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2024-03-31 b



The regime requires the assembly-line production
of such idiots to ensure its very survival.
A populace that notices how ridiculous and debased our arts and sciences
have become would overthrow the clown show overnight.

From Enlightenment to Ignorance: Society’s Dangerous Embrace of Stupidity

You are stupid when you gape indifferently at something excellent that you have the power to understand but without understanding it and without caring to.

What would be the state of a society in which a will to stupidity were united with a will to power?

When I first decided to study and teach literature as my life’s vocation, I foresaw the work ahead of me—to learn as much as I could about English letters. Was I still unread in the Victorian novel? That would have to change. Had I a blank area in early American? It would have to be filled. The idea, though, was not simply to cover this and check off that. It was to gain a broad view of the whole, to see the relations of one area to another, to hear Melville in conversation with Milton, to set Jay Gatsby off against Tom Jones, to hear the American strains of confidence and rule-breaking in Walt Whitman, and the no less American strains of reserve and fence-setting in Robert Frost.

But to study English literature is to open yourself to the literature of other nations, because English authors were never reading only English. You cannot have Chaucer without the three great Florentines: Dante, Petrarch, and, especially, Boccaccio. You cannot have the English romantics without the German romantics. If you want to best appreciate what is characteristic of Tudor and Stuart drama, with its boisterous violation of the “unities” of space and time as it whisks you from Rome to Alexandria and back, or lets pass sixteen years as Time himself comes on stage to tell you of it, you should become acquainted with the near contemporary drama of Racine and Corneille just across the water, with its classical concentration of action within a single day.

This, of course, is the work of a lifetime. I continue to learn languages and read literature I have never encountered before. But to call most of it “work” is to mistake its nature. It would be as if a self-described lover of art should drag himself from bed and mutter to his valet, “Dear me, I suppose I must go to the Sistine today. Paintings and paintings, nothing but paintings. Michelangelo, you know. Creation of man all the way to the what’s-it, with devils and bankers going one way and angels and decent sorts going the other. Molesworth, where is your mind wandering? Kindly hold the mirror so I can see myself.”

Yet that, as I see now, is the aim of our schools: to produce spoiled, self-satisfied graduates with the stolidity but not the innocence (and usually not the income) of an upper-class twit—a Bertie Wooster, if Bertie were sullen, debauched, and always in a state of political water-boiling. That is not the same as ignorance. I do not read Sanskrit, so I am largely ignorant of Sanskrit poetry. Had I more years ahead of me than I do, I might learn Sanskrit. I know something of the language, and I am piqued by the theology of Shankara, the greatest of commentators on the Rig-Vega. But I don’t have the years. Meanwhile, I have a Russian Bible that will provide my next re-introduction to the word of God, because when you know a language as poorly as I know Russian, you have to take things very slowly, and when you do that, you often see things that ease and fluency often miss, and these things can be small objects of wonder. It is like having to cross the woods afoot rather than driving along a road that cuts it in half. You might hear the ovenbird that way.

No, ignorance is one thing; we’re all going to be ignorant of most of the things there are to know. It used to be that a titan in mathematics, a Leonhard Euler, could be expert in all the areas of that subject; those days are gone. The topologist may be ignorant of Milton; that depends on his reading. But he is certainly going to be ignorant of most of the other branches of mathematics, simply because he has not got the time for them. Ignorance is one thing. Stupidity is another.

By stupidity, I do not mean mere dullness or sluggishness in the organ of understanding. I mean what the etymology suggests. You are stupid when you gape. The emperor Frederick II was called “Stupor Mundi,” “The Wonder of the World,” and to be stupefied still, in English, might suggest that you are overcome with astonishment. But stupidity has come to denote a gaping that is as far removed from wonder as possible. You are stupid when you gape indifferently at something excellent that you have the power to understand but without understanding it and without caring to, when you are unmoved by a beauty that you have the power to apprehend but you make sure you will not apprehend, when you shut the eyes of your soul against the goodness they might otherwise see.

Suppose you are trying to introduce a savage to a system of writing. He is ignorant of what the scratches and squiggles are supposed to say. Once you show him that they do speak, he should be interested, and if he has a lively mind, he will be like Sequoyah, who brought writing to the Cherokees. But if he has decided beforehand that nothing you have to show him is worth his time, he will be resolutely stupid: gaping on the thing and thinking that it is mere chicanery or foolishness or whatnot.

