Lula”, did after globohomo rigged the election in his favor was call for de-dollarization. Why would Lula do this unless it’s what they wanted? China has been controlled by the central bankers since at least World War 2, or likely after the Opium Wars. Alex Soros, as noted above, is perfectly happy with the U.S. collapsing.

Edward Slavsquat regularly covers the details of the BRICS scam, which you can read about here and here. It’s not a pretty picture.

What about hard power? Globohomo as represented by America has lost numerous wars in the recent past, right? If some Afghan goat herders can beat them, can’t others as well?

This line of reasoning is the cause of much confusion, because people look at the victory conditions of wars as merely being military victory by the aggressor country, ignoring all sorts of alternative victory conditions or what motivations might inspire them. These unconventional victory conditions are not publicly broadcast because such conditions would be wildly unpopular.

There are three types of wars that globohomo engages in. Each type has its own particular objectives (which are always different than what is announced to the public) and therefore victory or failure must be assessed in terms of those unstated objectives. The strategies employed are different, the propaganda they use in support of the war at home and internationally is different, their rules of engagement are different, and the intensity of the effort as well as the length of time involved in each war is different.

The three types of wars are as follows:

  1. Forever-wars, which are long, drawn out affairs, with no desire for outright military victory, designed both to enrich the military industrial complex as well as to bleed right-wing patriotism/enthusiasm to soften them up for the next phase of the globalist agenda. Examples of this type include Vietnam, Afghanistan, and the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war (previously covered here);

  2. Wars to maintain the dollar’s hegemony as the world currency worldwide, as seen in wars in Libya, both Iraq wars, and ongoing tension with Iran; and

  3. Wars against white Christian countries or communities as part of the overarching white and Christian erasure in the West. Examples include Clinton’s war on Serbia, the Syrian war against Alewite/Christian Assad, the so-called “Arab Spring”, World War 1, World War 2, the Boer Wars, ongoing racial conflicts in South Africa and Zimbabwe, and Russia/Ukraine.

Sometimes a war is a hybrid of two objectives. For example, the Russia/Ukraine war is a blend of a forever-war and a war against white Christian Russia, while the second Iraq war was conducted primarily to maintain the dollar’s hegemony, but it had the added benefit for globohomo of destroying an ancient Christianity community whose Christian population is down 90% from pre-war numbers.

There are usually other strategic considerations involved in all three types of war, such as America’s access to the victim nation’s natural resources (especially oil and gas, but also rare earth minerals, gold and silver and others), oil pipeline routes, location for future American military bases, etc., but those are usually secondary considerations.

The Rothschilds control the Federal Reserve (among other central banks); the Federal Reserve controls America; America has conquered the world

In addition to these three types of war there are also other minor types of conflicts, such as the CIA and military’s support for regular coups in Latin America, or the 1980s “War on Crime”, and other CIA-sponsored shenanigans which they conduct to increase their budgets (i.e. creating more problems to “solve” provides justification for increased spending to Congress) but those interventions are usually short, cheap (comparatively) both in money and lives killed or lost, and quickly forgotten.

Let’s go through the three types of wars.

Forever wars

Forever-wars are long, drawn out affairs, with no desire for outright military victory. They are designed both to enrich the military industrial complex on a perpetual basis as well as to bleed right-wing patriotism/enthusiasm to soften them up for the next phase of the globalist agenda. Let’s go through a couple examples.

Vietnam war

Establishment narrative: The United States fought against the North Vietnamese, who were in turn backed by the Soviet Union, to prevent communism from spreading worldwide based on domino theory. The U.S.’s total engagement lasted roughly 20 years (1955-1973), but it’s direct, heavy involvement started after the false flag Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1965 and lasted 8 years. Due to the unfavorable, difficult jungle fighting, the intransigence of the North Vietnamese, and a burgeoning anti-war movement at home, despite military and technological superiority the United States eventually lost the war.

The reality: The Vietnam war, chosen as far away as physically possible from America (halfway around the world) and utilizing extraordinarily restrictive rules of engagement (seriously, read this link if you want to understand how this war was fought), along with controlling both sides of the debate (including the hard-right nationalist John Birch society, according to co-founder Revilo P. Oliver, despite their above complaints about the war) was a major victory for globohomo, achieving the following objectives: (1) America’s loss put a major dent in the right-wing, hotblooded American populist anti-communist movement, both ideologically and in costing 58,000 lower and middle class lives, paving the way for further global integration; and (2) it cost a trillion dollars (adjusted for inflation), increasing the deficit and therefore interest that would be paid to the Federal Reserve owners.