That sort of stupidity is what our schools are about. They do not teach young people about the glory of Melville, if they teach Melville at all, but about how Melville does or does not fit into some grid work of identity politics, so that the work of art and intelligence itself, Moby-Dick, is left on the shore like a beached whale, dead and stinking, while onlookers in their stupidity hold their noses and pass by.

Nor is Melville an exceptional case. Consider what Milton thought the most beautiful thing in all of creation: the human form, male or female, as expressed most powerfully in the human face. Now consider how far we have gone to deny that such beauty, male or female in its characteristic manifestations, even exists. Suppose I say that ballet dancing or certain kinds of gymnastics most beautifully conform to the willowy beauty of the female body, while such things as weightlifting and football do not. I do not know which will cause me to be reviled more: my sense that the latter is awkward or my sense that the former is graceful and lovely. In this matter, I am required to be stupid and to gape in indifference at the one and the other.

It is the same with marriage and family life. Suppose I see a large family at a reunion. There are three or four generations, about fifty or sixty people in all. That’s by no means a lot, or at least it wasn’t when I was a boy, not when I had twenty-eight aunts and uncles and thirty-nine first cousins, and neighbor children had the like. I should be struck by the sheer human vitality. But if my first thought is that there are too many, that the women must have been pregnant too often, and that birth control would have solved the problem, I am stupid. I am like a savage who would rather dig under bark for grubs than learn how to plant seeds.

Now suppose that this will to stupidity is both the engine and the object of political power. When Sequoyah completed his syllabary of the Cherokee language, it took his people only a couple of years to see what a great gift he had given them. But if I were to say that Americans should learn to honor the religion without which their nation would never have been born and to be grateful for the gifts it conferred, even if they do not themselves believe in its teachings, I might as well hang a sign around my neck, inviting everyone, especially teachers, politicians, professional entertainers, and journalists, to spit on me and to make my name a byword from coast to coast. You must be stupid to be safe.

Readers may think of similar cases. Stupidity, apparently, is no obstacle to success in Google’s AI department; it is the royal road. Stupidity sells; stupidity is all the rage. Only someone stupid before the beauty of man and woman could suppose that a lopping-off here and a pin-the-tail there could turn one into the other, but dare to call out the stupidity, even in private, and you risk your career. I am not to honor my country; I am to be stupid before the contributions it has made to the world. I am not to be enthralled by the wonder of the cell and its intricate design: stupidity must reduce it to random jelly, as stupidity reduces the miraculous human being in the womb, with all its latent powers unfolding, to a wart, a tumor, or a parasite.

Hear, O America, the powers that be, the powers that be are united, and you must be stupid with all your heart and soul and mind and strength, or else. (read more)

-03-31 a

We, however, pray for the microscopic minority that actually suffers from
gender dysphoria. May the Creator of earth and the heavens, He
who never makes mistakes, bless them abundantly.

A lot of people are upset with Biden for declaring Easter to be Trans Day of Visibility, but to be fair, the date of was selected only because the LGBCalendar was already rather full.

The Trans Day of Visibility is March 31. Do not confuse this with the Trans Day of Remembrance, which is November 20.

— Jarvis (@jarvis_best) March 30, 2024


We must also take care to honor Transgender Parent Day (Nov 6) Trans Awareness Week (Nov 13-19) and International Pronoun Day (Oct 20).

Trans is distinct from drag. International Drag Day is July 16.

— Jarvis (@jarvis_best) March 30, 2024




2024-03-27 c


* *
"No one can sow panic and discord in our multinational society. Terrorists have no nationality."

– Russian President, Vladimir Putin.