The Afghanistan war

Establishment narrative: Due to 9/11 the Taliban were sympathetic to the attackers and sheltered Osama Bin Laden, therefore the Taliban had to be overthrown. However, given the Taliban retreated into the mountains bordering Pakistan which was a radical wild-card country full of extremists, it was impossible to fully root them out, and that is why America had to stay there for 20 years, only withdrawing in 2021, six months before the start of the next forever-war, the Russia/Ukraine war. Ultimately, the cavemen goat-herders won out against the strongest country in the world (well, twice).

The reality: The central bank owner goals were to massively drive up U.S. debt and bleed right wing populism again, same goals as in Vietnam. It was a massively successful operation for them, costing $2 trillion and thousands of American lives. The military industrial complex carried out these orders because they got to participate in the graft of the U.S. taxpayer; they wanted a forever war 

Additionally, globohomo’s control over Pakistan is and was much greater than commonly perceived. It forced out popular
Imran Khan from office and then imprisoned him because he was insufficiently pro-Ukraine war (confirmed by leaked diplomatic cables). They just didn’t want to use Pakistan to rein in the Taliban.

Ukraine war

Establishment perspective: NATO is defending poor Ukrainian democracy against the ultra-aggressive Russian behemoth dictatorship led by Putin, who is almost akin to a Nazi war criminal. Alternatively, to many on the religious right Putin is standing up for white Christian values against expansionist U.S./UK/NATO forces.

The reality: The war is controlled on both sides by globohomo. The war is being conducted for many reasons, but especially as a tool for continued white genocide and trillion dollar/year funding laundered back to the military/industrial complex and paid for via the taxpayer and from U.S. debt servitude. Win/win/win. Here is a deep-dive on the topic

On the basis of globohomo’s objectives for these forever wars, they were resounding successes even if the military outcomes of one of their subjugated national provinces “lost” or was “stalemated” in the war against another one of their subjugated national provinces. These wars resoundingly successes for globohomo’s long-term plans for worldwide centralization, consolidation, and control.

Wars to maintain the dollar’s hegemony as the world currency worldwide

The dollar’s hegemony is due to the petrodollar system, which ties the sale of oil to the dollar and allowed the U.S. to set up a world reserve currency without tying it to gold or silver. This allowed it to unleash unprecedented monetary deficits to benefit globohomo and kickstart neoliberal feudalism into gear. See this excellent analysis (and part 2, 3, 4) by

which lays out in detail how this system works.

Essentially, the U.S. agreed to provide a security guarantee to Saudi and other middle east nations in return for them accepting only dollars for their oil, and then the U.S. would accept those middle eastern dollars back into the U.S. as foreign investments. As part of this arrangement, other nations that threatened Saudi would have to be dealt with, militarily if necessarily (Saudi got scared by Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait in the Gulf War). Additionally, any oil-producing nation that tried to get off the petrodollar system was a threat to the U.S. dollar as world reserve currency and therefore had to be brutally crushed. Any leader that attempts to get off the petrodollar system must be overthrown and brutally murdered or executed as a warning to other leaders not to try the same thing. The objective is not the pacification of a nation’s people per se but regime overthrow plus leadership execution, and globohomo pursues it with a singular focus. With this in mind:

The Second Iraq war

Establishment perspective: Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, Sunnis oppressing the Shiites, Saddam’s a dictator, some nonsense around those lines.

The reality: The war was primarily about destroying Saddam for threatening to get off the U.S. petrodollar system. In November 2000 Saddam Hussein decreed that all oil payments would be made in euros, as he did not wish to deal “in the currency of the enemy”, which is what cost him his life. Secondarily, the war continued globohomo’s goal of destroying Christianity worldwide; Iraq’s Christian population has declined 90% from 2003. The U.S. also continues to steal Iraqi oil, stealing $150 billion worth since the U.S.-led invasion.

Libya war

Establishment perspective:
Something about Qaddafi terrorizing his population and a “civil war” breaking out during the so-called (fake, CIA backed) “Arab Spring”.

The reality: Libya had the only central bank in the world run on genuine state banking lines which exhibited the classic symptoms of full employment, zero inflation and excellent worker’s rights, and in 2010 Qaddafi announced the creation of the gold dinar as a replacement for the settlement of all foreign transactions in a proposed region of over 200 million people; this is why he was murdered.

Ongoing tensions with Iran

Establishment perspective: Iran is a rogue nation sponsoring radical Islamic extremism in the region, developing nuclear weapons and threatening Israel.

The reality: Iran ended oil transactions in U.S. dollars in 2008 and therefore provides a weakening element toward the petrodollar system; as such, it is a major factor in globohomo’s continued aggression against it, and it explains why the CIA regularly sponsors protests in Iran to try to overthrow the political system.

The establishment has done an excellent job maintaining the petrodollar system, even though Iran has successfully gotten off of it, which is a point against globohomo invincibility. That being said, Iran continues to pursue CBDCs along with the rest of the world, they fully went along with the COVID and COVID vaccine narrative, and their banking system, which supposedly is run along Islamic lines, charges interest like every other bank on earth. Therefore it is unclear how independent they actually are from the central bank owners, even though they hate two of globohomo’s national provinces (U.S. and Israel).

Wars against white Christian countries or communities, as part of the overarching white erasure in the West

These are wars that globohomo fights as part of its long-term goal of white erasure. You can see the 3-part post on the goals and motivations of the central bank owners here, but basically they believe that whites and, to an extent, Christians are too resistant to the horrendous, Beast-tier technological neoliberal feudalism system they are bringing into place which is based in the most abject, horrible materialism one can imagine with no freedoms, the most oppressive system in human history, and because of this globohomo wants to wipe them out.

They are approaching this goal both using soft power via economic measures, propaganda, drugs (fentanyl, where the Biden regime proposed removing penalties for trafficking-related offenses), IRS shakedowns (hiring 87,000 new agents to target the middle class) and other non-military means, and as a result of their regular, sustained economic and psychological pressures, along with wildly irresponsibly increasing the African continent’s population by billions unsustainably, the white percentage of the worldwide population has decreased from 25% to 6.5% since 1900.

But they also love to further these goals by military means when they can. Examples include Clinton’s war on Serbia, the Syrian war against Alewite/Christian Assad, the so-called fake, CIA-backed “Arab Spring”, the American Civil War (funded on both sides by the Rothschilds), World War 1, World War 2, the Bolshevik revolution, the Boer Wars, ongoing racial conflicts in South Africa and Zimbabwe approaching white genocide, and Russia/Ukraine.

Unlike forever wars which are deliberately fought to stalemate, and unlike wars to maintain U.S. dollar hegemony to overthrow and execute recalcitrant leaders, the wars against whites and Christians are fought on the basis of group erasure, and so they are fundamentally a different class than the other types of wars. It doesn’t mean that any particular war against whites ramps up to total genocide; it doesn’t, but these wars are fought with a very long-term view with this objective in mind, and the wars always further those ends. In such a conflict globohomo fights no holds-barred; they unleash the highest degree of propaganda, they fight the most ruthlessly and underhandedly, with a clever, creative, extreme bloodlust, more heartlessly than normal people could ever imagine - “Imperium super omnia” - “control above all” - whatever it takes for them to win, regardless of the ethical red-lines crossed or the zero rules of engagement, and regardless of the exceptions to society’s rules they need to distort (per Schmitt). This type of war cannot be compared to U.S. forever-wars or wars to punish a country’s leadership, and those that try are conducting an analysis that wildly misses the mark.

The Second Boer War

Let’s explore the Second Boer War as a prime example of the way in which globohomo fights these types of wars. The Boers had won the First Boer War in 1880-1881, which was a disaster for globohomo which had not lost a war since the American revolution a hundred years earlier, and South Africa gained its independence. But globohomo doesn’t take losses on the chin (see how it subverted America with the first two national banks before finally achieving victory with the Federal Reserve), and it came back with a vengeance in the Second Boer War of 1899-1902, which was supercharged because of vast amounts of gold found in the Transvaal. The Rothschilds initiated the war under flimsy pretexts (much like the Opium Wars) as they wanted total control over the newly found gold reserves.

But they found the Boers to be a surprisingly difficult enemy. Even though the British forces wildly outnumbered and out-equipped the Boers, the Boers conducted guerilla warfare and gradually wore down the British numbers. In response, the British burned down all the Boer houses, farms, and animals in a scorched earth policy, stuck the Boer women and children in concentration camps and deliberately starved them to death until the Boers gave up, which they eventually did, giving the British control over the region and it’s natural resources. Imperium super omnia.