— DD Geopolitics (@DD_Geopolitics) March 23, 2024


West Desperately Deflects as Ukraine's ISIS Gambit Backfires
The U.S. and friends really, really, really want you to know it wasn’t Ukraine who did the Moscow attacks, it was “ISIS”. Anyone who has even a functionally adult understanding of how the world works will innately comprehend that Ukraine is behind the attack. Of course, it’s possible it was one of its sponsors, the CIA or MI6—but the fact that the CIA claimed to have warned Russia of an impending terror action seems to imply to me that Ukraine had gone rogue, and even the U.S. was not standing with their gravely overreaching gambits.
In this case, it was absolutely paramount that Ukraine had to utilize the services of a third party—so they hired some patsies through an intermediary with a convenient ‘ISIS’ link. But the timing is too ludicrous to believe—it’s akin to the CIA’s ‘best hits’, like the farfetched gas attack Assad carried out just when he had broken the enemy’s back and was winning the war. It’s utterly unbelievable that just as Russia had dealt some unprecedented blows to Ukraine, including a massively crippling air attack, and just as MSM outlets were sputtering out reams of devastating headlines about Ukraine’s impending collapse, ISIS just happens to decide to make a totally uncharacteristic attack in Moscow? You have to be infantilely credulous to believe such improbable coincidences.
Thus, he’s saying that the world banking cabal cannot afford Russia winning the war, because it would initiate a cascade of untold consequences for the monetary hegemonic web they’ve tentacularly enwreathed the entire globe in.
But ultimately, the reason these attacks had to happen, as I said in the beginning, was to mask the ongoing degradation of the Ukrainian armed forces:
We should technically be entering Rasputitsa now until May or early June, but time is now ticking until Russia could be ready to launch its finishing blow offensive on the AFU. Once that happens and Ukraine starts taking inordinately heavy losses again, Zelensky may be faced with no choice but to initiate the heaviest of mobilizations, which could finally set off the powder keg of society against him. Then the real fireworks could begin this summer.
In other words, by pointing a finger at ISIS Khorosan, which, I emphasize, at the moment practically does not exist as an organization (there is only a certain community of tribal gangs),

-03-27 b

"The very fact that within the first 24 hours [after the attack], even before
the fire was put out, the Americans started screaming that it
wasn't Ukraine
, I think, is a piece of incriminating evidence.
I can't classify it otherwise; it is evidence in and of itself,"

US 'Backed Itself Into Corner' By Blaming ISIS For Moscow Attack As Fires Burned: Kremlin

Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova on Wednesday gave an interview to Russian state-run English language media wherein she continued to advance the Kremlin's claims that the Ukrainian government or its Western partners likely had something to do with the the Crocus City Hall terror attack.

She described that it was strange that a Western media narrative coalesced around ISIS being behind the attack even as the mall and concert hall was still on fire and emergency crews were still responding. She said the US government has backed itself "into a corner" given that officials made bold statements too quickly in the aftermath.

"The very fact that within the first 24 hours [after the attack], even before the fire was put out, the Americans started screaming that it wasn't Ukraine, I think, is a piece of incriminating evidence. I can't classify it otherwise; it is evidence in and of itself," Zakharova told Sputnik.

"The second fact to note concerns the clamor by the US that this assuredly was the work of ISIS," Zakharova emphasized. "Of course, the speed with which they were able to [come to such forthright conclusions] is astonishing. It took them only a few hours to get to a microphone, turn on the lights, summon the press, and draw a conclusion about who is to blame for this horribly bloody terrorist attack."

She underscored that all of this demonstrates that US officials "boxed themselves into a corner" because it allowed independent analysts to "[remind] everyone else what ISIS really is." By that, she meant the recent history of the US/Gulf alliance in Syria having fueled the rise of ISIS:

"You are behind all those ISIS-type structures; you – the United States, Great Britain – yourselves brought them into being," she concluded.

During the decade-long proxy war in Syria, the West backed the side that produced the Islamic State. In many instances, the US was even paying the salaries of "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) commanders who were openly cooperating and fighting alongside ISIS and Al-Qaeda terrorists.

Kremlin officials have strongly suggested that ISIS militants were used as proxies for the Friday attack in Moscow on behalf of the Ukrainian or possibly Western governments or intelligence agencies.

On Wednesday the official death toll from Russian authorities in the wake of the terror attack on the Moscow concert hall has reached 140 killed, after more people succumbed to their wounds in the hospital.

In the days following the Crocus City Hall attack, Russian state media has been featuring stories on the 'rise of ISIS' and the West-sponsored jihad in Syria:

President Vladimir Putin in
addressing the terror attack over the weekend vowed to hunt down and punish all perpetrators while also charging that Ukraine prepared a "window" to help the terrorists escape. Since then several more arrests of alleged collaborators and plotter have been made. As for the culprits possibly receiving assistance from Ukraine or Western governments, there's as yet been no clear evidence presented that demonstrates a connection. (read more)

-03-27 a


The Nuland – Budanov – Tajik – Crocus connection

The Russian population has handed to the Kremlin total carte blanche to exercise brutal, maximum punishment – whatever and wherever it takes..