If you want to read a good and brief summary of the Rothschild tactics in this war (which were led by their puppet Alfred Milner) check out this 26 page book “Genocide of the Boers” (it’s free online, click the link) by Stephen Mitford Goodson, a well credentialed South African central banker who turned on his masters.

155,000 women and children were imprisoned in the concentration camps, which was almost 2/3 of the entire Boer population. They were kept on starvation rations, and as a result about 34,000 or 22% of the inmates of the concentration camps died, of whom 27,540 or 81% were under the age of 16. According to Goodson, “The bankers achieved their principal aim of obtaining full control of the gold and other mineral resources of South Africa. They had financed the war in the amount of 222 million British pounds and thereby added a further 132 million to Britain’s national debt. For the Rothschilds the Second Anglo-Boer War was a consummate victory.”


Does anyone today know about what the British did here? Have they ever had to account for it in the modern era? No one knows about it, no one talks about it, no one justifies it, it’s as if it never happened. The media simply dictates what is reality for most people. But it’s an easy parallel to draw this to the hypocrisy of globohomo’s singular, loud focus on the Holocaust when they perpetrated actions like this.


“Imperium super omnia” - “control above all” - is the unstated motto of the world’s central bank owners. Their strategies and objectives are pursued across a multi-decade or longer horizon, and their goals are to create a worldwide population that they control to a level never seen before in human history. They occasionally suffer real setbacks that delay their plans for years - Trump’s 2016 win was not something they planned for, their defeat in the First Boer War, Hitler dramatically outperformed globohomo’s expectations for Germany during World War 2 which scared them, Andrew Jackson dismantled the Rothschild second National Bank - but they have bounced back from each of these setbacks stronger than ever because of their long-term planning and perspective, their ruthlessness and their patience.

If one looks at their actions since taking over the Bank of England if not much earlier, they have gone from victory to victory, with ever increasing power centralization, and appear, especially now when right-wing populism has been smashed and whites are 6.5% of the worldwide population, with an ultra-woke AI and freedom-denying CBDCs about to be (or already being) unleashed onto the public, that things are grimmer than ever. From this perspective they do appear to be close to invincible, at least in the material realm, unless God decides to come down and change the fundamental situation somehow. Perhaps this is a Tower of Babel scenario where humanity’s integration and consolidation happens inexorably — until it is struck down and humanity cast to the winds, shattered and confused. And who knows what such an event would look like?

Illustration of the Tower of Babel

I will be doing a post analyzing the possibilities of a “redneck rebellion” in a future post, but for those looking at history, the three types of globohomo wars absolutely need to be taken into consideration. “Oh, the U.S. failed against a bunch of goat herders in Afghanistan, therefore a heavily armed white Christian population would have no trouble wiping the floor with a decadent, homosexual/transsexual, corrupt ruling oligarchy” is absolutely the wrong analysis and those that push this line of thinking (and there are many of them) are completely and utterly wrong. A victory or defeat can only be ascertained in the context of the pursued reasons for the war by globohomo, and Afghanistan as a “forever war” was an unmitigated success for them. In a redneck rebellion scenario those very naive men on the right would be shocked at globohomo’s extreme aggression with no rules of engagement, extreme and unrelenting propaganda and an unrelenting bloodthirstiness that would make their heads spin.

I hope this post provides a better context for analyzing wars in the context of globohomo’s goals, motivations and abilities.

(read more)

2023-10-09 d

Do unto others as they have done unto you.
(The Golden Rule has no place in politics as blood sport.)

All of sudden pundits are shrieking as they imagine the impending “end of democracy”. That is, that a potential president Trump might follow their lead and could do to them what they did to him: weaponizing the DOJ, FBI, and CIA against political enemies, siccing the administrative state against loud critics, using presidential fiats to override Congress, trying to force, hire, or partner with “independent” media to toe party lines, floating phony conspiracy theories to smear enemies, changing voting laws to alter balloting and on and on. Ironically, the Left did all it could both to push the Trump nomination and then as Lilliputians to tie him down with 91 indictments in efforts to hamstring what they hoped would be soon an intent nominee.

But now they seem terrified, believing that might be empowering the only Republican candidate who would stoop to use their own tactics against themselves—and given the recent polls could become in a position to do so.

2023-10-09 c

As Romans never said, "sic transit gloria capitolina."

DC Rumor Scoop:

Were you surprised to hear Kevin McCarthy let Pelosi and Hoyer keep their exclusive hideaway offices?

Well I’m hearing it was b/c he bad a secret deal with Pelosi where she guaranteed enough Democrat votes for KM if a Motion to Vacate ever came up

Pelosi backstabbed him and didn’t give KM the votes, so McHenry retaliated by forcing Pelosi and Hoyer out of those offices

This is what happens when you make deals with the devils!


2023-10-09 b


Democrats Have Become The Party Of Authoritarianism. They Only Understand Power

The left isn’t bothered by blatant hypocrisy and injustice. So long as they have power, they’re fine with it.

erhaps you saw the news last week that two women in their 70s, Jean Marshall and Joan Bell, are each facing up to 11 years in federal prison for blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic in 2020. Federal prosecutors charged the pair for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which Biden’s Justice Department has been aggressively enforcing against pro-life activists, convicting 26 people last year alone.

You might have also seen, a few weeks earlier, that a 42-year-old North Dakota man who ran over and killed an 18-year-old kid for being a Republican was sentenced to just five years in prison on a manslaughter charge, and with credit for time already served on house arrest, will spend only about four years behind bars.

Seeing these two things, maybe you wondered how it could be that two grandmothers might well spend twice as many years in prison for the nonviolent offence of sitting in front of an abortion clinic as a man who intentionally killed another man for his political beliefs. Maybe you thought, as @politicalmath put it on X (formerly Twitter), that the left needs “to start looking at this situation and admitting that this is not justice. They need to shake themselves awake and realize that their team is utilizing the justice system for political punishment and that this is destabilizing our entire culture.”

You might have thought the same thing recently about the Trump indictments. The hypocrisy is after all outrageous. Questioning an election is okay if Hillary Clinton and Democrats do it (as they did in 2016, 2004, and 2000) but it’s a “criminal conspiracy” if Trump and Republicans do it.

Or consider the draconian prison sentences for Jan. 6 rioters (22 years in one case) compared to the leniency shown to Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters, one of whom was sentenced to just 10 years despite setting a deadly fire in a Minneapolis pawn shop during the 2020 George Floyd riots — and this only after federal prosecutors invoked Martin Luther King Jr. and asked the judge to show leniency.

Or again consider the role of Biden’s Justice Department and FBI in protecting Hunter Biden and the president from congressional investigations that are, as of this writing, still uncovering damning evidence of corruption connected to Hunter’s overseas business schemes. Just this week we learned that two payments totaling more than a quarter-million dollars were wired to Hunter Biden from China, and the beneficiary address listed on the wires was Joe Biden’s home address in Delaware. (At the time the wires were sent, Hunter was living in California.) 

Surely, you might be thinking, not even the most rabid partisans on the left can think that this is justice, or that this will end well for the country. Surely they see the danger of supporting a politicized federal law enforcement bureaucracy that criminalizes the opposition and uses the justice system as a weapon. Even if they don’t denounce it publicly, certainly they’re talking amongst themselves about how terrible this is and how to stop it. Right?

Wrong. To think this way is to misunderstand Democrats and the left completely. No, they’re not worried about any of this. No, they don’t want it to stop, they want it to continue and intensify. They don’t want justice, they want power. 

You don’t have to take my word for it. Increasingly, Democrats will readily admit as much. For example, nearly half of them don’t believe in freedom of speech. A recent RealClear Opinion Research poll found that while solid majorities of Republicans (74 percent) and Independents (61 percent) believe speech should be legal “under any circumstances,” only 55 percent of Democrats agreed.

The same survey found that a third of Democrats think Americans “have too much freedom,” and a majority of them “approve of the government censoring social media content under the rubric of protecting national security.” Worse, about three-quarters of surveyed Democrats think the government has a responsibility to limit “hateful” posts on social media, and they are far more likely than Republicans or Independents to support censorship of political views.

That’s just one survey of course, but it captures a growing trend of authoritarianism on the left. We see it in polls, on college campuses and corporate boardrooms, on social media, and in how the left wields the power of the institutions it has captured, like the FBI and DOJ.