2024-03-26 a


See also:

2024-03-25 c


Trump Bond Reduced To $175 Million At 11th Hour

Update (1233ET): Following the appeals court decision reducing his bond, Trump posted on Truth Social that he will satisfy it.

"We will abide by the decision of the Appellate Division, and post either a bond, equivalent securities, or cash."

*  *  *

A New York court of appeals has significantly reduced the bond required to stop his properties from being seized by authorities from $454 million to $175 million, in order to appeal his New York civil fraud trial.

The decision by a five-judge panel of appellate court judges, comes after the real estate mogul's lawyers argued that it was "impossible" to obtain an appeal bond of $454 million after approaching over 30 surety companies without success. Trump also said he would have to sell properties in a "fire sale" to raise cash.

Had the court denied Trump's request, and he had failed to obtain the full bond amount, Trump was at risk of losing
his bank accounts, followed by some of his properties.

His attorneys had asked the appeals court to either waive the bond requirement or reduce it, arguing that the $464 million judgement against Trump and his family was likely to be overturned on appeal.

In the Monday decision, the appeals court also stayed Engoron's ruling barring Trump from serving as an officer or director of a NY company for three years, and which had barred Trump and his corporate defendants from applying for loans from New York lenders over the same period.

The new order also stayed Engoron's order barring Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump from serving as officers and directors of New York companies for two years.

Trump has 10 days to post the bond. (read more)

See also:


2024-03-25 b

"And yet, somehow, it is the United States that is said to be permanently
scarred by a practice that ended [more than] a century and a half ago.

Black Slavery in the Middle East

It is common to call the enslavement of black Africans “America’s original sin” — the uniquely devastating evil from which all American failures have flowed….

Because there are so few people in the region with black features, it would be plausible to assume that hardly any black slaves were brought in. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The United States abolished the importation of slaves in 1808. Before that, 361,000 African slaves had been imported into English-speaking North America…
By contrast, from the time of the Arab conquest of the Middle East in the seventh century, approximately 14 million black slaves were imported into the area that extends from Morocco through Iran…..

Why had the Middle East not become overwhelmingly black and mulatto?

One reason was extremely high slave mortality. As the Encyclopedia of Islam (second edition, 1960, volume I, page 36) notes, “The high mortality rate which overtook these coloured men in Persia prevented them forming an important element of the population.” I will provide two examples of this

– one from North Africa, the other from Iraq: “Of the Saharan salt mines it is said that no slave lived for more than five years;” and “the black slave gangs that toiled in the salt flats of Basra [Iraq] .. numbering some tens of thousands.. were fed, we are told, on a few handfuls of flour, semolina, and dates.”

In addition, casual mating was not permitted and marriage was discouraged. Consequently, of the 3,000 female slaves emancipated in Zanzibar in 1860, only five percent had ever had a child.

Many of the children born to slave women were murdered. In 1856, the Anti-Slave Reporter observed that in Constantinople, the murder of the babies of black slave women was practiced “as a matter of course and without the least remorse.” As a result, in Constantinople, “it was commonplace for Turkish gentlemen to have numerous [black] concubines, [but] it was rare to see a mulatto.”

As for slave men, many were castrated. Castration was lethal for the large majority of slaves on whom it was inflicted, especially blacks. White eunuchs were produced by merely cutting off their testicles, but blacks were subjected “to the most radical form of castration… level with the abdomen … based on the assumption that blacks had an ungovernable sexual appetite;” “every [black] eunuch represented at the very least 200 Sudanese done to death;” and at the beginning of the tenth century the caliph of Baghdad alone had 7,000 black eunuchs.

Approximately five percent of the maternal ancestry of Middle Eastern Arabs is African (as determined by mitochondrial DNA), but nearly none of their paternal ancestry (as determined by Y chromosomes). So, some of the offspring of mating between Arab men and black slave women survived, but nearly no offspring of black slave men.

In 1825 a British traveler in Egypt wrote, “It is the fashion here … to consider the Negroes as the last link in the chain of humanity, between the monkey tribe and man in intellect.” In fact, “To the present day, in North Africa, a man with Negroid features, even of the highest social status, is sometimes described as ould khadem, ‘the son of a slave woman’;” and “In Arabia even a pariah tribe like Hutaym disdains miscegenation.”