When you see these glaring disparities in how opponents of the Biden regime are treated by the Justice Department and the courts, when you see how corporate media cover the Trump indictments versus how they refuse to cover the Biden corruption scandal, when you see them calling for government censorship of “misinformation” on social media, understand that they are never going to take a step back and consider whether all of this is justice or injustice.

Despite the outdated moniker of “social justice warrior,” leftist Democrats aren’t interested in real justice. They’re interested in gaining and using power. Once they have it, they’ll use it against their enemies. Appealing to their desire for civil comity is futile. They have no use for comity so long as they have power.

This is to say, they won’t stop this until what they are doing to their enemies is in turn done to them. You don’t like left-wing district attorneys indicting the Republican frontrunner ahead of election season? Better find some GOP state attorneys general to indict Hunter and Joe Biden.

You don’t like Attorney General Merrick Garland using the Justice Department to protect a corrupt Biden administration? Better impeach him along with Biden. Don’t like a woke U.S. military funding abortions and gender surgeries on the defense secretary’s say-so? Better do as Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama has done and use all available leverage to stop them

Power is the only language the left understands. So if Americans on the right want to be anything more than a managed opposition — and let’s be honest, plenty of elected Republicans are happy to be exactly that — they had better figure out how to wield the limited power they do have. And they had better hurry.  (read more)

2023-10-09 a




The Rise of Huxwell

Two dystopias are better than one…


Noam Chomsky stopped just one rung shy of perfection with his illuminating book, Manufacturing Consent, about how commercial media work as extensions of government and corporate power to manufacture the consent of the masses. Likewise, Matt Taibbi’s title, Hate, Inc. is a near-perfect indictment of cable and digital news profit models that manufacture and prioritize enmity to the exclusion of the truth and the common good.

Both works fall just one rung shy of perfection, however, not because they aren’t impressive examples of applied critical thought and insight, but because neither consent nor hate are the primary products of commercial media. Rather, they are toxic byproducts of a commercial mass media whose primary product is addiction…

“The effect of mass media is not to elicit belief but to maintain the apparatus of addiction.” — Christopher Lasch

In the early 21st century, we turned the corner from a society in which addiction was the exception to the rule to a society in which addiction became the rule. By 2004, still some years before social media, the smartphone, and streaming media secured their reputations as history’s most perfect narcotics, the average American — according to the Ball State University Middletown Media Studies report (the first large-scale observational study of American media consumption habits) — was already consuming more than eleven hours of media each and every day.

Concurrently, TV Everywhere, the commercial imperative behind the trillion-dollar campaigns for high-speed bandwidth and streaming HDTV, was ordained as the latest media industry mantra — part of an all-hands-on-deck digital blitzkrieg to normalize late-stage addiction.

Since then, hundreds of studies, articles, books, and documentaries have confirmed what anyone with a smartphone, social media account or a teenager already knows or suspects: we are a nation of media addicts — by design. We are, per Stanford addiction researcher Dr. Anna Lembke, a Dopamine Nation. The scientific, theological, and lay juries are in: smartphones, streaming HDTV, and social media are now — by far — the primary narcotics of choice in what I call the Great Age of Addiction.

“Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism.” — Carl Jung

What Carl Jung failed to mention at the time was the practical reason why all addictions are bad: because all addictions — regardless of the narcotics — are manifestations of behavioral excess. As such, they all steal our time and money and freedom — none more ruthlessly or efficiently than our default meta-addiction to all things media and all things digital.

Needless to say, we didn’t just suddenly wake up one morning to discover that we had become a society of media addicts overnight. We became a society of media addicts the same way we became a society of institutions too big to fail. What happened to us (and what we allowed to happen), happened gradually over decades. Like too big to fail, it happened not as an unintended consequence of a failure to plan, or the unfortunate fallout from a lousy plan. Like too big to fail, state-sponsored default addiction is the plan.

“The model of ownership, in a society built round mass consumption, is addiction.”
— Christopher Lasch

In the Great Age of Addiction, the meta-message we hear most is always the same binge-worthy call to action: “Eat all you want,” our digital overlords tell us over and over again. “We’ll make more.” Everything else, like the manufacture of consent and hate, follows…

Of course, commercial mass media’s essential job in a culture of mass consumption is to promote and protect the narrow interests of the ruling elite, who now control virtually all of institutional America, including the corporate media, the technomedia cartel (with the current exception of Twitter), finance, the entertainment industry, academia and public education, all major surveillance and law enforcement agencies, all other major government agencies, and all major NGOs. Institutional dissenters are few and far between in the Great Age of Addiction.

The manufacture of default addiction in the 21st century is a compliance mechanism borrowed straight from the pages of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World — the story of a dystopian society controlled by state-sponsored addiction to soma, sex, and endless entertainment…

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it.” — Aldous Huxley

Our own descent into the grips of state-sponsored default addiction was much accelerated in the early 21st century by the algorithmic tools of digital scale — behavioral targeting, Big Data, and AI — deployed en masse against foreign and domestic populations for the past generation by massive institutions in a classically fascist union of private and government interests.

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." — Benito Mussolini

Predictably, addiction is now a cradle-to-grave relationship for the children of the 21st century, an endless parade of state-sanctioned psychotropics, sexualization, and numerous other substance and behavioral addictions — not least our meta-addiction to all things media and all things digital. Our lives as addicts begin these days in early childhood, usually well before we can read — by design. Understandable, therefore, that the most compelling and intimate relationships in our lives as mass consumers of mass commercial media and just about everything else are the relationships we cultivate with our own narcotics — the same relationships designed to breed compliance, complacency, and consent.

In recent years we have witnessed the addition of yet another dystopian vision to the American cultural stew. Unlike the Huxleyan model, this one is concerned far less with the bemused manufacture of addicted consent, already fait accompli in the Great Age of Addiction, and far more with the iron-fist mechanics of totalitarian enforcement.

After all, even societies like ours, societies whose citizens have been duly converted into passive addicts in order to manufacture compliance and consent on behalf of a ruling elite — must deal with outliers and the occasional rise of populist movements. What is the ruling elite to do with those who refuse or fail to comply?

What, American elites have asked us in recent years, are we to do with the tens of millions of Donald Trump voters, the populist MAGA movement, January 6th rioters, and angry parents who suddenly show up uninvited to school board meetings? What, ask blue-state governors, blue-city mayors, and the W.H.O. are we to do with anti-vax monsters who refuse to comply with covid lockdown, vaccine, and mask mandates? What, the Canadian oligarchs ask, are we to do with all these Nazi rogue truckers? What, ask the movers and shakers of civil society as they step off their private jets in Davos, are we to do with those who deny the science of climate change? What, ask the academicians and public school policy makers are we to do with those who deny gender-affirming care? What, ask the politicians, are we to do with those who deny election results? What, ask the global elite, are we to do with the anti-war Putin sympathizers who threaten the Liberal World Order, refuse to support the battle for democracy and freedom, and casually imperil so many Ukrainian lives?

What happens when the Huxleyan model of manufactured consent and compliance via state-sanctioned addiction fails to keep them all in check? To properly manage these and future populist miscreants, the ruling elite have borrowed from the 20th century’s other great literary dystopia: George Orwell’s 1984. In it, Orwell describes a society ruled and controlled not by state-sponsored default addiction, but by 24/7 surveillance, linguistic thought control, the wholesale manufacture of abject hatred, and jackboot-enforced fear — all state-sponsored and manufactured.

In Orwell’s classic dystopian vision, state-sanctioned violence is converted from something we fear into something we cheer. Each and every morning members of the Outer Party of Oceania are required by the elite Inner Party to participate in the daily Two Minutes Hate — 120 seconds of publicly expressed mob contempt and disgust for fabricated public enemy and terrorist, Emmanuel Goldstein…

In retrospect, the fictional execration of the Two Minutes Hate seems almost quaint when compared to the real thing today, an endless torrent of 1984-inspired venom and vitriol spewed on cable news and social media. More ominously, however, in the past few years the primary focus of our institutionally inspired animus has been turned inward, from foreign to domestic enemies of the state.

Nowadays, the new-and-improved Two Minutes Hate runs 24/7 nonstop, and the fabled Emmanuel Goldstein has been replaced by Donald Trump, his legions of deplorables, and the white-supremacist, transphobic, anti-vax MAGA insurrectionists of January 6th — the day that almost lived in infamy.

To keep today’s unwashed and under-educated working class in line, the ruling elite call upon the mostly white, mostly college educated, and mostly affluent institutional shock troops and street thugs of Wokeism, last deployed en masse in the summer of 2020 to burn down poor black neighborhoods in the name of anti-racism…

poor black neighborhoods in the name of woke anti-racism.