Middle Eastern slavery was horrific not only because of its savagery, but also because it persisted so long. Journalist John Laffin recorded a slave auction he attended in 1956 in Djibouti, to which Arab slavers had brought black captives. Dealers from Arabia bought them for the slave markets of Jedda and Medina.

Men, women and children were brought from the warehouse and paraded on a raised platform.….[Perhaps 200 slaves changed hands while I was present. [Black slaves continued to be imported into the Arabian Peninsula into the 1970s, since slavery remained legal until then in the Sultanates of Muscat and Oman.

There are still slaves in some countries, most notoriously Mauretania, which did not abolish slavery until 1981 and made it a crime only in 2007.
And yet, somehow, it is the United States that is said to be permanently scarred by a practice that ended a century and a half ago.

Sources –

Braudel, Fernand 1981: The Structure of Everyday Life.

Cochran, Gregory and Harpending, Henry 2009: The 10,000 Year explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution.

Eltis David 2001: “The Volume and Structure of the Transatlantic Slave Trade: A Reassessment.” William and Mary Quarterly, 3’d series, 68,1: 17-46

Gordon, Murray 1989: Slavery in the Arab World.

Laffin, John 1982: The Arabs as Master Slavers.

Lewis, Bernard 1990: Race and Slavery in the Middle East: An Historical Enquiry.

Segal, Ronald 2001: Islam’s Black Slaves: The Other Black Diaspora,

Sheriff, Abdul 1987: Slaves, Spices and Ivory in Zanzibar: Integration of an East African Commercial Empire into the World Economy


2024-03-25 a


sub-Saharan Baltimore

2024-03-24 b

The masterminds of the terror attack will be destroyed.

Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation,
Dmitry Medvedev on Telegram:

To the families of those killed in the terrorist attack – sincere condolences, sincere strength to all the loved ones of the victims.

Terrorists understand only retaliatory terror.

No trials or investigations will help if force is not countered by force, and deaths by total executions of terrorists and repressions against their families.
World experience.

If it is established that these are terrorists of the Kiev regime, it is impossible to deal with them and their ideological inspirers differently.

All of them must be found and mercilessly destroyed as terrorists. Including officials of the state that committed such atrocity.

Death for death.

-03-24 a

“All perpetrators, organizers and masterminds behind
this crime will get just and inevitable punishment.“
— President Putin

See also:

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See also:

* *

See also:

SUBBED: One of the detained attackers says he was recruited on telegram for $11,000 to shoot people.

— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) March 23, 2024

Photos of four of the six alleged terrorists are published by Baza
* Fayzov Rivozhdin Zokirjonovich (05/20/2004)
* Ismoilov Rivozhdin Islomovich (09/25/1972)
* Fayzov Muhammad-Sobir Zokirjonovich (05/20/2004)
* Nasramailov Mahamadrasul Zarabidinovich (07/21/1986)
* Safolzoda Shohinjon Abdugaforovich (07/28/2002)
* Nazarov Rustam Isroilovich (01/22/1995).
All of them are citizens of Tajikistan. It is still unknown which of them has been detained.
They bought the Renault Symbol car that lit up on the cameras a little over a week ago from another Tajik in Moscow.

* *
* * *

Location: Moscow, Russia

The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include CONCERTS, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours.

Actions to Take:

Avoid crowds.
Monitor local media for updates.
Be aware of your surroundings.



See also:

Hillary Clinton emails leak: Wikileaks documents claim Democratic nominee ‘thinks Saudi Arabia and Qatar fund Isis’

2024-03-23 c




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 News and facts for those sick and tired of the National Propaganda Radio version of reality.

- Unlike all the legacy media, our editorial offices are not in Langley, Virginia.

- You won't catch us fiddling while Western Civilization burns.

Close the windows so you don't hear the mockingbird outside, grab a beer, and see what the hell is going on as we witness the controlled demolition of our society.

- The truth usually comes from one source. It comes quietly, with no heralds. Untruths come from multiple sources, in unison, and incessantly.

- The loudest partisans belong to the smallest parties. The media exaggerate their size and influence.

No Thanks
If you let them redefine words, they will control language.
If you let them control language, they will control thoughts.
If you let them control thoughts, they will control you. They will own you.

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