Everything about Wokeism is derivative of 1984, beginning with the perversely dangerous assertion that speech is violence: the epitome of 21st-century DoubleSpeak…

Speech is Violence: the Orwellian mantras of Wokeism…

Further homage to Orwell is everywhere manifest in official Woke vernacular, informed and enhanced at any given moment by an ever-expanding style guide of pandering pronouns and euphemisms designed to confer quasi-scientific status and legitimacy on toxic social contagions like climate change, anti-racism, and critical gender theory — bastard stepchildren of a thoroughly corrupt and kleptocratic academia that sits like a tin crown atop an equally corrupt and kleptocratic public school system. In the end, it seems, social justice or climate justice or racial justice or trans justice or any other form of justice that requires a modifier is nothing more than good old-fashioned mob justice at digital scale.

With almost total control of institutional America — including academia and public education, the technomedia and corporate media giants, corporate finance, the Fortune 100, the DHS, the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, all major NGOs, global think tanks, and the entire surveillance-state apparatus — the Woke machine’s eagerness to jettison civil liberties and resort to political violence whenever it wants is testimony to complete and unmitigated institutional power in the near-total absence of accountability.

Institutionally, America is now a one-party town with the power and will to lavish DEFCON 1 levels of hatred and fear upon half the population of the country with casual disregard. We should be so lucky to confine their hate to only two minutes a day.

Unfortunately, all one-party towns breed intolerance and corruption. As a study in illiberal intolerance that would humble both Big Brother and Mustapha Mond in equal measure, the Wokeists are the ruling elite’s Praetorian Guard in a global class war against poor and middle class people of all colors worldwide. Against you, your family, and your community.

So there you have it: the compliance mechanism of state-sponsored default addiction borrowed from Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World on the one hand paired with the enforcement mechanism of 24/7 surveillance, linguistic thought control, and institutional terror borrowed from George Orwell’s 1984 on the other. Both at digital scale. They come together now as Huxwell — a global 21st-century adaptation of 20th-century totalitarianism.

Huxwell — equal doses of both dystopian visions, equal measures of drug-induced compliance and Stasi-style enforcement — with a little Mary Shelley tossed in for good measure…

Huxwell, however, ain’t your father’s totalitarianism. Three primary factors distinguish 21st-century Huxwellian totalitarianism from its 20th-century counterparts:

  1. Digital scale
    Back in the 20th century, Western totalitarianism was confined to specific nations and cultures. Today, however, it engulfs entire continents like North America, Europe, and Australia. Driven by global institutions of immense digital scale and reach, the totalitarian hegemony of Huxwell follows in the imperial footsteps of Western consumer culture: powered over the past two generations by trillions of microchips and thousands of server farms. And unlike Nazi Germany, Huxwell cannot be crushed by external forces because the forces large enough to crush it are all in league with it.

  2. Rise of the Bureaucrat
    Today’s Western totalitarians, at least those emerging now in Western democracies, are less akin to the larger-than-life fascists of the 20th century —like Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao — and more like your Uncle Joe and Aunt Jacinda. Today’s Western totalitarians are career politicians and unelected apparatchiks: dull, nondescript, and wholly unremarkable except in the power they wield and their unquestioning loyalty to the state. The Huxwellian totalitarians of today personify what Hanna Arendt described as the banality of evil.

  3. The Great Age of Addiction
    Back in the 20th century addiction was still the exception to the rule. In the 21st-century rise of Huxwell, addiction is the rule.

Huxwell: the confluence of state-sponsored default addiction and the institutional tyranny of runaway digital scale. Huxwell: the go-to Chief Compliance Officer and Enforcer-in-Chief — all rolled up into one totalitarian mega-state. Huxwell: a monster designed to crush populist political resistance while the ruling elite ransack the joint. Huxwell, the Great Reset come to life...

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 News and facts for those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio version of reality.

- Unlike all the legacy media, our editorial offices are not in Langley, Virginia.

- You won't catch us fiddling while Western Civilization burns.

Close the windows so you don't hear the mockingbird outside, grab a beer, and see what the hell is going on as we witness the controlled demolition of our society.

- The truth usually comes from one source. It comes quietly, with no heralds. Untruths come from multiple sources, in unison, and incessantly.

- The loudest partisans belong to the smallest parties. The media exaggerate their size and influence.

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If you let them redefine words, they will control language.
If you let them control language, they will control thoughts.
If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you.

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